One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 495 - Golden Lions granddaughter Lolicon Shiji 44

Chapter 495 – ?Golden Lion’s granddaughter! Lolicon Shiji? 【4/4】

This content was first published on Paradise Resort Island, Central Manor.

“President Brother”

The little girl’s pleasant and pleasant cry of surprise sounded.

A little loli with croissants sprang out of the garden and jumped into Luo Lin’s arms.

Just like before, feel free to rub and act like a baby.

“President brother, I haven’t come to see me for so long. I thought my brother had forgotten me.”

Little Lolita spoke bitterly during the Golden Week.

“Haha, I’m sorry, Marian, it’s been a hard time for you.”

Luo Lin gave a haha, and comforted her big hand on Little Lolita’s head during Golden Week.

As a result, the little bit of resentment on Little Lori’s face disappeared without a trace, and only joy was left.

For… the little girls who like Luo Lin, Luo Lin’s head-killing is always so reassuring, it is simply the most wonderful feeling in the world.

No matter how many times, I won’t get bored.

Watching Luo Lin and Little Lolita’s intimate interaction with no one beside the Golden Week,

The golden lion Shiji on the side couldn’t help but lick his lips.

“Okay, okay, Marianne, you go find Nami to play with you first.”

For a moment, Luo Lin put down Little Lori’s Golden Week.

“Is Nami here too?”

Little Lori was suddenly surprised during Golden Week.

“Marian, I’m here.”

Nami on the Golden Ark waved her hand.

At the same time, the mind moved.

A white cloud was born out of thin air at the feet of Little Lori’s Golden Week, and it took her to the sky.

Luo Lin retracted the gaze that fell on the two little girls, turned to look at Shi Ji, his eyes narrowed slightly.

“What’s wrong, Shi Ji, you didn’t show this expression before.”

Luo Lin grinned.

“It’s different now.”

Shi Ji also grinned.

“Where is it different”(Read more @

“I really want to thank this mission, otherwise, how can I recognize such a lovely god-granddaughter.”

Speaking of this, Golden Lion Shiji’s Lao Jue lifted a smile of satisfaction from the heart.

“Fuck granddaughter Marianne?”

Luo Lin asked in astonishment, and his eyes narrowed.

“Yeah, can’t it?”

The corner of Shi Ji’s mouth was slightly lifted, and said proudly.

“As long as Marianne is willing, of course I won’t have any opinions, but I didn’t expect that a guy like Shi Ke would one day.


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I will want relatives.”

Luo Lin couldn’t help but be surprised.

After all, in front of him is the legendary flying big pirate, the golden lion Shiji.

One of the most terrifying people on the sea in the last era.

For a hero like… Golden Lion Shiji, his relatives are dispensable to him.

It is really rare to even think of acknowledging a granddaughter.

“The guy with the white beard has taken a ship of godsons, what’s the matter with me accepting a goddaughter. Marian is so cute and well-behaved, who doesn’t like it.”

The Golden Lion took it for granted.

“Go Go Go Go”

Luo Lin nodded, and immediately narrowed his eyes.

“What is your look in your eyes”

“Ask one last question, don’t want to lie, you can’t lie to me.”


“Ski, you won’t be Lolicon, want to make copper?”

Luo Lin asked solemnly.

A strong threat in her sight meant that as the president of Little Lori’s Golden Week, Luo Lin could be regarded as her guardian for the time being.

Of course, we must ensure her safety and eliminate all hidden dangers.

If the old guy Skee is really bad-hearted, and has any doubts about Little Lolita’s Golden Week.

Then Luo Lin could only give up this useful tool man.

I can’t always blame Little Lolita for Golden Week, isn’t it?

Listening to Luo Lin’s last threatening question, Shi Ji’s old face was instantly clouded.

The two rows of teeth creaked because of irritation.

“You bastard, how is this kind of thing possible, I really just treat Marian as a granddaughter, hello.”

Sky yelled.

“After all, compared to me, you are the real lover Lolita, girl Weiwei, girl Nami, and other girls, they are not a few years older than Marianne, round up, it’s completely… …Lori, that’s it, you still have the face to say me”

Golden Lion Shiji launched a sharp counterattack.

Luo Lin: “…”

“Let’s go, go and see the Shock Boy first.”

Luo Lin was stern and took the first step.

“Don’t change the subject, bastard, I got it right.”

Skee cried out proudly.

“Pop” “Ouch”

Skee hugged his head with both hands and screamed painfully, but his mouth still didn’t seem to converge.

“Lorlin bastard, really irritated from embarrassment, right? Hahahaha.”

‘Bang’… Please download to see the underlined version


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