One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 555 - The meeting between the hero and the commander-in-chief Empty guilt 44

Chapter 555 – ? The meeting between the hero and the commander-in-chief! Empty guilt! 【4/4】

This content was first published on “Luo Lin, long time no see!”

The bow of a government warship has an empty steel frame.

“Ah, it’s been a long time since I saw you, Sora-the commander in chief!”

Rollin responded…

The warship broke through the calm sea, causing waves of the windless sea.

The waves slapped against the walls of the big prison, making a rustling sound while stirring up a few tiny waves, which soon disappeared and returned to silence.

At this moment, the tranquility on the trestle bridge at the entrance to the city is advanced.

Whether it’s the seamen on the arriving government warship, or Robin, Magellan, Sauro or even the Red Earl Lederfield on the trestle bridge, they all have a tacit understanding of maintaining absolute silence.

Silently watched this historic meeting between “Hero” and “Commander in Chief!” After the initial greeting of “Tata”, there was a minute of silence.

The spirit standing on the bow of the warship, the old man with muscles like a dragon finally moved.

The former navy marshal, now the commander-in-chief of the world government’s army, the steel skeleton stepped out in air.

Step by step, step on the atmosphere to advance the city gate trestle.

After a while, he stood still about ten meters away from Luolin.

A pair of old eyes that are still piercing even if they are nearly a hundred, staring at the young man in front of him unblinkingly.

Even in the past few decades, the years have still failed to leave the slightest trace on his body.

Although Ganggukong had already seen this from news reports, it still couldn’t be calming when he saw it.

After all, this is an abnormal phenomenon that is beyond natural common sense.

This immortal body is like a miracle given by God.

If the secret can be broken… Thinking of this, Ganggukong’s complexion suddenly changed.

Ten meters away.

The corner of Luo Lin’s mouth raised a slight arc.

Red Earl Ryder, who was further behind, also had a smile on his old face.

The expression looking at Gang Gukong was full of sarcasm.

How could Gang Gukong, who had been acquainted with Luo Lin and had dealt with Red Earl Ryder more than once, couldn’t figure out the ability that these two people had in common-that was the domineering look and feel that was enough to read people’s hearts.

No one can keep the secret in his heart before the domineering look and feel in front of these two people.

The thoughts and thoughts he had previously subconsciously had already been clearly understood by Rolin and Red Earl Ryder, ‘heard.

Think of this.

The old face of the army commander-in-chief of the world government Gang Gukong couldn’t help but turn white, showing a little panic.

“Sorry, Luo Lin, the old man is not. I just saw that you haven’t changed at all for so many years, and I feel a little bit emotional.”

Gang Gukong hurriedly explained.


Red Earl Ryder sneered.(Read more @

Listening to Ryder’s deep sarcasm, Ganggukong couldn’t help but feel a trace of irritation in his heart.

Originally intending to ignore it, but now he also casts unkind eyes on him.

But soon.

Gang Gu Kong’s sight was once again attracted by Luo Lin.



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; “It’s okay, Commander Kong.”

Luo Lin grinned, without a trace of care on his face.

Because Luo Lin really didn’t care about this kind of thing.

However, for Gang Gukong, Luo Lin’s smile at this time made him feel more guilty.

There seemed to be a soft groan of swords between the heaven and the earth.

In Ganggukong, Magellan and the others stared in astonishment.

Luo Linna had a tough body comparable to that of the Four Emperors Luo Te Lingling, with a split in his fingertips.

Crystal clear, blood permeated out like a blood diamond.

It falls precisely in a small glass container.

“Rolin, what do you mean?”

Seeing Luo Lin’s’self-harm’ behavior, Gang Gu Kong’s expression suddenly changed.

“Mr. Luo Lin”

Magellan was also puzzled.



Robin and Sauro are worried.

“It’s nothing, don’t care, it’s just a small gift. I have been taken care of by you in many places before.”

Luo Lin said lightly.

“I do not need.”

The steel bone said in a hollow voice.

“It’s just a little bit of care. In addition, Commander Kong, you are almost a hundred years old now, just treat it as a 100-year and 100-year-old gift I gave you in advance, and I hope you don’t dislike it.”

Luo Lin spoke calmly.

Nudge with your right hand.

The small bottle containing blood slowly flew in front of the steel bones.

Seeing the diamond-like blood in the small bottle in front of him, Gang Bing Kong’s breathing couldn’t help but rush.

How can he not know the value of this bottle of blood, who has been acquainted with Luo Lin for more than ten years.

Now that he is nearly 100 years old, he has already gone downhill in his life.

Even though it looks strong on the outside, it is already decayed on the inside.

However, the small bottle of blood at the moment can make him glow with a second spring.

Can live at least ten years longer.

This temptation, who can resist the biggest issue of life and death, and who can remain calm, but… life is always going to die.

If you die early, you might be quieter.

The steel bone took a deep breath.

A resolute look appeared on the old face.

Raise your hand and grab the small bottle in front of you.

The hollow palm of the steel bone exerted a slight force.

Cracks appeared on the surface of the glass bottle in the sound of ‘click.’

Eventually it exploded with a bang.

“I have definitely received your thoughts.”

Steel hollow.

“That’s good”

Luo Lin nodded, and the corners of his mouth raised an arc.


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