One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 469 - Slap and face-slapped general Akadog (24 seeking subscription)

Chapter 469 – ?Slap and face-slapped general Akadog [2/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on Huacheng’s huge gateway island offshore.

Seventeen naval war-class warships, like the same head…Another prehistoric behemoth lined up side by side.

Centered on the warship where the general Akainu was located, left and right: three each, a total of seven warships whose muzzles were pointed in the same direction.

Those are the pirates hiding on the other side of the gate.

The black muzzle carries a terrifying pressure, and the pirates in the door of Ling’s door are all heartbroken.

“Um… General Aka Inu, really intends to kill them all! We are really going to die this time!”

Bucky and the gang wailed into a movie.

Bucky, who thought it was safe, was also dumbfounded.

Immediately, he looked annoyed at the other pirate groups around him.

“Blame you guys, if you didn’t just follow this uncle to hide, uh… can the generals keep an eye on here, let’s do it now, let’s finish the game together.”

Bucky scolded angrily.

Regarding… the accusation of the jumping clown Bucky, Trafalgarro, Cavendish and other pirate captains ignored it.

“Captain, there is really no way to escape now! Are we really going to finish playing?”

Bai Xiong Beibo spoke in a panic.

“Do not”

Trafalgaro took a deep breath and shook his head firmly.

“Today I am still not dead.”

The magician Hawkins affirmed.

“Scarecrow, how accurate is your divination?”

Cavendish, the noble pirate son, questioned.

“Since we are allowed to set foot in this sea and enter this portal, it is enough to explain everything.”

Drake spoke calmly.

There was no trace of fear on his face.

After all, even if things really get to the worst point, he can still showdown.

Now that the beast Kaido is dead, there is not much need for him as a navy undercover who is going to penetrate the beast.

The undercover plan was suspended halfway.

“Things have developed to this point. In that city, the hero will definitely not sit back and watch.”

The Green Pepper, the pillar of the Eight-Treasure Water Army, opened his mouth, a kind and kind old man, completely different from the way he had gone crazy before.

This is naturally due to the restoration of his cone head.

It’s just like the battle of the Arena of Dresrosa in the original plot.

In the battle for crushed fruits not long ago.

Luffy’s green pepper wrapped in a straw hat was shot in the forehead by Luffy’s third gear armed gun.

So the cone that was flattened by Karp’s iron fist bounced out again.

The Cone Dragon Cone Nail reappeared, and the resentment in Green Pepper’s heart that had lasted for more than 20 years also disappeared.

“Da Da” was shortly after the green pepper’s voice fell.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps in the sky.

“Look at the sky!”

Someone yelled.

The people in the door all raised their heads by coincidence, “Look, it’s Teacher Zefa and the others!”

Lucio, the black-haired swordsman, yelled in surprise.(Read more @

“Great, Teacher Zefa and the others are finally here! It’s okay now, Dad, everyone, you can relax, hahaha.”

Long-nosed Usopp spoke easily.

“Great, the people from Hwaseong have finally arrived.”

“Now even the general Akadog has to weigh the consequences.”

“The bastard general, I didn’t even miss the island of our spectators before. When I go back this time, I must arrange for him.”

The reporters who were transferred to the two portal islands were also relieved after being affected by the artillery fire of the killing demon order, and they opened their mouths filled with outrage.

Under the gaze of people’s joy.

In the past, the general black arm Zefa led a total of fifty veterans in a square formation in the air, stepping on neat moon steps and landing on the portal island.


A heavy vent sounded.

Those are the four giants responsible for keeping the gates.

Before the Navy’s warships approached, even the brave and combative giants, Dongli and Broki, the two captains of the Giant Pirates, could not help panicking.

Their strongest combination technique-Elbaff’s Spear: The hegemony can deal with at most a warship.

If these seventeen warships were pressed together, it would be impossible to defend.

“It looks like I can breathe a sigh of relief, gabababa.”

“Yeah, Gujiajiajiajia.”

The two giant captains smiled at each other.

‘Datata’ follows Zefa and his party.

There were neat footsteps in the sky again.

Those are the active commanders of the navy headed by the general Akainu.

Including Fire Mountain, Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Stoloberg, Dalmesia, Bastiu and Maynard seven lieutenants.

And more major generals and colonels.

“Teacher Zefa”

“Mr. Alfred”

“Lieutenant General Dean”


The lieutenant general, the major general and the colonel all yelled.

Bowing to Zefa, Alfred and other veterans.

After all, those old people used to be their teachers, elders, and officers.

“Teacher Zefa”

The general Akainu grinned, and his gaze fell on Zefa.


Zefa snorted coldly, and naturally he wouldn’t give Akinu a good face.

“Teacher Zefa, I haven’t seen you for a few months. I didn’t expect you to have changed so much, teacher.”

The general Aka Inu took off the navy hat on his head and touched his small flat head on his own.

“Sakaski, what do you mean”

Zefa narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Teacher Zefa, and Alfred, all of you, I want to ask where the justice in your hearts is, the pirates are right in front of your eyes. Instead of arresting them, you want to protect them, don’t you have to fight with the sea? Are the thieves ganging up?”

The general Akainu screamed, his words fierce and sharp.

Without saying anything, it put a big hat on the people of Zefa.

“what did you say!!!”

Listening to Akinu’s accusation, all the veterans couldn’t help but feel angry.


“General Sakaski”

“General, your remarks are too much!”

A group of admirals also spoke up one after another.

“Excessively true, but if you want me to apologize, then go and kill those…pirates now.”

Admiral Akinu grinned.


The old man Mu Lian’s face was gloomy, and he was about to step forward, but was stopped by Zefa’s hand.


Mu Lian was puzzled.

“he came.”

Zefa spoke calmly.

The moment Zefa’s voice fell, there was a clear and loud applause.

A big hand was born out of thin air without warning, and came into close contact with the triumphant smile of the general Akainu…

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