But Rao is so.

When they learned that it was the legendary swordsman who was to be dealt with, they couldn't help feeling heavy, the pressure was huge, and it was firmly suppressed in their hearts.

Although he is an admiral of the naval headquarters, he is the strongest in the world, and the gap is not...a star and a half! Compared with the four emperors.

Their strength will be much less.

Not to mention, the world's strongest shattering swordsman who defeated the Four Emperors! "The sea, it's going to be chaos"

Fujitora closed his eyes and sat on the seat, holding a saber in both hands.

The navy headquarters is also involved in this turmoil. It is really difficult to judge what the outcome will be after the war.

After half an hour.

Akainu stood up from the seat, his voice loud and clear: "That's what it's decided, the meeting is dismissed.

Tomorrow, ready to go, ready to be dispatched at any time, no

Got it wrong!"

"Yes, Marshal!"

A group of lieutenant generals left the conference room with heavy hearts.

They understand.

A great war is about to begin! The Navy Headquarters will also participate in the task of killing the swordsmen of destruction.

They can't figure it out.

When the Navy Headquarters confronts the world's strongest swordsman, what will their result be?

If you want to kill one of the strongest in the world, the difficulty factor is really too high! But it comes from Akainu's order, they can't resist! Besides.

They didn't have the courage to disobey this supreme order! It came from the order issued by the supreme, and they had absolutely no right to refuse it.

This is their duty as vice admirals! With the departure of the vice admirals.

In the huge conference room, only Fujitora, Green Bull, and Kiabou were left.

"I want you three 3 to do a very important thing"

Akainu's eyes were meaningful.


The three generals expressed their doubts one after another.

Yellow Ape didn't care.

Fujitora closed his eyes, his face was expressionless, and he seemed to have no mood swings.

The green cow was lying on the seat with a boring face.

"Recently, I heard that in a certain sea area in the new world, a pirate with good strength appeared.

Are you concerned about this?"

Akainu changed the conversation and pretended to ask.

"You're talking about that... what's it called, I'll think about it."

The green bull scratched his ears and blurted out, "It seems that the guy named Edward Weibull is quite ferocious and caused widespread killings in the new world."

"Countless innocent people died at his hands."

"But I remember, he's not... new.

It's just that over the years, he has never been as high-profile as he has been recently.

With Whitebeard's death, the guy started to show his face."

"He seems to call himself"

"The son of Whitebeard II, Whitebeard, doesn't matter anyway.

What he calls himself has nothing to do with us."

With the introduction of Green Bull.

Fujitora frowned, his expression a little cold.


Kizaru still seemed to have nothing to do with himself, and suddenly said: "Whitebeard II talked about this guy.

I remember that teacher Zefa had an arm cut off by this guy back then."

Zefa Akainu raised his brows.

Of course he is not unfamiliar with this name.

The Admiral of the Navy Headquarters many years ago has taught many excellent navy.


The two generals, including Kizaru and Aokiji, all came from Zefa's teaching! Akainu also heard a little about Zefa's news.

It is said that in the new world, a force called the new navy was established, but it is harmless.

Today, mention this Whitebeard II.

Akainu's target is not Zefa, but this Whitebeard II, a guy named Weibull.

"it's him!"

Akainu took a deep look at the three generals in front of him and commanded earnestly, "I just want you to push this guy named Weibull into the waters of the Red Hair Pirates!"

"It's better to anger him and let him cause a large-scale killing in the waters of the Red-haired Pirates."

The words fall.

Kiwi, Green Ox, and Fujitora are even more puzzled.

This is why "This guy's strength is not weak, it is a bit difficult to kill him.

However, it is very simple to force him into a certain sea area."

Yellow Ape told the truth.

"Do this at the highest speed!"

"Whether the highest order can be completed depends on whether you have done it smoothly this time."

Akainu's tone was solemn.


The yellow monkey waved his hand, his interest waning.

After instructing a few more words, Akainu sent the three admirals of the naval headquarters away.


Akainu was the only one left in the conference room.

His eyes twinkled and he whispered to himself.

"As long as Weibull is forced into the waters under the command of the Red-haired Pirates, with this guy's temper, it is bound to cause a large-scale killing in that sea area!"

"And by coincidence!"

"Destruction Swordsman, while returning to the sea area of ​​the Red Hair Pirates, there is also a great possibility that he will pass through that sea area.

I believe that with the character of the swordsman of destruction, I don't mind getting rid of this guy easily!"

"By then!"

"I just need to arrange enough people to squat around Weibull while he causes a huge slaughter, and then I can wait for the swordsman to come in person."

"The period of time before the arrival of the Destruction Swordsman is enough for us to set up the next one in advance, a super-large fishing net for the powerhouses of the gathering organization, the army, and the navy!"

"One, a fishing net specially designed for destroying the swordsman!"

Think of this.

The smile on Akainu's face was extraordinarily dignified.

"The bait has been thrown smoothly"

"In the end, will the fish be hooked?"

"Then let's wait and see!"

Whitebeard II, Edward Weibull, is the bait in Akainu's words! "But before that."

"You still need to contact the old guys above to prevent them from being unable to respond at that time, let alone cooperating with our navy."


Akainu took out the phone bug and dialed.

Boo Boo! The unique voice of the phone bug quickly wanders from the conference room in all directions to remind you: [-] things to read for collection, recommended

Chapter 857 Whitebeard II Appears!The plan unfolds!

new world.

Approaching the edge of the sea area of ​​the Four Emperors Red-haired Pirates.

Boom! A loud bang resounded through the sky, deafening.

The whole sky seemed to be torn apart.

The loud noise shot straight into the sky, like thunder, and the loud sound rolled and hovered in the clouds.

A golden halo, dazzling and dazzling, is like the second round of scorching sun on the horizon.

When the golden light flashes away.


can be heard.

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