Slash hit! It penetrates Weibull's body directly and slides farther behind.

In an instant! Pfft! Weibull's entire body turned into a bloody fog.

Seckill! This is Seckill! Self-proclaimed, Whitebeard II Edward Weibull, the son of Whitebeard.

It was a split second! Under the violent and terrifying power of the slash.

Weibull's so-called defensive power is as fragile as a piece of white paper, being torn apart and shattering, it is impossible to stop such a terrifying knife! Boom! A loud noise.

The earth cracked! The entire island was torn apart by a huge and hideous gap, forming a dark abyss.

Chapter 864 The warship sailing from the end of the sea!

This knife is absolutely amazing! Under one knife.

The island is completely shaken! The earth is cracked! It seems that even the sky has been torn apart by a hideous gap.

A ferocious crack spread several kilometers away, dividing the earth in half.

The cracks are like an abyss, dark and bottomless, horrifying.

The power of the slash can be described as extremely terrifying! And Weibull, who was hit directly by the slash.

no doubt.

Weibull is dead.

Instantly killed! Being slashed by Lu En, he was instantly killed! He didn't even have the ability to resist. After the slash hit Weibull's body, the latter's body was torn apart instantly.

The terrifying impact of the slashing attack ripped apart Weibull's body.

As a result, Weibull turned into a bloody fog on the spot and danced gracefully.

The pungent smell of blood filled the air.

The blood mist scattered under the soil, remained on both sides of this hideous crack, and merged into the soil.

One knife! Just one knife, Weibull, who calls himself Whitebeard II, can't even stop Lu En with one knife! This so-called identity of Whitebeard's own son is really a bit pricey.

A knife slashed the earth for several kilometers, and in the process, Weibull was hit by the slash, and his body exploded on the spot and turned into a blood mist, scattered in all directions.

This is Lu En's strength! Known as the most terrifying strength in the world in the past [-] years! Rumbling! A little residual strength still makes the rocks on the edge of this hideous crack crack, reduced to wreckage, and then vented under the abyss , and there was a piercing sound.

This knife is about to split the island! Its speed and strength are already impeccable! The combination of strength and speed makes Weibull unable to avoid it. Defensive power, but still unable to parry, and was torn apart on the spot! The dignified Whitebeard II.

on today.

Who would have imagined that it would be so easy to die.

He was slashed by Lu En for a second! The remaining cracks became the witnesses of Weibull's death! It also made people clearly realize that Weibull suffered a terrifying slash that could not be stopped, and was beheaded on the spot.

The terrifying slash, almost torn apart an island! Weibull couldn't stop it, it was normal.


Lu En withdrew his gaze, and slowly took the supreme knife in his hand back to his waist and carried it.

That slash, which killed Weibull on the spot, was a foregone conclusion.

The terrifying slash that traversed several kilometers made Weibull on the run unable to react at all, and was blown apart by this terrifying slash.

Vaguely visible.

Starting from the place where Lu En was standing, the ferocious crack spread all the way several kilometers away.

On both sides of the crack, the soil was charred black, as if it had been charred.

The smell wafting from the air also carried a burning smell.

This slash is wrapped in shock and burning! Naturally.

It is not without reason that Weibull's body was blasted away on the spot.

This scene.

Falling into the eyes of the twenty or so people behind Lu En made them even more frightened, trembling all over, cold hands and feet, and dull expressions.

Their mood, like a storm, surging wave after wave, could not be calmed down.

This is too terrifying! Human and human, they can't believe it is so terrifying! With one knife, it almost splits the island! "This, this is, the strongest force in the world!"

"With just one knife, Whitebeard II was killed on the spot.

In addition, this island will forever leave a terrifying crack like an abyss!"

"Permanent cracks will remain forever!"

"Manpower, has achieved a feat like a god!"

"I almost thought there was an earthquake on the island just now."

There was a lot of talk.

The scene just now, without a doubt, made each of them just feel terrified.

All of this is too unbelievable! Weibull is indeed dead.

They will not doubt this.

It was just the horror of that slash that was deeply imprinted in their minds.

Have they ever met.

A swordsman's slash can be so terrifying! With a slash from a distance of a thousand meters, Weibull is seconds away! Weibull is known as Whitebeard II, yet to be verified.

But no one will doubt that Weibull's own strength is tyrannical.

But such a powerful monster.

escaped a thousand meters.

Even so, they were still separated by a thousand meters, and Weibull was killed by a knife! Who else could do it except for the smashing swordsman Lu En! This made everyone's mood become more and more shocking, and the eyes looking at Lu En were full of A sense of worship.

This is the top powerhouse in their minds! The most powerful existence in the world! Only by seeing them with their own eyes can they deeply appreciate how amazing it is to be called the most powerful force in the world!" After a second of Weibull, it also left an indelible mark on this island."

"This is the abyss"

Their eyes turned, and they were fixed on the dark crack in front of them.

At a glance, you can't see the ground! It's too dark.

Not even the sun can shine on it.

Like a demon with open fangs and devoured everything, even Yangguan was devoured.

Looking at it for a long time, it makes people shudder! "Human power cannot be done, only divine power can do it!"

"Lord Shattering Swordsman, with manpower, can be compared to gods!"

"The existence of this kind of power is beyond the scope of human beings!"

Twenty people turned into little fans and looked at Lu En's back with admiration.

It's only been less than a few minutes since Lu En took action.


Weibull is dead.

If only Lu En wanted to warm up.

With the first strike, Weibull was already dead.

It can be seen from this.

Facing the most powerful existence in the world like Lu En, a guy like Weibull is simply vulnerable.

But if you look at the sea.

Weibull's strength can definitely be said to be among the best! At least.

Ordinary Shichibukai can never be compared with Weibull.

Of the three major generals alone, Weibull has the ability to fight a dozen alone.

It was a monster with such tyrannical strength, but it was slashed by Lu En.

from here.

more revealing.

The world's strongest, after all, the world's strongest! Weibull, compared to Lu En, is too far behind, like a gulf! "After solving one, there is still another."

"That woman, although she doesn't have much strength, is still a trouble to keep. It is better to solve it as soon as possible to avoid more troubles in the future."

"I don't like trouble, especially the trouble these little fish give me.

Therefore, we can only get rid of these troubles as soon as possible!"

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly, looking in a certain direction.

Can he escape? He could have imagined that if he let this woman run away.

In the future, it may cause some troubles.

Although for Lu En, these troubles are not troubles.

But when the trouble accumulates, it will still waste some time for him to deal with it.


solve it in advance.

Once and for all! This is a good way! So.

Lu En's whole body began to spread an extremely majestic sight, with himself as the center point, showing a circular spread, rapidly spreading to farther places.

Seeing and hearing, covering a few kilometers around the area! "I found it."

Lu En's eyes flickered, and his expression subsided.

"It seems that you who escaped ahead of time won't be able to run anywhere."


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