One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 542 - Only God can do things (34 Seeking subscription)

Chapter 542 – ? Only “God” can do things [3/4 Seeking subscription]

This content was first published on “Da Da Da”



The dim infinite hell is full of figures.

The sound of chaotic footsteps, the sound of chains dragging on the ground, and the triumphant laughter of the prisoners formed a cruel movement.

The terrifying ferocious aura permeated.

A repressive and dangerous atmosphere enveloped the audience.

It’s unconsciously palpitating.

Under the panic gazes of the four of Hannibal, Domino, Little Sati, and Sarudes, the first group of prisoners who escaped from the cage appeared in their sight.


“Hey Hey”

“After spending so many years in this ghost place without the sky, my uncle is finally free!!!”

“The next step is… a new era belonging to this uncle! The sea, wait!”

“Those who caused my uncle being arrested back then, wash your necks and wait!”

The wicked murderers who have escaped from their prisons begin to dream of a free life from now on, where the sea will leap and the sky will be high.

So he involuntarily laughed wanton and publicly.

“Damn it, that’s it, wicked parties, whoever allows you to come out and get acquainted, just get me back to your cell. I will never let you do whatever you want.”

Even though he was panicked, as the deputy director of the big prison-the evil guardian-Hannibal plucked up the courage to stand up.

Regarding…Hannibal’s courageous behavior, Director Magellan also nodded with satisfaction.

“Sure enough, you are my only successor, Hannibal.”

Magellan thought firmly in his heart.

However, only this moment was moved.

“Saru Dess, close the door, let the dog…no, let Magellan.”(Read more @

Hannibal looked righteous.

Magellan and other prison officials: “…”

“Hahahaha, this is not a Magellan bastard.

“Hannibal, you really dare to say the five scumbags!”

“Um…oh, the little Sati and Domino’s deputy guard are also here, they are as beautiful as ever.”

“How about little Sati, in this big prison is just a waste of your youth, let’s go with this uncle, this uncle will protect you for the rest of your life!”

“So Domino’s Deputy Warden will belong to me, and all the sorrows of these years will be vented on her.”



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nbsp; “Hey, don’t think about monopolizing! I haven’t touched a woman for many years!”

“Hahahaha, let’s all play together!!!”

More and more murderers are accumulating from the depths toward the exit of infinite hell.

The prisoners who are only committed to the prison officials who are in charge of their lives and deaths on weekdays, at this moment, there is no more…the slightest fear.

The words are even more unscrupulous.

Even the terrifying warden, Magellan, the Poison Fruit Ability, was present and could not stop them.

After all, now is no better than before.

Without the restrictions of the sea tower stone cage and the chains, their strength can finally be fully utilized.

Those who are eligible to be imprisoned in this infinite hell have a bounty of more than 100 million at the latest.

Now dozens, hundreds of people have gathered together.

No matter how strong the warden Magellan is, how can he suppress all of them at the same time, and he can’t do this kind of thing, I am afraid that there is only God.

Unfortunately, there is no god in this world.

Now after they got out of the prison, the outcome of the matter is doomed.

This deep sea prison advancing city is destined to fall today!!! On the other side, listening to the prisoners treating them as playthings and wanton insulting words, little Sati and Domino’s pretty faces appeared cold and frost.

However, there is also a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

After all, this situation is indeed beyond their ability, and it is not a situation they can deal with.

More than half of the murderers in the infinite hell came out together, this situation is really the worst.

It can be called the most critical event in history that this deep sea prison advance city has encountered.

Even if there is a powerful Director Magellan, I am afraid that he will not be able to suppress it alone.

If anyone in the room could do it…Little Sati and Domino’s mind coincided with the same figure.

So the beautiful eyes all fell on Luo Lin who was standing calmly not far in front.

Under the eager and hopeful gazes of Domino and Sati, Luo Lin finally moved.

A slight footstep came from Luo Lin’s feet.

Hearing is so clear and loud in people’s ears.

It sounded like a thunder in their ears.

In an instant, it attracted the attention of the audience.

The prisoners who had escaped from the cage were silent.

Then his gaze fell on Luo Lin…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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