One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 485 - Lecture by Chief Instructor Zefa (24 for subscription)

Chapter 485 – ?Lecture by Chief Instructor Zefa [2/4 for subscription]

This content was first published on “Welcome to Huacheng!!!”

On the high platform of the square, Luo Lin smiled and spoke.

The sound spread through the loudspeaker phone bug throughout the square.

Hwaseong Square, where more than 40,000 people gathered, was first silent.

“Um…oh oh oh oh oh”

Then there burst out loud cheers and noise.

Seeing these vigorous scenes, Luo Lin couldn’t help but feel happy from the bottom of his heart.

With the infusion of these 40,000 youthful vigor, the city will finally not be as deserted as before.

And from now on, the city will be even more lively.

After all, the 40,000 seamen here are not all.

At the celebration banquet last night.

When the first seaman came up with the idea of ​​staying here.

Suddenly, it stirred up waves like a stone.

At least half of the 200,000 marine soldiers present responded.

Except for the 40,000 seamen left behind.

There are also at least 60,000 seamen who have expressed their desire to stay.

If all these 100,000 people really stayed behind.

The Marshal Sengoku, who is far away in the navy headquarters, is afraid that it will not be the first time to kill him.

Of course, it was not because of this that Luo Lin only accepted 40,000 marines.

But because of some other reasons.

Yesterday’s Hwaseong event.

Luo Lin used a series of feats to announce his return to the world.

But there is one more thing, he didn’t make it public.

That’s the whole story about the disappearance of the hero 36 years ago.

It is not the best time to make this public public.

Luo Lin didn’t want to be torn apart with the world government now.

And the reason why he didn’t fully accept one hundred thousand seamen.

It is also based on this consideration.

After all, it doesn’t matter how good his past relationship with the Navy is.

As long as the navy remains one day: under the control of the world government.

Sooner or later, both sides will meet.

Luo Lin knew this.

The veterans know.

But ordinary marines don’t know.(Read more @

Naturally, the huge secrets in it cannot be said.

All they can do is to clearly inform those… hot-headed young marines that after joining Hwaseong, they will no longer be the navy.

This finally awakened those…or for a while…the marines who were paralyzed by alcohol.

Solemnly think about this decision of my own. In the end, I firmly believe that it is the more than 40,000 people on the square who will stay no matter what.

Among them were more than 20,000 generals and marines from two warships rescued by Luo Lin from under the debris of the island.

In addition, there are followers who were attracted by the miracle Luo Lin caused during the Battle of Thousand Sails Island a month ago, etc…

As for the other interested marines, they will return to the navy headquarters first, and then make the final decision after they have fully thought about it.

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“In the future, our Hwaseong Fortress will become more and more lively!”

“Hahahaha, that’s the way it is.”

“In the future, this city will no longer be deserted.”

“Not bad, these young boys are all good.”

“Unexpectedly, in our lifetime, we can still receive a soldier.”

The veterans standing on the second floor of the high platform are all gearing up, with excitement on their faces.

They have not seen this kind of grand occasion for a long time.

Thinking of his boss, Luo Lin finally regained the glory of the past.

The veterans are happy for Luo Lin from the heart.

at this point.

Karp and Zefa, who are Rolin’s closest comrades in arms, are the same.


One says one.

The more people there are in a city, the more important discipline becomes.

“Look, it’s Teacher Zefa.”

“Teacher Zefa is on stage.”

Amidst the excited cheers of the marines, Zefa took the stage and occupied the podium.

“Listen to me, idiots”

Zefa’s loud and majestic voice echoed in the square.

Hear the words.

The more than 40,000 marines on the square were all silent and stood at attention.

As a member of the navy headquarters, how can the marines not care about…the majesty of the chief instructor Zefa.

There are more than a thousand of them, who were once Zefa students and have received severe teachings from Zefa.

For… Zefa’s awe, that comes from the heart.

Looking at the suddenly quiet square, Zefa nodded.

“This is not the headquarters of the navy, and you are no longer seamen, but apart from… this, everything else will not change… Don’t think you can relax and slacken here, you are all clear.”

Zefa reprimanded with majesty.

“Yes, Teacher Zefa.”

More than 40,000 seamen all responded in unison.

“It’s fine to be clear, but…”

Zefa smiled, and the conversation turned.

“But today is special. Take the last chance to have a carnival. It will officially start tomorrow.”

Zefa reminded.

Hear the words.

The marines on the square were taken aback.

“Um…oh oh oh”

Then, cheers started again.


“Big Brother Zefa is really reliable!”

“I’m afraid our boss won’t say these things.”

The veterans all laughed.

“Zefa, thanks.”

On the high platform, Luo Lin also smiled and patted Zefa on the shoulder.

“This is now my Hwaseong Fortress, and it is the root of each of us: Ah.”

Zefa grinned…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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