They felt it more deeply.

The world's strongest terrifying power! A face-to-face, before he was serious, he scared away the opposite Weibull, the guy who called himself Whitebeard II.


The terror of Weibull sweeping the island was still imprinted in their minds.

Compare to now.

The embarrassed gesture of Weibull fleeing.

They were suddenly in a trance.

Is this really the same person, how high-spirited Weibull was when facing them! However.

When Master Shattering Swordsman came.

This Weibull, when he fled, was about to shrink his tail, wishing he could grow four legs! "This is the gap!"

"Similarly, it is also the terrible thing about Shattering Swordsman."

"Otherwise you really think that the strongest in the world is just boasting"

Everyone was emotional, and they were even more like a surging river to Lu En.

They are very fortunate to be known as the best in the world in the past [-] years. They were born in their red-haired pirates, and they are fortunate to be the crew members of the red-haired pirates! "Sir, did you just let them escape like this?"

A person weakly could not help reminding.

"Let them run as far as they can run"

Lu En smiled.

These words startled everyone present.

Yea! Try to ask, who can escape in front of the strongest person in the world today because of their trust in Lu En, they choose to stand quietly behind Lu En, their eyes twinkle, and their faces are full of anticipation and excitement. Luen's behavior.


Weibull had fled nearly two hundred meters away.


Lu En moved.

The supreme sword that raised the right arm.

A slash, slash down! 咻!! A sharp and terrifying slash, forced out from the blade, and dashed forward swiftly.

The terrifying slash, like the second round of scorching sun on the horizon, is dazzling and dazzling, making it impossible to look directly at it.

Rumble! Wherever the slash passes, the earth crumbles and shatters.

Boom! A shock

The loud noise resounded above the sky.

This knife destroyed all the mountains within a few kilometers! The sky was torn apart! The whole island was shaken by this knife.


The place where Weibull escaped was abruptly divided by a huge and hideous gap, which became a bottomless dark abyss.

The atmosphere became: extraordinarily silent! Weibull's escape came to an abrupt end.

He looked terrified and stared at the huge gap in the abyss in front of him.

Terrible! Looking back.

Weibull saw the figure holding a blade several hundred meters away, his heart became more and more frightened, his legs were weak, and he was about to be paralyzed on the ground.

"This, this knife"

"I'm going to die!"

Weibull could predict.

If this knife was aimed at him just now, he would be killed in an instant! "The strongest in the world, so powerful"

Weibull was terrified.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and started a more frantic escape.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time! We must escape this ghost place at a faster speed! How can there be such a terrifying monster in this world! Weibull can't imagine it.

It was the first time he saw it.

There is such a terrifying existence! With one knife, the whole island is about to be split open! "Big, lord."

The twenty or so crew members, their faces sluggish and horrified, stared at the bottomless abyss ahead.

They are almost doubting life.

This is really manpower! But to be honest.

This island can withstand a few knives, and if you take down a few knives, the island will be sunk into the sea! "Sir, you will make Paradise Island a waste island."

Someone couldn't help but remind one.

Indeed! If the damage is too severe, the island will not be of much value.

As for restoring the island, no kidding.

The damage is so serious, how much engineering and manpower and material resources are needed to repair it, and it does not match the value of this island! The greater possibility is to abandon the entire island directly! "Okay."

Lu En nodded, and did not intend to continue destroying the island.

The knife just now was just a warm-up.

The next second knife is to be aimed at the master.

"Whitebeard II"

"If you can stop this knife, I'll let you go."

A meaningful smile appeared on Lu En's face.

under the eyes.


Weibull was still fleeing frantically, at an extremely fast speed, and in a blink of an eye he escaped to a distance of a thousand meters, and even the speed was still increasing.

It can be seen from this.

In order to survive, Weibull had tried his best to suckle.

He was completely out of his mind to continue to stay here.

Don't dare to fight with Lu En again! Lu En's strength has left an unparalleled deep impression on Weibull.

In his head, Lu En is the most terrifying devil in this sea! How can people compare with the devil "Flee!"

"I can escape this island!"

Weibull seemed to see hope.

Then back.

A sharp slash followed closely.

Boom! Where the slash slid, the soil was torn open.

The broken stone remains, driven by this terrifying airflow, rose in mid-air and smashed in different directions.


"this, this"

Feeling the movement behind, Weibull suddenly looked back.


He saw it.

This extremely terrifying slash slashed through the island, splitting the ground below the island, with an unparalleled amount of violent violence, aimed at his body.

This slash is too fast! It is too fast to react! For Weibull, only a dazzling halo can be seen.

I can't hide! No matter what, I can't hide! I can only feel it.

That terrifying and violent force swept from behind, and instantly enveloped his body.

The mighty and indescribable force and momentum squeezed every part of Weibull's body.

"Do not!"

"Forgive me!"

"I don't want to die!"

"Please, spare my life.

I have an eighty-year-old mother"

"I can't die!"

Weibull let out hysterical roars and shouts unwillingly, and tears and snot frantically flowed out.

But no matter how unwilling he was, he couldn't stop this fierce slash.

This can be called a slash that destroys the sky and destroys the earth! It's just coercion.

But enough to make Weibull fall into despair.

Under such terrifying oppression, every cell in his body was shaking, trembling all over.

in his eyes.

Slash, infinite magnification.

"Do not!"

A cry full of despair spread far and wide.


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