Just now I happened to meet Aokiku Kuzan, the former Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and reached a cooperative relationship with him."

"Using his influence within the Navy to get inside information from the Navy Headquarters from him.

In this way, my arrangements will naturally be more appropriate and precise!"

The redhead on the opposite side was a little surprised.

What's the situation? Although the other party has withdrawn from the navy, but with the red-haired understanding of the pheasant, this guy is not the kind of person who can betray the navy.

"You still need to be careful, Aokiji, how do you say it, cooperating with us pirates always feels unreliable.

But it's up to you, and how to decide is up to you."


"Now you are the strongest in the world!"

"There is something that needs our cooperation, even if you say it, we will do our best!"

The red-haired tone was full of anticipation.

"Thanks, red-haired captain, when I have a plan, I will do it right away.

inform you."

Lu En said with a smile.

"Don't forget, you are also a member of our Red Hair Pirates.

Since someone wants to target you now, we have to ask if we agree or not!"

The red-haired tone was full of heroism.

"That's it"

"Boy Luen, if you need any help, just ask!"

"The world government dares to bully our Red-haired Pirates and kill them!"

Buzzing noise came from the phone bug.

This made Lu En's smile even brighter.

Then after a few chats.

Lu En hung up the phone bug.

This communication is mainly to inform the red hair in advance, so that the companions of the red hair pirates can prepare in advance in their hearts.

Avoid Lu En's sudden contact at that time, so as not to let the Red Hair Pirates act in haste without preparation.

"Im, the leader of the Draco, the true head of the world government"

"This game, I am looking forward to who will be the ultimate winner"

Lu En put away the phone bug, his eyes became intriguing.

Look into the endless sea in front of you.

The sea is still calm! But Lu En has already smelled it.

The storm is coming! A terrifying storm is about to sweep across the sea area of ​​the New World at a terrifying speed!

Chapter 856 Akainu's Strategies!Throw the bait!

"It's time to go too."

After sorting out his thoughts, Lu En walked to the edge of the deck fence and glanced back at the direction of the Pirate Ship's warehouse not far away.

Under the cover of the domineering look.

The personnel distribution of the entire pirate ship could not escape his control at all.

These guys, obviously terrified by the prestige of Shattering Swordsman, are still huddled in the warehouse, completely daring to set foot on the deck.

"Okay, you come out."

Lu En shouted in the direction of the warehouse.

For the time being, I have borrowed the other party's territory. Before leaving, I have to say something about my feelings and reason, so that these guys don't realize it later.

In the end.

Lu En admits that he has always been a kind and good person! Not long.

Hundreds of pirates walked out of the warehouse tremblingly, not daring to look directly into Lu En's eyes, and lowered their heads, terrified.

Of course they know what a terrifying existence this is in front of them! This is the strongest in the world! In contrast.

The highest bounty for their entire ship is only [-] million bery, the gap is really too big.

"Big, my lord."

A group of pirates trembled.

"Today I met Aokiji, this news, I don't want to spread this piece of sea.

If you let me know, you know what's going to happen."

Lu En patted one of the pirates on the shoulder and said meaningfully.

"Sir, please rest assured, we will not spread the news about what happened today.

Otherwise, we will be struck by lightning and die!"

In order to survive, a group of pirates panicked.


Lu En didn't stay any longer.

Walking on the moon, he disappeared in the blink of an eye, and disappeared from the sky.

Only a group of pirates were left, paralyzed on the deck with fear on their faces, and their legs were weak.

"Destruction Swordsman"

"I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I would still encounter such a legendary existence!"

Hundreds of pirates trembled in their hearts and could not calm down for a long time.

they feel.

Today's scene is enough to make them unforgettable in this life.

So close, talking with the strongest in the world! This is the great honor of their life! New world.

Navy Headquarters.

Since the collapse of Marin Vando, the new naval headquarters, under the order of the... new marshal, Akainu, has moved to the New World.

Akainu's purpose is very pure! It is to enter the new world! It's a pity.

The new world is now under the control of the four emperors, and the terrifying giants are oppressing the top of the naval headquarters.

Even Akainu doesn't dare to act rashly.

Not to mention today, there is a supreme being that is even more terrifying than the Four Emperors, the only one in this sea, the world's strongest destroyer swordsman whose strength surpasses the Four Emperors! This day.

The headquarters of the navy gathers all the upper echelons.

Lieutenant General and above, all gathered together! Headed by Marshal Akainu, Admiral Kizaru, Fujitora, Green Bull of the Navy Headquarters, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, Ghost Spider, Huoshaoshan, etc.

All major naval figures above the lieutenant admiral level have already come to the conference room.

Watching the scene, many big people, Akainu withdrew his gaze, his face was solemn and serious, meticulous, and he did not show any slack at all.

"Everyone, I think you should all know the main purpose of coming here today!"

Akainu spoke up.

The voice spread, hovering in the ears of everyone present.

Fujitora, Kizaru, and Green Bull remained silent, falling into exceptional silence.

The rest of the lieutenant generals looked solemn.

quite a while.

Akainu said again: "The highest order is issued from above, at all costs, kill the swordsman of destruction.

Now that the army has been dispatched, the commander-in-chief of the steel frame is also ready to set off!"

"The organization is already ready to go, waiting for orders to take action at any time.

And our navy, it's time to deploy most of our manpower."

These words remain in the ears of everyone in the Supreme Order, and it is difficult to dissipate them.

There were a lot of lieutenants gathered at the scene.

But even so.

Over the years, they have rarely heard the highest order issued! Never thought about it.

Just came across it today.

And the mission goal of the highest order is to deal with the destruction, of course they know.

How terrifying the strength of the Destruction Swordsman.

To be praised as the strongest in the world in the past hundred years, is by no means an ordinary person! "Follow the dispatch of the marshal!"

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider took the lead.

"Follow the orders of the marshal!"

A group of lieutenant generals spoke up.

Only the three generals remained silent, but they did not express any dissent.

The highest order, no one can refuse and stay out of it! "Destruction Swordsman"

The faces of Fujitora and Lu Niu, the two newly appointed generals, were a little heavy.

Their strength is the same as the previous generals, they all belong to the monster level.

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