One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 513 - The disciple of the general green pheasant (24 for complete order)

Chapter 513 – ?The disciple of the general green pheasant [2/4 for complete order]

This content was first published on “Listen well, Giant Pirate, my name is Gurant, and I will be the man who will become the Admiral of the Navy in the future!!!”

The roar of the young man with a flame-like hair reverberated over the portal island, shaking Shiye.

“Chichichi” at the same time.

His left arm wrapped in a special machine suddenly emitted a large amount of hot steam, just like a Zefa pulverizer.

The power of terror is accumulating.

The sea that caused the sea to be rippled in circles.

Feeling the terrifying power contained in the young man’s left arm, the giant captain, the blue ghost Tori, couldn’t help but sink slightly.

A dignified color flashed across his face.

“Gujiajiajiajia, what a great boy, come on.”

The blue ghost Dongli slapped the shield made of Wabo alloy with a huge sword, and was ready to fight.

Next second.

The young Gurant, who aspires to become the king of the navy, has accumulated power in his left arm.

“Moon step”

The air blasted overwhelmedly under his feet.

A conspicuous steam chang rainbow flew across the sky.

He rushed towards the blue ghost Tori on the gateway island.

“Dang” is as crisp as iron strikes, and the sound of “Dang” resounds through the sea.

The shock wave of terrifying power spreads centered on Dongli and Gurant.

The strong wind caused the old trees on the island to tilt and rustle.

The force on the robotic arm of ‘Boom’ Gurant exploded twice.

The special Wabo alloy shield held by the blue ghost Dongli was dented.

Perceiving that increasingly terrifying power, the blue ghost Tori, who was the original captain of the Giant Pirate, could not help but change his face suddenly.

The steps unconsciously retreated, leaving deep footprints on the ground of the island.



“Captain Dongli was beaten backwards by that…little guy!!!”

The giants Cassie and Omoy who had witnessed this shocking scene instantly widened their eyes in surprise.

They looked at each other, all with ghostly expressions on their faces.

“Gababababa, Dongli, you are really good, you were actually forced to retreat by a kid.”

Broki, the red ghost on the neighboring island, laughed.(Read more @

“Shut up, Broki, this little navy monster.”

Green Ghost Dongli spoke in a deep voice.

Looking at the flame head young Gurant, and then at the fist marks on the alloy shield in his hand, his eyelids couldn’t help but jump.

“Fortunately, the new shield that Luo Lin gave me is of special material. If it were the previous one, it might have been broken. This kid is really not easy.”

The blue ghost Tori couldn’t help thinking.



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; At the moment when the giants were secretly shocked, the sound of footsteps suddenly came from the sky.

A slender shadow with long dark blue hair stepped on the moon step.

It was Ai Yin who came to check the situation after receiving the news.

“You are Grant.”

Ai Yin recognized the flame-headed youth on the island below.

“Ayin sauce, um… It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, Ayin sauce!”

Don’t wait: What did the young flame head Gurant say.

Zefa, the double-blade swordsman on the warship, was the first to shout in surprise.

A face that was originally a stylish face instantly turned into a pig brother, just like Sanji.

Looking at the pig brother who stepped on the moon step and approached him, Ai Yin decisively stepped on his face and kicked him into the sea.

“Hahahaha, it really is like this.”

The brawny Navy Burnham laughed.

“Oh, isn’t this Ai Yin, it’s been a long time since I saw you.”

On the coast of the island, Gurant looked at his old acquaintance Ai Yin and couldn’t help grinning.

“Gulant, what are you doing here this time?”

Ai Yin asked.

“We are entrusted by the general Mr. Kuzan to send a letter to the hero Luo Lin.”

Gurant said.

“General Kuzan to Luo Lin… No, Mr. Luo Lin sends a letter”

Ain frowned slightly.

Knowing that it is almost enough to ask here, the next thing is not something she can delve into.

“If this is the case, then follow me in first.”

Ai Yin said calmly.

After saying this, he turned around and returned to the city.

Gurant glanced at the green ghost Dongli.

Although I really want to continue to fight with him, the task is still urgent at the moment.

After all, this is his lazy teacher, what Qian Jingwan asked to entrust him.

It is necessary to ensure that the letter is handed over to that…hero.

Besides, for…that…the legendary hero who defeated the two big four emperors alliance with one person, Gurant was also very curious.


At the bow of the warship, Burnham greeted the pensive Gurant.


Gu Lan nodded and returned with a moon step.

The warship passed through the huge portal, and not far from the front, the magnificent Hwaseong Fortress greeted everyone’s eyes.

Three minutes later.

The warship sailed into the crescent-shaped bay and officially landed in Hwaseong Fortress.

When seeing the people gathered in Hwaseong Square, the faces of Gurant and others on the warship showed extremely shocked expressions…

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