One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 484 - Forty thousand navy enters Hwaseong City (14 seeking subscription)

Chapter 484 – ?Forty thousand navy enters Hwaseong City [1/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on The Huacheng event ended.

The shocking fact that the two emperors of the sea and the four emperors of the beast Kaido died, and Luo Te Lingling lost, set off a stormy sea all over the world.

Whether it is a big country or a small town.

The people in the streets and alleys talked after dinner and were all about the big incident.

The key person is naturally the hero who created this big event.

Thirty-six years ago.

Under the suppression of the big hand called the world government, all the glory that belongs to the hero is taken away.

Even the disarray of the people, and even their thoughts, are strictly controlled and suppressed by the government.

As a result, the hero was covered in dust and completely disappeared in history.

Now thirty-six years later.

The name of the hero Luo Lin spread across the sea once again.

The glory of the past blooms again and is known to the world.

Coupled with the feat of defeating the Four Emperors Alliance.

Two-phase addition.

This time, even the world government can no longer cover the sky with one hand.

With Hwaseong as the center, the pattern and direction of the world has changed…

At this moment.

Alabastan, Hwaseong.

After a night of banquet, after celebrating the victory.

The navy gathered on the Hwaseong Square, under the leadership of the officers, boarded their warships in an orderly manner, preparing to set sail and return to the navy headquarters.

Originally according to the original plan.

After yesterday’s killing order ended, they should return to sail.

Only this time is special.

The Marshal Sengoku, who was far away in the navy headquarters, also acquiesced to their stay.

What the Marshal Warring States never expected was that because of his acquiescence, in just one night, their navy would have ‘lost’ 40,000 men.

The specifications of the Demon Slaying Order for the world-class martial arts conference this time are four times the previous ones.

The navy dispatched a general, Akakin Sakaski.

Ten lieutenants, including hero Kapu, alternate generals such as super elite lieutenant generals such as Gion.

In addition, there are twenty warships of the navy headquarters.

The number of seamen on each warship is around 10,000: the total number is more than 200,000.

This is an unprecedented action in the history of the Navy.

The results achieved are very rich-countless pirates who perished under the order of the Navy to kill demons.

Similarly, their’loss’ is also huge.

The army of more than 200,000 at the time of departure was less than 160,000 when it returned.

That’s a total of forty thousand less.

Of course, this is only a loss for the Navy.

For…Hwaseong, the addition of 40,000 naval forces is a huge gain.

“General Sakaski, what should I do?”

“Sakaski, are you going to stop it?”

“Anyway, the collective retreat of 40,000 people will cause huge amounts.”(Read more @

The Central Warship, Doberman, Ghost Spider and others all had expressions like eating dead flies.

In the morning, when I learned of the joint “Job Hopping” book with four signatures.

It’s them…the veterans who have experienced many battles, the whole person is dumbfounded.

After all, this is a big event that shakes the foundation of their navy.

The naval power that has been cultivated so hard can’t stand the change of jobs like this.

However…In this situation, they really can’t help it.

After all, this is not one or two people.

It was the common will of 40,000 marines.

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If the order is forced, it may trigger a huge backlash.

Cause unimaginable consequences.


“Forget it”

Under the collective eyes of the veterans of the navy, the general Akainu finally spoke.

“Let them go, pass the order, and prepare to return.”

The general Akainu ordered, the expression on his face was dull and inexplicable.

Good moment.

Daubman, Ghost Spider and others reacted, and General Akainu really planned to do nothing this time.

Could it be that I was afraid of being beaten yesterday, and everyone had this idea unconsciously.

Immediately, he shook his head quickly.

By now, this is no longer something they can decide.

Since even the general Akainu said so.

Then… let them go.

If Mr. Warring States initiates a surge in the future, he will never find them first.

Under the command of the general Akainu.

Seventeen warships anchored on the coast of Hwaseong all moved together, ready to set sail.

“Daddy, uncles, then I’ll leave first.”

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel also said goodbye to Alfred and the veterans.

This time the Demon Slaying Order, he acted with Karp, almost… purely watching the show.

Almost did nothing.

If you don’t follow back at this time, I’m afraid it won’t work.

“go Go.”

“Boy flying squirrel, help us to say hello to the old man in the Warring States period after we go back.”

“By the way, thank you again for the great gift from Senguo brother, hahaha.”

The veterans laughed happily.

Hearing that, the Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel’s face was ruined.

Let him talk to the Marshal Sengoku…Isn’t this terrible! Don’t go.

Resolutely don’t go.

The Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel had a reluctant smile on his face, and after a few perfunctory responses, he was busy running away.

“Rode, goodbye! When I deal with the return of the head office, I will return to Mr. Luo Lin.”

“Well, it’s agreed.”

“Enter Lei Luo, no, Lei Luo, I have to work harder here in the future.”

Brigadier General Daikin patted the young man in front of him on the shoulder.

“Yes, Mr. Daikin, I will work hard.”

The young man named Lei Luo makes a fist…

Similar farewell dialogues can be seen everywhere on the coast.

Listening to those… conversations, the faces of the veteran admirals on the warship grew darker.

Several urgent orders were issued in succession.

Depart five minutes early.

Eighteen naval warships connected end to end and left Hwaseong City one after another.

Watching the former navy colleagues go away.

The 40,000 seamen on the square retracted their gazes and turned to look at Luo Lin on the high platform in the middle of the square.

The faces are full of vigor and hope.

Next, here is a new starting point for their lives.

Whether in the navy or here, as long as the justice in their hearts remains the same, nothing will change.

The central high platform of Hwaseong Plaza.

Luo Lin’s gaze swept across the vigorous faces, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth gradually expanded.

“Welcome to Hwaseong!!!”

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