One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Chapter 556 - Magellan tangled Ganggukong sighed with emotion (14 seeking subscripti

Chapter 556 – ? Magellan tangled! Ganggukong sighed with emotion! [1/4 seeking subscription]

This content was first published on in the central area of ​​the calm and windless zone.

The world’s largest prison advances into the city like a sleeping beast, quietly crawling in the center of the sea.

More than a dozen large naval warships guarded and guarded the area, turning this place into a real copper wall and iron wall.

At a certain moment, dozens of seamen on a standby warship in the fleet outside the prison were urgently transferred under the order of the superior.

Transfer control of the warship to others.

The power equipment was launched, propelling the large warship to gallop on the windless sea and heading for the great route.


On the trestle bridge in front of the Great Deep Sea Prison, Advancing City Director Magellan exhaled a long breath.

A look of relief appeared on a mournful face.

“Mr. Luo Lin, next time I will take the initiative to visit you in Hwaseong. You must never come here again.”

Magellan watched the warship go away, with a wry smile on his face.

Today is like a dream for… Magellan.

First, the personal contact from the Marshal Sengoku from the headquarters informed that there was a danger near the city, which made Magellan’s mind tense to the extreme.

However, it didn’t take long.

In Magellan’s heart, originally tense because of the unknown shock, the uneasy heartstrings were joy and excitement and replacement.

Because after a few decades, the senior mentor who had had a major impact on his life came, and the real body appeared in front of him.

Range: How long Magellan was delighted to reunite with his predecessors.

The second turning point came one after another.

It turns out that his senior, the hero Luo Lin, is…Today’s Jie, who is about to impact the city, is the strongest invader in history’.

Just when Magellan was still immersed in this shock.

Luo Lin has gone straight to the sixth underground level of infinite hell.

By the time he arrived with Hannibal and the others, all the things that should have happened and those that shouldn’t have happened had already happened.

A series of events that could shock everyone for a hundred years happened.

Fortunately, it did not cause any irreversible and terrible consequences.

Although the casualties on the sixth underground floor are large, they are barely acceptable.

The last is… a few minutes ago.

The commander-in-chief of the whole army of the world government is empty.

Magellan originally thought that the commander-in-chief Gang Bone Kong was sent by the government to support the advancement of the city, in order to stop Luo Lin from coming.

He is even ready to meet the impact of the battle between the hero and the commander.

However, after seeing the previous meeting between Luo Lin and Kong in just a few minutes.(Read more @

Many small question marks were born in Magellan’s heart.

Things seem to be different from what he imagined.

As the commander-in-chief of the government’s army, the steel frame is just a simple meeting.

There are also those…clouds and mists, meaningful conversations.

Luo Lin used his own blood as a gift, and Gu Kong took the gift but destroyed it.After that, he even decisively agreed to Luo Lin’s request and presented all kinds of mysterious behaviors of traveling with a warship.

In addition, there is also a change in Luo Lin’s name for Ganggukong.

Obviously, he was called the commander-in-chief before.

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In the end, it became a “general” again, and the words seemed to carry some pleasant meanings.

Regarding… the various honey operations of these big men, Magellan couldn’t help but yell that he couldn’t understand.

Wanting to ask Gang Gu Kong, the commander on the side, opened his mouth and shook his head again.

I dispelled the thought of asking in my heart.

Intuition told him that there must be some shocking secret in this.

Perhaps it was related to the sudden disappearance of Luo Lin 36 years ago.

For him, the less he knows, the better.

“I’m here today, not because of the above command, I just want to see the most promising descendants before.”

Just when Magellan was about to find an opportunity to retreat and return to the infinite hell to preside over the overall situation, the commander Gang Bone suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Magellan had to stop, looked at Gang Bone Kong, nodded, and quietly became a qualified listener.

“If it weren’t for that incident, the person sitting in the Office of the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters would not be the Warring States Period.”

Steel Bone sighed with emotion.

Magellan: “!!!”

Don’t say anything, Commander Kong.

I suppressed my curiosity, what you said… Magellan’s bereaved face was instantly full of entanglement.

However, Ganggu Kong just said so and didn’t say anything.

It seems that he is very secretive about the things of the year.

“What Luolin guy is doing is righteous things that are beneficial to the world. He is still a hero. The hero who has made great contributions should be rewarded, not betrayed.”

Having said this, Ganggukong couldn’t help shaking his head and sighed softly.

Magellan, whose appetite was once again dangled, couldn’t help but breathe out fragrance: “I%!!!”

“Forget it, but it’s just two prisoners. The guy Saulo is still his subordinate. Take it away and take it away.”

The steel bone was relieved.

“By the way, Magellan, Luo Lin should have taken the only two people.”

Gang Gukong looked at Magellan and confirmed.


Magellan nodded blankly, and then shook his head subconsciously.


Upon seeing this, Ganggu Kong couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows, unconsciously giving birth to a bad feeling in his heart.

“What else happened?”

Gang Gu Kong’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Feeling the gaze of Ganggukong’s questioning, the tangled color on Magellan’s face became even worse, and after a while, he sighed helplessly.

There was such a big incident in Infinite Hell, even as the warden, he absolutely couldn’t hide it.

“in fact.……”

Magellan spoke with a dilemma.


The steel bone empty voice that heard what happened in the infinite hell suddenly increased by more than octave.

“Even if you want to behave nonsense, there must be a limit, that guy, next time you meet, you must let him taste the old man’s steel fist!!!”

Ganggukong gritted his teeth’viciously’…

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading


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