There were more navy, clenching fists and starting to boost morale.

The world's strongest, indeed makes them deeply afraid! However, the power they dispatched this time is really too huge.

A total of thirty-two and thirty-two warships! There are more than a dozen lieutenant generals! So many combat forces are dispatched at the same time.

Can't it! Really can't deal with the opponent's mere one person, even if they are the strongest in the world, but in the face of so many forces, they will definitely lose! With such a belief, a group of navy looks: confident.

But there are still some navies who are uneasy and hard to let go.

Bang, bang, bang! Very suddenly, a pleasant footstep sounded from the deck of the warship.

Thousands of navy elites on the warship looked back at the figure that gradually walked out, their expressions full of respect and admiration.

only see.

A blind man with a samurai sword, wearing clogs, walked steadily, walked out of the deck without haste, all the way to the front of the warship.

A pair of eyes were fixed on him.

The group of navy who were in a state of anxiety before seemed to be gradually influenced by the arrival of this person, and gradually became: stable and confident.

"Yes, it's Admiral Fujitora!"

"The generals are here, we will win this battle!"

That's right! The... blind man who came out is the new general of the headquarters, Fujitora smiled! The superhuman type has a lot of fruit ability! A very powerful monster! The same.

Fujitora is also a general with a sense of justice! "Quiet!"

Fujitora spoke up.

The words fall.

It was like having some kind of magic power, so many navies stopped talking and looked at Fujitora with eyes full of admiration and trust.

The general is the combat power they trust the most! Although the opposite is the rumored world's strongest destroyer! But they still believe that the general of their naval headquarters will be able to handle it! "Even so, this kind of battle, It really is the first time in history that it has happened.”

"Gathering so much power is just to deal with Shattering Swordsman alone.

Although the other party is the most powerful existence in the world, are we too inspiring?"

"Speaking of which, I spent so much power just to deal with Shattering Sword Master alone.

Is this really worth it, and what are we here for?"

Numerous naval whispers.

No doubt! They saw it for the first time.

The navy rushed out and dispatched 32 and [-] warships, just to deal with one person! This kind of experience is unprecedented! Even some veterans who have never retired, who have experienced countless storms and waves in the Navy headquarters, are also the same. This is the first time I have experienced such a terrible thing! All out for one person! This is really, no matter what it is, it is impossible to fathom.

What did the people above think? Thirty-two and 32 warships gathered on Paradise Island! Such a battle is the only one! With the appearance of Fujitora.

On the decks of the rest of the warships, the other two generals also walked out of the front of the deck step by step.

They are, the kiwi, the green cow! The kiwi in the golden dress still kept a wretched expression, came to the front of the deck with little interest, and occasionally scratched his ears, looking very boring.

"Really, dispatching so much power is just to deal with one person."

Yellow Ape shook his head.

But on second thought.

The other party has been the strongest in the world for nearly a hundred years! This made Kizaru's heart feel some pressure.

The strongest in the world! This is not a monster with a nameless name! With the appearance of Kizaru, some uneasy navy were appeased.

the other side.

The Green Bull also appeared, wearing the Admiral's 'Justice' coat.

"Everyone, wait for the order!"

The green cow's voice sounded loud and clear.

"Yes, General Green Bull!"

Thousands of navy elites shouted in unison.

By now.

As can be seen.

The three generals of the naval headquarters were dispatched at the same time to gather on Paradise Island! It is not difficult to judge how seriously the world government takes this matter.

Even the three major generals are dispatched together! The level of attention is no longer needed.

At this time.

Tatata! A footstep sounded from the deck.

only see.

Akainu, dressed in red, with a white hat, walked out step by step, with no expression on his face, his eyes were deeply dignified and cold, staring directly at the Paradise Island in front of him.

"Yes, it is Marshal Sakaski!"

"The three generals are here."

"Marshal Sakaski is on the battlefield!"

"Even if we are facing the world's strongest swordsman for nearly a hundred years.

I believe we still have a very high chance of winning!"

"Do not!"

"We will win, we will never lose!"

"How can the strongest in the world be just one person.

On our side, we have dispatched 32 warships, [-] lieutenant generals, and [-] pacifists!"

"Even the three generals were dispatched together, and even Marshal Sakaski was there.

You say, do we really have the possibility of defeat? Not at all!"

The appearance of Akainu has undoubtedly brought blood to the tens of thousands of naval elites present, making their blood boil, dispelling their inner timidity and anxiety, and becoming: extraordinarily exciting.

The Admiral himself came to the battlefield! Naturally.

This will cause tens of thousands of navy elites to have a sense of glory, a majestic fighting spirit, pour into their hearts, and arouse their full of enthusiasm, so that they will no longer be affected by any negative emotions.

Today's Akainu has become an admiral of the navy, and has gotten rid of the name of the general of the headquarters.

In order to deal with Ruan, the swordsman of destruction! Even the Akainu Sakaski, who is already the Admiral of the Navy, has been dispatched! I can show it even more.

This time.

In order to deal with the world's strongest in the past [-] years! The world government has really made a lot of money! Not only... the three generals are dispatched! Even the Admiral Akainu came to Paradise Island to command the battle in person! For a while.

A total of thirty-two and thirty-two top-level warships appeared in the waters near Paradise Island, and without exception, there were monstrous terrifying aura and fighting intent.

Morale is like a rainbow! Soaring into the sky! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collection, recommendation

Chapter 867 An epic battle with a huge disparity in the number of enemies and us!

"Fight the Swordsman of Destruction! Fight the Swordsman of Destruction!"

"Even if it is the strongest in the world, it cannot resist the encirclement and suppression of our navy with 32 and [-] warships.

Brothers, we must win!"

"The three generals have all been dispatched, and Marshal Sakaski has all come to the battlefield to give command in person.

We have no chance of losing!"

Tens of thousands of elite navies are shouting and cheering.

The sound was loud and quickly spread in all directions.



Akainu's face remained unchanged, his face was expressionless, his eyes were solemn and serious, and he looked at the black shadow hundreds of meters above Paradise Island in front of him. He was cautious and did not dare to be careless.

Of course he knew.

What a terrifying powerhouse he is facing in front of him! This is the strongest in the world that has defeated the Four Emperors! Even if they are now, they have indeed come out in full force and dispatched a lot of power.

But Akainu will not be the slightest careless and slack.

He is very cautious! It is precisely because he understands the terror of his opponent that Akainu will be very energetic, and he will not even dare to relax in the slightest, and waits solemnly.

Although, there is only one enemy! And their side.

Then they are fully dispatched, tens of thousands of elites! Among them.

More than a dozen lieutenant generals of the headquarters! There are also three generals! It can be said that [-]% of the forces of the naval headquarters have been dispatched! Even his... Admiral of the Navy has already come to the battlefield.

It can be seen from this.

In order to deal with this battle, Akainu has been mentally prepared.

"Don't be careless!"

Akainu's voice came out in a low voice.

Let the thousands of navy elites standing on the deck stop talking and look solemn and serious.

They are all elites! Naturally, they all know how tragic the fate of underestimating the enemy will be! "This is the first time I have met since I joined the Navy.

It takes so much force to deal with one person."

Akainu is emotional.

Indeed! He saw it for the first time.

In order to deal with one person, their navy headquarters dispatched almost [-]% of their combat power to deal with it.

have to say.

This is an extraordinary battle! Tens of thousands of elite naval officers, not general lieutenant generals, generals and other high-end combat forces have been dispatched.

Just to deal with one person, to deal with the strongest swordsman of destruction in the world today.

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