One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 541 - Bloodbath advances the city to infinite hell (24 seeking subscriptio

Chapter 541 – ? Bloodbath advances the city to infinite hell! ! ! [2/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on A dazzling white light suddenly lit up in the dim infinite hell, which was extremely eye-catching.

Even if it is far away, it is still clearly visible.

“Director Magellan, look over there, what’s going on”

The prison chief Saru Dess, who was as big as a child, exclaimed.

“Appeared again!!!”

Accompanied by Hannibal’s yelling, infinite hell seemed to be lit up one after another.

The white light spread quickly from the inside to the outside.

“What the hell is going on is terrible!!!”

The deputy chief of guard Domino subconsciously hugged his arms, and his pretty face unconsciously gave birth to a look of horror.

“Well… the light gives me a very dangerous feeling, is that… a hero?”

The head jailer satie twisted his waist nervously.

After a while.

The sound of the ‘click’ of the cell door opening suddenly became a continuum.

The falling sound of the heavy chains of ‘Walala’ is also one after another.

Countless messy footsteps followed.

One after another, bloodthirsty and fierce auras rushed from the depths of the prison.

It’s like one…Another beast goes out of the gate.

Listen to the unusual noises coming from the depths of the prison.

Feel the breath after another that is as terrifying as a fierce beast.

The expressions of Magellan, Domino, and other prison officials changed greatly.

Robin and Sauro, who were also aware of what might happen, couldn’t help but their eyes widened.

Just when everyone was stunned by the shock and horror, Rollin and Red Earl Redfield appeared in the sight of Robin, Sauluo, Magellan and others.



Sauluo took the first step and ran to Luo Lin hurriedly and anxiously.

“Mr. Luo Lin”(Read more @

“Hero Rolin”

Magellan, Domino and others also screamed.

“Oh, Magellan, you are here.”

Rollin grinned and greeted Magellan, then looked at Sauro and Robin.

“It’s okay.”

Luo Lin nodded calmly.

Hearing that, the anxious color on Robin and Sauro’s faces gradually faded.

Since Luo Lin has already said that, what else can they worry about.

Even if it is…the sky is falling, I am not afraid of it!!! Robin and Sauluo can trust Luo Lin completely and unconditionally.

Magellan can barely do it, but Han who only met Luo Lin for the first time today


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Nibal, Domino and others are unable to be calm and comfortable.

“The man next to the hero Luolin… is a big pirate from the last era, and the lonely red Leadfield. I said earlier that there is only one robbery, why is there another one?”

Domino’s beautiful eyes widened, and there was a little grievance between his words.

“Ahaha, sorry sorry, little Domino, I promise there won’t be a third one.”

Luo Lin smiled.

Domino: “…”

No matter how you look at it, this guarantee is not convincing.

There is no third, but there are fourth, fifth…or even the third hundred!!! Under the horrified gaze of Domino and others, the corridors of Infinite Hell are fascinating.

There are chaotic footsteps everywhere.

One after another murderous criminals in prison uniforms appeared in their sight with a breathtaking breath.

“Hero Rolin, Mr. Hero, Giant Sauro and Earl Red are all good, you can take it away if you want. As the director of the future advancement city, I promise not to report to it, but…”

Hannibal strode forward suddenly emotionally.

“These world-class criminals, any one going out is a disaster. If they get into a certain country, it will inevitably cause countless terrible incidents, so they must not be released outside!!!”

The expression on Hannibal’s face was horrified, but at the same time, he rarely brought a trace of determination.

It’s completely different from the silly silly who gags on weekdays.

Although he was a weak and useless deputy director who was afraid of death and stupid, Hannibal also had his own justice.

Before the real big event, the chain will not be dropped.

Seeing Hannibal’s earnest pleading appearance, Luo Lin nodded in approval.

“Boy, I said before that there is no third, but it’s not… I am playing around with you!”

Luo Lin said quietly.

“Then why…”

Domino was puzzled.

“Could it be that”

Magellan seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes widened in shock.

“This infinite hell is too crowded and noisy. I just happened to clean it up for you today. Anyway… it’s all bastards who waste air and food in their lives.”

Luo Lin said indifferently.

Rather than… let the pirates here escape in a major event in the future, it would be more convenient to solve them in advance here now.

It is always good to stifle the danger in the cradle.

In addition, since there is going to be trouble, naturally the bigger the trouble, the better.

What the government and the navy are unwilling to do for various indescribable reasons, he will do it today.

Promote the sixth underground floor of the city, the infinite hell cleaning plan is about to start now!!!… Please download the ununderlined version


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