One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 496 - People are hard to dismantle The strong disguise of the Golden Lion 14

Chapter 496 – ? People are hard to dismantle! The strong disguise of the Golden Lion! 【1/4】

This content was first published on Paradise Island Central Manor.

Hot Spring Villa Annex.

A small single-person hot spring cubicle.

Four chains made of sea-building stone material bound Ainilu’s hands and feet, causing most of his body to sink into the hot spring pool, leaving only one head to breathe.

Under the double suppression of Hailou stone chains and hot spring water, Ainilu’s thunder fruit ability can’t be used at all.

In fact.

Even without this double suppression.

At this moment, Ainilu no longer has the ability to escape.

Yesterday, in the encounter with Golden Lion Shiji.

Against the old spicy flying big pirate Golden Lion Shiji, even if Ainilu has the unparalleled thunder fruit ability, he has no chance of winning.

He was seriously injured by Shi Ji’s domineering and slashing.

Severe wounds caused by slashing can be seen everywhere on the surface of the body.

The hot spring pool is dyed blood.

“Jiehahahaha, the young people have become more and more remarkable these days, even the old man took a full ten minutes to win this thunder kid.”

Golden Lion Shiji is not without bragging.

“ten minutes”

Luo Lin raised his brows slightly.

“Half an hour, half an hour.”

Golden Lion Shiji changed his mouth.

“half an hour”

Luo Lin raised his eyebrows again.

“One hour, one hour is the most.”

The golden lion gritted his teeth.

Even if he was killed, he would not admit the fact that he had fought back and forth with the junior Ainilu for a full half day, and in the end he almost let him run away.

“Ha ha”

Luo Lin laughed, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

People are hard to dismantle.

He didn’t go to dismantle the last strong disguise of this old lion.

The ticking sound of dripping drops sounded.

That was the sound of the crystal blood diamonds leaking from the wound of Luo Lin’s fingertips dripping into the hot spring pool.

When the undead blood in Luo Lin mixed with the water in the pool.

Suddenly, a series of unspeakable and wonderful changes occurred.

It was originally stained with Anilu’s own blood.

The water suddenly became: misty.(Read more @

Then it turned into a blood diamond-like color.

After a while, one suddenly appeared in the hot spring pool.

At the center of the whirlpool is Ainilu, who was seriously injured and fainted.

The bloody light and shadow in the pool gradually shrink towards the center of the whirlpool.

In the end, all of them fell into Anilu’s body, repairing his broken body.

The water in the pool that had been soaked in blood returned to clarity at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.


The slashing wounds that crossed Ainilu’s body were also healed and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Pale complexion caused by excessive blood loss


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It is also to restore some blood.

Witness this miraculous scene with your own eyes.

Rao is also amazed by the knowledgeable Golden Lion Shiji.

Unconsciously, I recalled the experience of the meeting between him and Luo Lin.

When he stepped half of his foot into the death line, Luo Lin used this method to snatch him back from the death god.

He even cured the head disease that had plagued him for more than 20 years.

The rudder that had suppressed half of his power was stripped from his head, so that he would no longer have to suffer the pain of skull crushing.

This method is enough to be called a miracle.

His blood.

His body.

It is indeed the most amazing creation in this world.

It is no wonder that even the world government could not restrain the impulse.


Although Luo Lin’s blood has all kinds of benefits, even if it can really prolong life.

Golden Lion Shiji, who had already experienced it once, didn’t want to come again.

After all, the side effect of this ‘blood’ is really ‘too big’.

Thinking of myself as a flying big pirate, I even chased someone to be a little brother–even a little girl who could be a granddaughter! Golden Lion Shiji only felt that his old face was hot, and he was really embarrassed.

My fame is ruined!!! While the Golden Lion Shiji secretly sighed and sighed, in the hot spring pool, Ainilu’s closed eyes moved, and then slowly opened.

“Ka” and “Ka Ka Ka” Luo Lin flicked his finger.

With a flying finger gun, he easily broke the four strong iron chains that bound his hands and feet, which were mixed with sea floor stones.

Ainilu, who hadn’t recovered, immediately sank into the pool, and then struggled violently to get up.

Under the stimulation of the cold pool water.

His brain, which was close to crashing, finally regained consciousness.

I glanced at it.

When he noticed the golden lion Shiji in the house, Anilu’s eyebrows were erected, and his body tightened again.

However, when I saw another person standing by the pool.

When I saw his god Luo Lin.

The fierce aura that Anilu had just mentioned poured out instantly.

Squat down slowly, kneel down on one knee in the pool.

“I’m extremely sorry, Lord Shen Luolin, his subordinates failed God’s expectations and caused the culprits to wreak havoc on the prison. They really had no face to meet Lord Lord Luolin. They only exiled themselves to apologize. Today I don’t want to, but they are once again given God’s gift. The subordinates are really ashamed of the miracle.”

Ainilu spoke sadly.


Listening to Ainilu’s remarks, Skee on the shore was immediately amused.

“why are you laughing”

Luo Lin glanced at Shi Ji.

“Nothing Nothing”

Skee waved his hand.

I thought that this kind of naive rhetoric was already out of date, and I used it when I was abducted and arrested at the age of six.

However, in the next second, Ling’s Golden Lion Shiji dumbfounded happened…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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