One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 543 - Unlimited Hell Blood Flows into a River (44 Seek Complete Customization

Chapter 543 – ?Unlimited Hell Blood Flows into a River [4/4 Seek Complete Customization]

This content was first published on “Hero Luo Lin”

Infinite Hell, the sights of hundreds of evil murderers all fell on Luo Lin’s body.

The ferocious and fierce faces carried inexplicable and subtle expressions.

No more… the humble appearance of sighing and crying for help before.

Some are just the self-satisfaction after the purpose plan succeeds and the joking about the so-called heroes who believe their nonsense.

How embarrassed it was that she begged Luo Lin to release them not long ago.

How proud they are now.

At the moment they regained their freedom, all their previous promises to Luo Lin were voided.

This is the pirate! This is the wicked murderers who are advancing the infinite hell of the six underground levels of the city! You can’t believe a word of what they say.

It is most common for the hind feet to break their words just after the fore and hind feet.

It’s not uncommon to talk about the wine beforehand and stabbing you afterwards.

“Well, everyone, don’t you want to be so anxious, let’s say that we can get out of trouble and regain freedom today, but we still have the blessing of this so-called naval hero!”

A pirate prisoner spoke with a playful face.

“Yeah, let’s take a look at what this hero’s trying to say anyway…. It’s not too late for this time.”

Another pirate prisoner agreed.

“What a naive guy? Is such a stupid guy really a naval hero? I really obeyed our promise. I don’t even believe it, hahahaha.”

Another pirate recklessly mocked.

“Yes, yeah, naval hero Luo Lin, I have never heard of this name at all!”

“Hey, bastard hero, don’t you really think that if you let us out, we will be grateful to you and be your dog obediently!”

“Don’t be too naive. If there are only a few people, maybe you really have to rely on your strength, but your mistake is that you let so many of us out at the same time!”

“In this way, even without you, so many of us, wanting to pass Magellan’s level is not easy.”

“Tell you the truth, we all lied to you before, and it’s too late for you to regret it now!”

“The acquaintances just watch it quietly, don’t worry about it, or we can’t guarantee that you will be safe and sound!”

The wicked murderers of Infinite Hell who believed that they were in control of the situation finally revealed their nature.

“By the way, the chick you brought with you just now is also very good, so let this uncle…”

‘Boom’ does not wait: the last pirate prisoner finished.

A cold light flashed in Luo Lin’s calm and indifferent eyes.

In the dark, an invisible terror fell under the pressure on the pirate who was about to speak badly to Robin.

Only for a moment.

The pirate prisoner who has offered a reward of more than 100 million is Bai.

The bones inside the body crackled and made an overwhelmed sound.

“Ahem…puff” coughing.

The turbid blood mixed with internal organs spewed out from the mouth of the pirate prisoner.(Read more @

Finally, with a bang, the pirate prisoner fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

After only a few breaths, there is no more sound.



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In this weird and horrifying scene, the prisoners nearby Ling’s face unconsciously showed extreme horror, and they retreated hurriedly, pulling away from the corpse.

For fear of getting infected with some inexplicable virus, it will end up just like it.

“Damn it, what the hell is going on”

“Is it you hero Luo Lin, what did you do?”

“Or you, Magellan, did you secretly poison him and kill him?”

The prisoners glared at Rollin and Magellan with grim looks.


at last.

Luo Lin, who had been silent for a long time, spoke.

The horrible pressure in the underworld radiated from Luo Lin’s body.

Ling’s prisoners were involuntarily straining their hearts, and their inner warning signs suddenly emerged.

“Hero Luo Lin, you, you…what do you want to do”

A prisoner stammered in horror.

“I never said that I would let you out.”

Luo Lin opened his mouth quietly, his eyes deep.


“what did you say”

Hearing that, all the prisoners were stunned.

“If we don’t let us go out, it’s just… You open our prison!”

“Yes, and don’t you think it’s too late to say this kind of thing now”

“Now this situation can’t tolerate you to decide.”

The pirate prisoners shouted sternly.

“Indeed, I opened your cell, but this is just a choice I give you.”

The corner of Luo Lin’s mouth made an arc.

“What choice”

“The choice between life and death!”

Luo Lin said indifferently.


“What are you kidding?”

“Do you think that you are a god of death can control our life and death.”

“Don’t laugh out of people’s teeth! Now that we are free from bondage, our lives and deaths can no longer be controlled by you bastards!”

The evil murderers of the infinite hell shouted loudly.

“Don’t talk nonsense with him, go with everyone and kill them.”

A prisoner murmured loudly.


“What naval hero Luo Lin has never heard of, let this uncle come and test how many catties you are!”

“Obviously just a kid, but I have been pretending since just now, it’s really very exciting!”

“Don’t get too smug, hero kid!!!”

The fierce personality, the ferocious pirate prisoners shouted one after another.

The dozen or so people who walked in the forefront even moved out together, and shot Luo Lin Bare mercilessly.

The strong wind rushed to his face instantly.

However, the expression on Luo Lin’s face remained indifferent from beginning to end.


The word falls.

‘Puff puff’, ‘Puff puff puff puff puff Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff’

Infinite hell, blood flows into a river!!!… Please download to see the underlined version


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