"Looks like we have an overwhelming advantage!"

"It's not the case. If we're a little careless, we're very likely to be overturned."

"In this battle, no matter what, we must not let up."

Akainu forced himself to become: calm, his eyes dignified staring at the figure hundreds of meters above Paradise Island.

A majestic sense of oppression swept across Akainu's heart.

"You can't be careless, but you can't blindly praise the strength of the enemy.

The strength we have prepared here will not be inferior, and it will even be more terrifying!"

"As for the generals, there are Kiabou, Green Bull, Fujitora, and the lieutenant generals have flying squirrels, ghost spiders, Huoshaoshan, etc.

And I, personally control the changes in the battlefield situation!"

"The possibility of losing this battle is low."

Akainu began to analyze.

The atmosphere is depressing! Silence! A chilling air arises spontaneously.

Everyone can feel it.

A battle that has never been seen in the world is about to break out! This is a battle with a huge disparity in the number of people on both sides! The same.

It is also the first time in over a hundred years that the navy has treated a target with such seriousness! All out for one person! If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have imagined it! "Sure enough!"

"Die Jianhao, you have already noticed that this guy, Whitebeard II, is our arrangement.

But obviously you can leave, but you didn't leave, the Second World chose to wait for our arrival."

"I should say, is your courage too great or is it that you are too ignorant, even, you are really confident that you can fight against all the forces in this world."

Akainu observed this.

His bait was mainly to attract Lu En.


He knew it all himself.

With Lu En's wisdom, it is impossible to be ignorant! The same.

What Akainu uses is Lu En's psychology and activities! He firmly believes.

As one of the strongest in the world today, even if they knew the plan arranged by their navy, they would definitely not flee, but would choose to meet them head-on.

Sure enough! Akainu succeeded.

He successfully pinched Lu En's mind.

That's how it is now.

Thirty-two and 32 warships of the navy have surrounded Paradise Island from all sides! The three generals have already begun to eye Lu En! "It's not so easy to escape now."

Akainu suddenly smiled.

There are Kizo and Fujitora staring.

Even if you are the strongest in the world, if you want to escape, it is not that easy! Akainu firmly believes in this! Just as Akainu said.

Kizaru and Fujitora have been keeping an eye on Lu En's figure to prevent Lu En's sudden riot.

"What a drudgery!"

Kizuna shook his head helplessly.

He can feel it.

Now he is no longer Lu En's opponent.

If he joins forces with Fujitora, he can barely stop Lu En.

But the two generals are dispatched, and it is basically impossible to suppress the swordsman of destruction! It is completely unrealistic! "The former Maotou boy has finally grown into the navy's confidant!"

"If I had known, I should have eliminated him in advance.

It's a pity to let a monster grow to such a terrifying level."

"Above the four emperors!"

"This realm is really unimaginable."

The yellow monkey is very emotional.

He was someone who watched Lu En grow up.


In the Chambord Islands, the Yellow Monkey and Lu En played against each other.


At that time, Lu En's strength was still relatively weak, and if he fought alone, he was slightly inferior to the yellow monkey.

did not expect.

In a blink of an eye, time flies by.

But only a few months have passed.

In the past, the existence that Kizaru could easily deal with, has stepped on the four emperors, and as the only one in this sea, surpassed the terrifying existence above the four emperors.

It is also known as the strongest in the world in the past [-] years! Whenever I think of it.

Kizaru's mood couldn't help being turbulent.

"The growth rate of this monster's strength is really scary!"

"It's no wonder that the highest order will be issued from above.

The growth rate of this guy will not take long, and I am afraid that he will become stronger and stronger!"


"Don't mention the three generals, even if the world government dispatches secret weapons,

Neither can shake the swordsman of Destruction.

The Swordsman of Destruction at that time was the real nightmare!"

"But now, destroying the swordsman is already half a nightmare."

Kizaru's wretched face was full of solemnity.

He rarely showed this demeanor.

But when facing Lu En, Huang Yuan had to be so serious.


He admitted that it was very possible that he would die under Lu En's blade.

Lu En, who was able to defeat the Four Emperors, is no longer what he used to be, not the one he used to be... The stunned young man who can let him deal with him has become the strongest in the world today! Fujitora on the other side is not too big Mood swings.

The same is true for green cows.

They only know, obey orders! Of course they can understand the seriousness of the highest order.

Except for the general.

Lieutenant General's mood was ups and downs, but it was very violent! Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan, Ghost Spider and many other lieutenant generals were actually a little nervous and nervous.

They can't judge.

What will be the outcome of this war, and what will be the consequences and implications.

"The world's strongest swordsman of destruction, in the face of our navy headquarters, plus a lot of help dispatched by the world government."

"Can we win this battle?"

"Although on the surface, our advantage is relatively large.

But in fact, what we can rely on is the top combat power, those generals."

"If a battle breaks out, with our strength, I'm afraid it's really difficult to participate in the battlefield."

"On the opposite side, it's the swordsman of Destruction, not some ordinary cat and dog!"

"His reputation as the strongest in the world today is no exaggeration!"

A group of lieutenant generals are still very self-aware.

They understand.

In a terrifying battle of this level, the possibility that they can interfere is almost zero! Even if the aftermath of the battle breaks out, I am afraid that they will not be able to stop it.

"If this battle is lost"

"What are the consequences"

Many lieutenant generals shuddered and their scalps were numb.

If defeated! The consequences for the navy will be quite serious! Therefore, in this battle, only victory is allowed, not defeat! "The whole army obeys orders"

"Enter the state of preparation!"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel shouted loudly.

The entire warship, thousands of navy elites, shouted: "Yes, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel!"

They each held their weapons and stood ready! The rest of the warships.

As the lieutenant general's orders were issued, they all entered the state of battle one after another, holding weapons, obeying the orders at any time, and attacking in an instant.

"Listen to orders!"

"The whole army is ready to fight!"

Every warship has entered a state of readiness.

Tens of thousands of navy elites, armed with weapons, stared solemnly and earnestly, the one with a knife at a height of several hundred meters above Paradise Island.

A total of thirty-two and 32 warships! From different directions, trapped Paradise Island in the middle! Except for tens of thousands of elite naval forces.

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