One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 536 - I work for life, why do I need permission from others (14 for subscript

Chapter 536 – ?I work for life, why do I need permission from others [1/4 for subscription]

This content was first published on “Sauro, long time no see!”

Looking at the familiar old person not far ahead, Luo Lin couldn’t help but grin in a big arc.


Sauluo in the cage stared blankly at Luo Lin who was coming step by step.

The expression on a giant’s face went from dullness to joy, and finally turned into excitement, which was beyond words.

“Lorlin Boss”

The giant Sauro’s voice increased more than eight degrees.

The chains that bound his huge body were rustled by the excited Sauro.

There was a soft ‘click’.

Luo Lin’s right hand fell on Sauro’s cage.

Accompanied by the blooming of several glaring white lights, the door locks made of Hailou Stone were neatly shattered.

Then the white light flashed again.

The chains bound to Sauluo also shattered.

After twenty years, Sauro, who had regained his freedom, stomped down for the first time.

A pair of giant hands carefully lifted Luo Lin…

“Boss Luo Lin, you can see it again… Boss, if you come back alive, I will have no regrets even if I die now.”

Sauro stared at the familiar face that was exactly the same as it was decades ago, and his heart was so excited that he couldn’t help himself.

“What silly thing to say, Sauro, everyone is still waiting for you to go back and drink together again.”

Luo Lin volleyed his fingers and flicked.

The index finger and middle finger of the right hand seemed to have crossed the space and pointed on Sauro’s forehead.


Sauro let out a painful cry.

After a while, he laughed silly again.

“Telling thunder, yeah, yeah, boss, you are back, of course everyone on the boat had to get together before, and I also want to have a good drink with everyone again, but…”

Speaking of which.

The smile on Sauluo’s face narrowed, and his face became more solemn.

“Boss Luo Lin, I want to ask you something, you are here today, yes…”

Don’t wait: Sauro finishes.

Luo Lin, standing in the heart of his hand, waved his hand.

“This sea, where I want to go, why do I have to get permission from others.”

Luo Lin said domineeringly.

“Sure enough.”(Read more @

Sauro nodded.


When he saw Robin also appear, he already knew.

Luo Lin came to Push City this time, fearing that he didn’t go through any formal channels.

But as a…intruder in the big prison!!! Thought of this.

Sauro’s expression suddenly became a little nervous.

In Sauro’s heart, he thought that Luo Lin was a naval hero.



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; However, it is for him to push the city forcibly, and it will be charged with robbery because of him.

This is a slander of Luo Lin’s heroic name.

Thinking of this, Sauro felt infinite self-blame in his heart.


Luo Lin, who had read the entanglement of the giant’s subordinates with his mind-reading technique, suddenly let out a dignified cry.


Listening to Luo Lin’s majestic voice, Sauluo stood at attention subconsciously, his body straight.

“Do you still know who I am yours”

Luo Lin yelled.

“You are my boss.”

Sauro answered without hesitation.

“If I can’t even save my little brother, and watch my little brother suffer in hell, what qualifications do I have to be your boss?”

Luo Lin spoke naturally.

“Boss Luo Lin, but…”

“The so-called name of a hero has no meaning to me. What do you have to worry about.”

Luo Lin said quietly.

“Old Luo Lin…big, I know!!!”

The confusion and self-blame on Sauro’s face were gone, and he nodded firmly.

Take one step.

After being imprisoned here twenty years ago, Sauro has left the confinement of the cage for the first time. “That’s right.”

Feeling the change in Sauro’s mentality, Luo Lin also nodded with a smile.

“The outside air is better than the inside.”

Sauluo took a deep breath and said with emotion.

In the same infinite hell, the air quality is of course the same.

The only difference is… the position of oneself is the difference between freedom or not.

“Sauro, it’s my turn to tell you my story this time.”

Robin smiled and wiped the crystals of his eyes.


Sauro nodded, spread his palms, and put Robin on his shoulders.

“Be sure to let me listen to Robin’s adventure story with you and the boss.”

Sauluo spoke with interest.

“The storytelling is better after you go out, Sauro, you take Robin out first, and I will go to meet someone.”

Luo Lin spoke calmly.

After speaking, his figure suddenly flashed and disappeared from the same place.

The reappearance is already in front of another small cell not far away.

Looking at the old man who is still elegant and noble even though he is trapped.

The corners of Luo Lin’s mouth unconsciously set up an arc again.

“Yo, Ryder, an old friend who has been here for so many years, don’t you even plan to say hello?”

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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