One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 514 - One Piece and the Navy King (34 Seek Subscription)

Chapter 514 – ? One Piece and the Navy King [3/4 Seek Subscription]

This content was first published on The huge Huacheng Square is crowded at this moment.

More than 40,000 soldiers gathered together.

The voices are full of people, and it is very lively.

After three days of exercise and break-in.

What is going on in the square today is… the division of teams.

The 40,000 soldiers who jumped from the Navy were originally in different formations.

The level of strength between each other is also uneven.

For more effective targeted training in the future, but also for the upcoming war.

The establishment of the army is imperative.

Luo Lin has given full power to Sabo to command the thousands of soldiers in the old city of Hwaseong, not counting.

It is now targeting the 40,000 recruits who have recently joined.

From the ability of the individual to be good at the most fundamental moral test.

There is Zefa, the former chief navy instructor, and the assistance of experienced veterans.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

From time to time, there was a shocking uproar and applause from people in the square.

That is to cheer for people who show good results and have outstanding moral performance.

Outside the concentrated testing area of ​​the soldiers, there is also a circle of people next to the power tester numbered 51.

“Rubber Tomahawk”

The vitality boy Straw Hat Road leaped up, and his stretched right leg was like a battle axe and fell on the power tester.

Accompanied by a flash of red light.

The numbers on the tester flickered frantically.

In the end, he stopped at the number of three thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine.

It represents the power of Straw Hat Luffy’s attack.

The power of an ordinary seaman is only about ten:

Dao power of more than six hundred is already a superhuman existence.

And Straw Hat Luffy hit this value when there is no additional armed color, but just a normal attack, which is already very impressive.

It’s not far from the four thousand powers of Rob Lucy, the oldest in nine or eight hundred years.

Under Luo Lin’s awakening and intervention.

The current Straw Hat Luffy is completely different from the original plot at this time.

If it is against Lu Qi again, even without the protagonist’s blood lock halo, it will be enough to win.

“It’s really a little straw hat, next is Nujia, Nujia.”

The shemale Feng Kelei, the golden rooster, was independent, turned around and came to the tester, kicking it off heavily.

Dao power is just over a thousand.

“Interesting, I’ll try it too.”

With an interesting expression on Sauron’s face, three swords were taken out of the sheath.

“stop”(Read more @

The long-nosed Usopp slapped Sauron on the back of his head.

“This is an instrument for testing strength. Don’t chop with a knife, it will break asshole.”

Hearing that, 1 Das on the other side also put down his sharp-edged arm and looked up at the sky.

“Green algae head, let’s watch my performance.”

Sanji smiled triumphantly and dropped his foot.

Road on the tester


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The strength steadily passed two thousand, and finally reached two thousand four hundred.

“Captain Sabo, you also go to the test.”

Someone looked at Sabo.

“Ahahaha, all right.”

Sabo nodded in response and went straight forward.

A punch fell.

The strength tester made of special Wabo alloy shakes.

The number displayed on the meter was finally fixed at five thousand.

‘Wow’ looking at this amazing number, everyone in the room, as well as the Hwaseong recruits who came over curiously, were in an uproar.

“Usopp, Sauron, get out of the way quickly, I want to test again.”

Straw Hat Luffy suddenly said.


Both Usopp and Sauron were stunned.

Turn around and take a look.

But I saw that Luffy had already entered the third gear mode.

“Hey, hey, what are you going to do, Luffy, I want to break this instrument and it won’t work.”

Usopp immediately waved his hands in a panic.

“Rubber rubber elephant gun:”

Ignored Usopp’s reminder.

The always heartless Luffy’s third gear elephant spear: It’s about to fall.

The people who had gathered around the instrument huffed away.

However, at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

There was a sharp breaking wind in the air.

When a vague shadow flashed out, it had already come under the third gear of Straw Hat Luffy:.


Sabo, Krokdal and others all gave a shout.

“Chichi” a large amount of steam envelops the flame-headed young Gurant.

Regarding…Sabo and the others’ questions, Gurant didn’t hear about it.

At this moment.

All his mind is falling on the pitch black giant fist that is about to fall, full of fighting spirit.

The little monster of Hwaseong who is famous in the sea, he has long wanted to know it for a while.

The collision of ‘dong’ fist and fist occurred at this moment.

The powerful shock wave spread with two fists as the center, setting off dust in the sky.

The stalemate was only a moment.

Next second.

A terrifying roar sounded.

The flame-headed young man Gurant’s body slammed heavily into the ground, causing the square of the square to burst.

The straw hat Luffy in the sky turned a few somersaults and finally landed on the ground.

“who are you”

Straw Hat Luffy looked at Gurant who was tens of meters away, tilted his head in confusion.

“My name is Gurant, the man who will become the admiral in the future, how about you”

Gurant spoke confidently.

“My name is Monkey Luffy, and I will be the man who will become One Piece!!!”

The vitality straw hat boy responded loudly.

Gurant: “”

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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