Thirty-two and 32 warships have gathered in the same sea area, surrounding the Paradise Island where Luen is located in all directions! It can be imagined from this.

The importance the world government treats to Lu.

Chapter 866 The three generals are here!Akainu is here!


"In order to deal with me alone, thirty-two and thirty-two top-level warships were dispatched directly!"

"My face is still quite big."

Lu En, walking on the moon, is located hundreds of meters above Paradise Island, looking down.

Visible to the naked eye.

Thirty-two and 32 warships have completely surrounded every corner of the outer waters of Paradise Island, making it impenetrable, and not even a fly can fly out.

This kind of battle, to be honest, is also the first time Lu En has seen.

The world government seems to have made a lot of money in order to treat itself! Of course.

Of these thirty-two and thirty-two warships, in Lu En's judgment, most of them should have come from the Navy Headquarters.

It was the Navy Headquarters who suffered the hemorrhage this time.

"Since all thirty-two and thirty-two warships have been dispatched.

Presumably, the high-end combat power of the navy has also come to the scene.

Otherwise, no matter how many warships come, it will be meaningless!"

"Let me see, there are a few more people at the lieutenant general level."

Lu En's eyes flickered, and he continued to observe the four directions of the sea.

After the warship approached the coast of Paradise Island, he could see more clearly these naval figures on the deck of the warship.


Lu En captured the figure of a lieutenant general.

The first time I saw the lieutenant general, the flying squirrel! The flying squirrel lieutenant general who had a fight with Lu En once.

Seeing the flying squirrel, Lu En couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

It is a long time ago that I remember fighting with flying squirrels.

At that time, his strength was still a little weak, and he was far away from the general.

The general, to himself at that time, was a lofty and unattainable mountain! The encounter with the flying squirrel again was never expected to be so dramatic.

"The current general, in my eyes, can only be regarded as a not weak character, that's all.

If it's one-on-one, I'll kill the general, it's not too easy."

Lu En is not... exaggerating.

Now with Lu En's strength, it is not impossible to kill the four emperors.

As for the general Lu En who wants to kill, he can still kill it! The difficulty is naturally not without.

But it wasn't as difficult as I imagined.

The prerequisite for beheading the general is that Lu En needs to be one-on-one with the general.

If Lu En wants to kill the general, the difficulty factor will also become much higher.

"Flying Squirrel, Ghost Spider, Huoshaoshan, Dauberman and more"

"Preliminary estimates."

"A total of thirteen lieutenant generals are here!"

"It's a terrifying battle, just to deal with me, is it worth deploying so much power?"

Lu En smiled.

Thirteen generals, thirty-two and 32 top-level warships! How terrifying is this power. Every warship represents at least a thousand elites in the navy, not the trash in the navy.

The navies that can be selected for warships are the elite of the elite! From here, we can make a preliminary estimate.

Thirty-two and 32 warships, the accumulated number, at least no less than [-] elite navies, have come to this sea area near Paradise Island.

In addition to the [-] elite navies, there are also thirteen lieutenant generals! As for the number of generals, Lu En still can't see the figure of generals.

On the contrary.

Apart from the navy, Lu En saw some figures of men in black suits and sunglasses.

These guys, if not the army, should be the organization! As for the number, Lu En can't judge.

"The world government, it's going to be real!"

"Not only...the navy has been dispatched, but even the organization has been dispatched.

You must know that the organization is the lifeblood of them, and the elite they formed with great difficulty."

"I never thought."

"To deal with me today, they are willing to send elite agents from so many organizations."

"I think I should be honored indeed."

Lu En was not flustered at all, on the contrary, he became more interested.

Unprecedented battles! Just to deal with myself.

This kind of glory is unheard of! Even in the past against Roger, Whitebeard and the others, there has never been such a situation where all the forces of the World Government are dispatched together.

Who would have thought.

Now, in order to deal with only one person in Lu En, so many fighting forces have been dispatched at the same time! There is no doubt.

Today, the thirty-two and thirty-two warships gathered in the waters near Paradise Island, their combined overall combat power is bound to be larger than the war on the top.

On top of the war, no organization has intervened in it.

And this time, in order to deal with Lu En.

The world government does not hesitate to adjust the organization, which shows their determination to deal with Lu En.

As for why he didn't see Qiwuhai, Lu Ensi came up with a few guesses after thinking about it.

Perhaps the world government wants to let people know about the action plan against Lu En this time.


Or, people in world politics understand that even if they dispatch Qiwuhai, they may not really be able to mobilize Qiwuhai to participate in this level of collision.

That is known as the strongest in the world in the past [-] years! Qiwuhai is also a human! Although they are Qiwuhai, each of them is a vicious pirate.

They certainly know how to weigh the pros and cons.

If you want them to deal with Lu En... the world's strongest Qiwu Haili, most of them should shake their heads and refuse! "And pacifists"

Lu En took a closer look and saw many figures of pacifists.

Basically, every warship is equipped with a pacifist! There are no less than thirty 30 pacifists in total! It takes a lot of manpower and material to make it to deal with Lu En, but it has invested no less than three pacifists! "It's been over a hundred years, or even nearly a thousand.

I should be the first target worthy of the World Government's mobilization of so much power to crusade."

"To deal with my loneliness, thirty-two and thirty-two top-level warships will be dispatched.

There are also thirteen Vice Admirals of the Navy Headquarters, countless elite agents of the organization, and no less than three pacifists!"

"I have to say, I'm a little proud."

"After all, over the years, only I can be treated like this by the world government."

Lu En looked at the many warships below and felt quite emotional.

From time immemorial! The only one that deserves to be treated by the world government with so much fighting power! Only Lu En has this qualification! Even the Four Emperors don't have this kind of treatment! When the warships stop.

A warship has been docked at the edge of the coastal port of Paradise Island.

Clap la la! The ocean current rippling with the sea breeze, spreading ripples.

Warship deck.

Thousands of navy elites stared at Paradise Island ahead with uneasy expressions.

They already know.

The purpose of dispatching so much power in this trip! They have to deal with the strongest person in the world! Known as the most powerful existence in the world in the past century! "Can I, we, do it?"

Some navies are very creepy and uneasy.

"The strongest in the world!"

"That's the strongest swordsman in the world.

! "

"Although he is only one person, he defeated the terrifying existence of the Four Emperors.

Can we really overcome this terrible existence?"

Many navies began to doubt themselves.

Known as the strongest in the world for nearly a hundred years, this title really makes them tremble.

No one ever.

Can be known as the strongest in the world in the past hundred years! Only Lu En, the swordsman of destruction! And now.

They need to deal with this kind of terrifying existence! Can they really win? "You can definitely win, don't forget, how much power we dispatched this time!"

"A total of thirty-two and thirty-two warships!"

"Even when we dealt with the Whitebeard Pirates, we never dispatched so many forces.

And this time, we're just dealing with just one person!"

"That's right, we can win!"

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