One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 470 - Aka Inu is furious Slap again (34 ask for subscription)

Chapter 470 – ?Aka Inu is furious! Slap again! [3/4 ask for subscription]

This content was first published on with a slap in the face.

Crisp and loud.

Suddenly and suddenly.

There is no trace of defense.

Just when the general Aka Inu was so proud and arrogant, he slapped big hats on Zefa and other veterans in the name of righteousness.

A big hand came out without warning.

There was an intimate contact with the provocative and sarcasm face of the general Aka Inu.

This slap shot over the Four Emperor Kaido not long ago.

Even today, even the most powerful general of the navy headquarters, Akadog, is not much better.

Under the amazing power contained in this slap.

The unsuspecting general Aka Inu’s body was like a top, being drawn and flying.

After spinning for two weeks in the volley, after seven hundred and twenty 720 degrees, he finally fell to his knees.

This sudden scene stunned everyone present.

After a while.

“Mr. Sakaski”

“General Sakaski”

“Mr. General”

The generals on the island all recovered and couldn’t help exclaiming one after another.

“What is…”

Lieutenant General Doberman’s face was cold.

“Which mess…”

The Lieutenant General Ghost Spider took a deep breath, and his… thick long hair arched like spider legs.

Yet the next second.

After seeing the full picture of the man who appeared out of thin air after the big hand.

The lieutenant generals of Daubman and Ghost Spider were instantly dumbfounded, and his tight body froze completely, motionless.

“Hero! It’s Mr. Luo Lin, the hero!”

“Mr. Luo Lin!”

“Mr. Luo Lin appeared!”

Dalmesia, Bastiyou and other lieutenants, as well as more generals, all subconsciously exclaimed.

Every face was filled with surprises, excitement and admiration.

“Hero Rolin!”

“It’s the hero Luo Lin!”

The reporters on the island also yelled in excitement.

The flash shot suddenly and flickered.

When Luo Lin appeared, the news spread.

Both inside and outside the island portal are plunged into a boiling ocean.(Read more @

Exciting, excited emotions quickly occupy people’s minds and bodies, and people even ignore the previous astonishing incident of the general Akadog being slapped flying.

Of course, as the general who was beaten in the face, Ke’s heart is naturally not a bit excited.

There was only the anger that almost overflowed his eyes.


The general Akainu slowly got up.

The scorching lava flow dripped from his body and spread.

Turn the lush island land into scorched earth.

The temperature between heaven and earth also rises with the appearance of magma. “Sakaski, calm down.”

Daubman’s face was shocked, and he quickly yelled for reminder.

“I’m calm.”

General Akino stared at Luo Lin indifferently.

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When he noticed the terrifying magma spreading from the arrogant general Akadog.

The smiles on people’s faces because they saw Luo Lin up close.

Under people’s wide-eyed gaze.

Luo Lin stepped forward and walked straight to the land of lava where the terrifying heat was evaporating, the expression on his face was always waveless.

“Da” finally, something that shocked everyone happened.

Luo Lin did not rush, stepping into the terrifying magma of the red dog.

The shoes on Luo Lin’s feet were burned by magma in an instant.


“No, Mr. Luo Lin!”

“That’s magma!!!”

The seamen on the warship, the generals on the island and the reporters all shouted in shock.

However, the next moment, a shocking scene happened again.

Luo Lin, who was walking barefoot in the hot lava, did not suffer any damage at all.

His footsteps are still steady.

To Luo Lin, the scorching magma that is enough to melt the face bones and scum of ordinary people is like ordinary warm water.

There is no lethality at all.

This is simply unreasonable.

But… this man in front of them now.

It is no ordinary person to defeat the legendary heroes of the two big four emperor alliances with their own power.


“This is a hero!”

People marveled.

“Hahaha, this is our boss.”

“It’s totally useless like magma!”

“My boss used to take a bath directly with magma!”

The veterans also shouted in excitement.

Listening to the heroic past described by the veterans, people’s hearts were suddenly even more shocked.

After all, taking a bath with magma is too horrible.

However, what I saw in front of me was compelling to believe.

Even the general Akainu who is magma itself.

At this moment, seeing Luo Lin’s relaxed and freehand appearance in his magma, I couldn’t help but feel astonished.

The whole person was shocked to the point where it could not be added.

“The previous slap was to let you know what it means to respect the teacher and respect the Tao. With you kid, you are not qualified to instruct my brothers to do things.”

Luo Lin stood still about one meter away from the general Aka Inu, and spoke calmly.

At the same time, his right hand was slowly raised.

Looking at Luo Lin’s slap raised again.

Admiral Akinu couldn’t help but shrink his pupils.

There was a strong ominous premonition in his heart.

“What else do you want to do”

The general Akinu yelled violently.

With a big wave of his hand, a wall of scorching magma rushed from the ground and stopped between the two.

However, he still couldn’t stop Luo Lin’s slap from falling.

Luo Lin’s big hand pierced the magma wall unharmed, and once again landed on the swollen left cheek of General Chi Dog.

‘Pop’ is as clear and loud as always…………… ……………………………………………………………………………*.*</:</p;

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Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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