One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 537 - Old friends Rollin and Red Earl (24 seeking subscription)

Chapter 537 – ?Old friends? Rollin and Red Earl! [2/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on Promoting the six underground floors of the city, infinite hell.

As the name of the hero Luo Lin spreads and spreads far, the shock and uproar of the prisoners resounds through the entire infinite hell.

However, a certain area in the depths of this prison is still silent.

Not because the prisoners here are strong enough to ignore the shock of another hero of the Navy.

It’s because of that…hero, Luo Lin is here.

Not long ago, the prisoners who had experienced Luo Lin’s domineering and sword intent from afar.

At this moment, when I really saw the legendary hero, I naturally didn’t dare to make the slightest noise.

He didn’t even dare to breathe.

I was afraid that Luo Lin would be annoyed, and he would kill himself.

Although the days of imprisonment are difficult, the prisoners do not want to die.

The prisoners watched with a little envy in horror.

Luo Lin opened the giant Sauro’s cage and lifted the shackles on him.

After a while.

Luo Lin’s figure flashed and disappeared from the prison area of ​​the giant creature.

The reappearance is already in the human detention area.


Looking at Luo Lin who suddenly appeared within ten meters of him.

The prisoners in the cell screamed in panic unconsciously.

After yelling, he was busy raising his hand to cover his mouth, and his wide-open eyes were full of shock.


What made the prisoners desperate did not happen.

The hero is not specifically for them.

The person in the cage that Luo Lin is looking at now is-Earl Red, the lonely red Barlowy Clydefield!!! “Oh, Ryder, an old friend for so many years is here, you don’t even say hello. It really shouldn’t be.”

Luo Lin looked at the elegant old man on the other side of the iron fence and smiled.

Listening to Luo Lin’s familiar greetings, he has always been calm and calm.

The corner of Red Earl Lederfield’s eyes suddenly throbbed unconsciously.(Read more @

It exposed his emotions that couldn’t calm down at this moment.

How can I be calm, how can I ignore it! After all, the man standing on the other side of the iron fence now.

At a certain age in the past, he had left an extremely deep impression on him!!! It was really an unbearable past! If he could, Ryder would never want to think about it again in his life.

However, things backfired.

Just when he almost buried the past, he was ready to advance to the death of the old city with peace of mind.

That one…


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The man who had made him gritted his teeth once again appeared in front of him alive.

Looking at that face that was exactly the same as it was decades ago, without the slightest change.

Red Earl’s usual elegance is no longer.

Take a few deep breaths, trying to suppress the shock in my heart.

However, the memories of the past in my mind…memories emerge uncontrollably one after another.

“You bastard, you are not dead yet.”

Finally, Red Earl Ryder looked up and looked at Luo Lin outside the prison door with a bad expression.

“Ha ha”

Luo Lin grinned.

“I told you a long time ago that I am immortal, but… you, Ryder, haven’t seen you for decades, but you have fallen here, tusk tusk.”

“Why not? I’m tired of staying outside, can’t I change to a leisurely place for the elderly?”

Redfield is no longer alone.

In order to conceal his own dilemma, even the words of advancing the urban pension are subconsciously blurted out.

This kind of outrageous excuse, even a three-year-old will not believe it.

Lederfield seemed to have also reacted, and an old face suddenly showed a constipation-like expression.

Whether it was before or now, it has always been like this.

As long as this man stands here, even if he doesn’t say anything, just looking at it will make him angry, and lose his usual heart.

What made Ryder even more irritating was that Luo Lin didn’t know what method he used at the beginning, and he even learned his innate domineering look at people’s hearts.

It’s all about learning, and even showing off to him, using it on his body, prying into his inner secret.

It’s really hateful.

“Hey, hello, Ryder, why did I show off again? It’s just a pre-judgment in the battle, and the fact that you are a fan of that guy Brooke, I already knew it, but it’s not …From your memory.”

Luo Lin smiled.


The lonely Ryder gritted his teeth and his old face was full of irritation.

He just thought of this stuff.

Luo Lin has already used his tricks to read, it is really… deceiving people too much.

But, even so, what can he do as a prisoner now “Rolin, how is Mr. Brooke now”

After a long time, Ryder finally calmed down his inner turmoil and spoke.

“Brook, that guy is very good, and he is taking care of me now. How do you want to get out of this ghost place? Anyway… it’s rare to come here, and it doesn’t make a difference to bring one or two.”

Luo Lin grinned…

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