One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 497 - Golden Lion Emma, really fragrant (24 ask for full order)

Chapter 497 – ?Golden Lion: Emma, ​​really fragrant [2/4 ask for full order]

This content was first published on “You…you just let him go like this, and the punishment is not over.”

Golden Lion Shiji widened his old eyes and asked with an incredible expression on his face.

If it is him, treat deserters.

Especially the ‘traitor’ who ran away with his treasure will never rush.

Let alone heal his wounds, he is not tortured as he is not as benevolent as death.

However, right now, Luo Lin let him go so easily.

Is he a saint?

The Golden Lion Shiji repeatedly shook his head, denying this absurd idea of ​​his own.

If Luo Lin were a saint, that would be a ghost.

Whether it was decades ago or now, this guy is a murderous existence.

There were countless pirates who died in his hands, enough to pile up a high mountain.

How could such a killing embryo be a saint? It’s not just Golden Lion Shiji.

When I heard Luo Lin’s so gentle handling.

Even Ainilu, who was ready to accept the harshest punishment from God, couldn’t help being stunned.

“Ha ha”

Luo Lin chuckled and shook his head.

Ainilu was originally a tool man controlled by Luo Lin with his own blood.

The tool man wants to escape when the time is up, so just continue.

Don’t commit the same grace and power as others submissively subordinate.

Moreover, Luo Lin, who has a mind-reading experience, knows that Anilu’s previous self-exile rhetoric is not a lie.

Ainilu’s tool man time does not seem to have arrived.

This is probably related to his beliefs.

That’s why Luo Lin wanted to try. After experiencing God’s mercy, what will happen to Anilu?

It may be possible to extend the tool man’s time to permanent.

If it can be so, it will save a lot of trouble.

In any case, whether it is the prison riot or the self-exile under Anilu’s guilt.

In Luo Lin’s eyes, they were just trivial things.

“Hey, Luo Lin”

Behind him came the shout of Golden Lion Shiji.

“What kind of Ecstasy did you give that kid? That kid is grateful to you now. It’s unusual. It’s really unusual. Even the effect of your blood is not terrifying to such a degree.”

The Golden Lion Shiji caught up with Luo Lin and thought of Anilu who shouted the name of God like a demon.

The old face is full of incredible.

“Ha ha”

Luo Lin still just chuckled at…Golden Lion Shiji’s doubts.

“Don’t you impose punishment on that kid…for this”

The Golden Lion questioned.

“It’s not”

Luo Lin shook his head.

“Why is that”

“Honest children always need some rewards.”

“Honestly, hey, you won’t believe the excuses anymore”

“Is there anything you can’t believe, you think everyone is like you, and I was kidnapped.”(Read more @

Luo Lin grinned.


The expression on Golden Lion Shiji’s face freezes.

I almost forgot, this guy can still read mind, I%!!! “Ski, how about you”

Luo Lin spoke abruptly, with a subtle arc in the corner of his mouth.

“What’s wrong with me”

Shi Ji was taken aback and asked inexplicably.

“I played with the electric shock boy for so long yesterday, his thundering ability should be uncomfortable.”

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Luo Lin smiled.

“Are you kidding me, who is Lao Tzu? But the flying big pirate Golden Lion Shiji, but just a kid, what can I do?”

The golden lion’s mouth insisted.

“is it”

Luo Lin’s right hand was as fast as electricity, patted Shi Ji’s body.


The clothes on the upper body of Skee instantly shattered, revealing the charred body underneath.

“Tsk tusk tusk, this is really serious, do you need me to treat it for you.”

Luo Lin spoke kindly.

“Asshole, don’t even think about it, I won’t call you big brother again in my life.”

Golden Lion Shiji sternly refused, raising his hand to cover the bear’s mouth like a little girl who has gone away, looking at Luo Lin with a look of shame.

Seeing the look of golden lion’s piercing eyes, even Luo Lin shuddered.

Regarding… Luo Lin’s disgusting expression, Golden Lion ignored it.

Eyeballs rolled.

The golden lion seemed to have thought of something, his mouth opened, and a treacherous smile appeared on his old face.

“Rolin, what do you think of Marianne”

The Golden Lion suddenly asked.

“Marian, as my member, is of course an excellent child.”

Luo Lin subconsciously responded.

“What are you asking about this”

“Jiehahaha, when Marianne was here, she was talking about you, the president brother, all day long. Since you also think that girl is good, then wait a few years, when Marianne gets older, I will treat that girl Marry you.”


Golden Lion Shiji laughed.

Rollin: “”

After a while.

Luo Lin reacted.

Even without mind reading, he was fully aware of the meaning of this old lion’s words.

Marrying a granddaughter is false.

This is changing the law to take advantage of him.

“Old Lion, I think you really owe you to clean up.”

Luo Lin squinted his eyes and rattled between his palms.

“Jiehahahaha, you hit me.”

Golden Lion Shiji took a circle in the air proudly.

“it is good”

Luo Lin answered.

Punch out.

The left eye of Golden Lion Shiji was instantly black.

“Fuck, you really hit it, I’m not welcome anymore.”

The Golden Lion said angrily.


Luo Lin did not show weakness.

“Bang Bang Bang” “Wait…, you fight back, don’t release the water, my attack can’t break your defense, and be careful, don’t splash my blood.”

The Golden Lion warned.

“Life and death duel, how can you manage so much, come again.”

Luo Lin’s clear blood was printed on the wound on the golden lion’s body.


The golden lion yelled out loud immediately.

However, only a moment later.

“Jiehahahaha, big brother, your healing power is so fragrant. If I get injured again in the future, I will have to ask you.”

Golden Lion Shiji changed his previous tough attitude.

I completely forgot the vow I had just made, and shouted one by one.

“Haha, Cheng, brother Shi Ji.”

Luo Lin grinned and put away the tape…

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