The blade was swung down by him.

It slashed down suddenly! The sharp blade of the Supreme Sword, wrapped in a layer of armed armor, exuded an extremely terrifying and fierce coercion, sweeping in all directions.

When the blade cuts through the sky.

A fierce slash was brewed from the blade and forced out in an instant! 咻!! The purple slash is extremely bright, the halo is dazzling, and it is impossible to open.

Before the slash had arrived, it was just the momentum released, but it was enough to make people terrified and tremble, stiff and shivering in place.

Buzz! Wherever the slash passed, the space squirmed and the atmosphere burst.

Occasionally, I could see that even the sea water was boiling, and it was so terribly burned that it boiled and rolled, and bursts of bubbles appeared.

This slash, in the eyes of tens of thousands of naval elites, is unparalleled and unstoppable! Despair! What they can feel is the deep despair.

With their power, it is impossible to stop! "What a terrible power this is"

A group of navy shivered.

Only the generals come forward! "Stop!"

Akainu's tone was solemn, and he instructed the three generals opposite the phone bug.

No need for his words! Actually.

The three generals had already prepared their own offensive moves.

The golden light of the yellow monkey's index finger flickered, condensing a bright and dazzling halo. After being concentrated, the halo formed a round sphere like the sun.


Kizaru's eyes narrowed, not daring to be careless, the golden light of his index finger instantly charged forward, aiming at the terrifying slash that was ushered in from the front.

at the same time.

Fujitora and Green Bull were dispatched one after another.

Both of them generals used their own means to block the terrifying slash from Lu En.

The three generals shot at the same time! This scene.

Falling into the eyes of many navies gave them peace of mind and dispelled a lot of fear in their hearts.

"The three generals are all dispatched, and they will definitely be able to stop it!"

"But the point is, the other party is only one person!"

"There is only one person, but we need to dispatch three generals from our side. How strong is the strength of this destroying swordsman?"

When some navies think of this, they panic even more.

Kacha! Kacha! The deck cracked open, cracks cracked one after another, and a crisp and pleasant sound came out.

This made a small number of navies look horrified and suspicious: "What happened, why did the deck suddenly burst open, is it the squeeze of the aftermath?"

Many questions lingered in their minds.

Facing three generals at the same time.

Lu En didn't take it lightly, and continued to wave the blade.

The supreme sword, in Lu En's hands, seems to have given birth to wisdom.

Lu En, who was wielding a supremely fast sword, was more like a crazy big swordsman! 咻!! 咻!! Splitting the sky, breaking open all things, with an unparalleled momentum, attacking and killing the Quartet.

Buzz! Visible to the naked eye, the space produces weak squirming.

The power of the slashing force shook this space! Kacha! Kacha! The atmosphere burst! The sea water was so scorched that it boiled and bubbles appeared.

"not good!"

Akainu's face sank, and seeing the slashes that came one after another, he had to stand forward, put the phone bug in his hand aside, and made a move.

The other three generals, Kizaru, Green Bull, and Fujitora, were also responsible for blocking the terrifying slashes from Lu En, and felt a lot of pressure.

Just like! At this moment.

Lu En single-handedly endowed the three generals and even a naval marshal. These four monsters with the combat power of generals felt a deep sense of oppression! Boom! Boom! The loud noise exploded in an instant! The terrifying forces collided, making it almost as if you were in an apocalyptic environment, and the whole sky seemed to be

It's like being beaten.

A deafening roar pierced into the sky.

The sky is falling apart! The sea is boiling! With manpower, the sea is abruptly affected! It even breaks through the clouds, as if tearing the sky! Rumble!

The aftermath spreads! A shock wave wrapped in terror spreads rapidly in all directions.

Wow! The sea is surging, and the waves are magnificent, like a tsunami that rolls hundreds of meters high in the sky.

The warships on this side of the sea, the thirty-two and 32 warships without exception, were swept away by this terrifying aftermath.

Because of the turbulence of the sea, the warship could not help but shake, swaying everywhere, uncontrollably.

"Quick, control the rudder!"

"Stow the sails, don't let the sails get worse!"

A group of navies got busy and fell into extreme chaos.

Standing on the deck of a warship.

There are also many lieutenant generals, a total of thirteen lieutenant generals, each commanding a warship! At this moment.

when faced with the current turbulent situation.

Even the lieutenant general only felt his heart skip a beat, his heart was terrified, and he was uneasy.

My dear, what level of confrontation is this! Although they are lieutenant generals, they still feel powerless in the face of this terrifying confrontation, and they dare not interfere at all.

Think back to the beginning.

They also thought in high spirits that, at least in this battle, it would bring a certain threat and influence to the opposing swordsman.


When really in the middle of a battlefield.

Only then did they deeply realize how weak and unsightly their strength was! The Destruction Swordsman was too strong! The three generals were too strong! The collision between the two, their so-called lieutenant general, was purely They can only give away the heads! How to fight! The levels are not equal at all! They don't even have the confidence to get a little closer to the battlefield.

"With this level of collision, if we get close to the battlefield, we will really be crushed by the aftermath."

"Well said!"

A group of lieutenant generals had lingering fears.

"Don't joke about joining the war, at best we are just a little bit better than those ordinary navy.

Even us, if we were really swept away by the aftermath of the battle, would be at risk!"

"I never thought that the Swordsman of Destruction would be so powerful.

Fighting against the three generals with one's own strength, it seems that he still won't be defeated!"


"No wonder, it is not an exaggeration to be praised as the strongest in the world in the past [-] years!"

"I even feel that the Sword of Destruction described in the rumors is much smaller than the real danger."

When witnessing this level of combat.

Thirteen lieutenant generals, including Flying Squirrel, Ghost Spider, Huoshaoshan, etc., were all very anxious and panicked.

At this time.

The ghost spider seemed to feel something, and suddenly looked up.


saw this scene.

He immediately scared the ghost spider to pee! He stood on the deck, looking not far away with a terrified expression on his face.

That one, dazzling, brilliant halo that almost completely filled his field of vision! That is a slash! "This, this"

"The slash unleashed by the Destruction Swordsman is coming towards me!"

The ghost spider was stunned.

What's going on here, General? Why didn't the General stop this slash! He couldn't figure it out.

But at this moment, he can't allow him to think too much, the slash is close at hand, and the speed is extremely fast.

Can't escape! The ghost spider was terrified and realized that the speed of this slash was too fast.

The thoughts of his head turned wildly, but his body was unable to act, and he couldn't avoid it at all! The dazzling slash covered all the vision of the ghost spider! "I, will die"

The ghost spider's throat was dry, and he was terrified of the current situation.

With this slash, he will surely die! It is impossible to stop it! The difference in strength is really too big.

"Do not!"

The ghost spider roared and roared unwillingly.


The terrifying power emanating from the slashing attack covered the ghost spider's body overwhelmingly.

Together with the warship the ghost spider was standing on, and thousands of navy elites, they were all, without exception, shrouded in this terrifying slash.

Boom! A loud bang.

The entire warship was instantly destroyed and turned into a wreckage of sawdust! As a dignified lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters, the ghost spider was killed on the spot! Besides.

The power of this slash never subsided, it penetrated a warship and after a second lieutenant general, it continued to attack the position of the warship behind.


The second warship, shrouded in the power of the slash.

"Do not!"

Countless voices of unwillingness and fear sounded from it.

But it was useless! Everyone in the second warship was instantly destroyed by the force of the slash! The entire warship, which carried thousands of naval elites, could not escape the erosion of the hidden power of this slash, and Killed on the spot.

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