It's not over yet! Yes! The power of the slash, without weakening, rushed towards the third warship.

Boom! Boom! Boom! A total of five warships, lined up in the same straight line.


These five warships all slashed directly through them, and instantly turned into wreckage and sawdust, scattered on the sea.

This knife destroyed five warships in an instant! On these five warships, there were two vice admirals of the navy headquarters.

In addition to the ghost spider who was smashed at the beginning, there was also a lieutenant admiral named Dauberman, who was also eroded by the power of this slash, and was smashed on the spot! Unstoppable! It is possible to block the knife from Lu En! The power gap is too big! Boom! After the slash penetrated through the five warships, it slashed into the distant sea, cutting the sea abruptly with a fissure and gap of nearly [-] meters, traversing one side. .

Wow! The sea is splashing and the sky is flying! Feilu reminds you: three things to read for collection and recommendation

Chapter 875 The shocking collision is about to explode!

This knife is absolutely amazing! Five warships were chopped down in an instant! No less than [-] naval elites were slashed on the spot.


The two lieutenant admirals of the navy headquarters on the warship, without exception, didn't even have the ability to resist, they were instantly killed! Sad! Sigh! There is no doubt.

The way these two lieutenant generals died was definitely the fastest and most tragic among so many lieutenant generals in the Navy headquarters over the years.

Before they could react, they were slapped with a knife! This method of death is definitely the most innovative method of death in recent years! They are lieutenant generals! The dignified lieutenant admiral of the Navy Headquarters has been killed! And.

This slash does not seem to be aimed at them.

And they were just, standing where they shouldn't be, and were hit by this slash, that's all.

But they didn't even have the ability to block the slash, and could only meet the end of being killed in an instant.

Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, there are a total of twenty or so.

And now.

Only two lieutenant generals were killed! This is definitely the biggest loss of the Navy headquarters in recent years! Both lieutenant generals died.

I was killed in seconds! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

A lieutenant general who is as strong as the navy headquarters will be killed in seconds! This is too scary! Ghost Spider and Dauberman, these two have been lieutenant generals of the headquarters more than ten years ago, and their strength is comparable Not bad.

Even if you look at the navy headquarters, it can be said to be among the best! But their deaths are too embarrassing.

They didn't expect that they would be stabbed in seconds! Both of them died under the same slash.

Together with five warships, more than [-] naval elites, all without exception, could not escape this catastrophe, and were directly crushed into wreckage by a knife.

Clap la la! The sea that was split, the sea gradually healed.

The huge waves set off, slammed down, and raised waves of ripples.

sea ​​surface.

The sawdust and many debris can be seen everywhere.

The bloodstains can no longer be found! It was terribly burned and evaporated abruptly.

After death, not even a corpse remains! It is conceivable.

That slash just now, how terrifying! This moment.

The atmosphere at the scene became: extraordinarily strange.

Tens of thousands of navy elites, stiff and weak, stood on the decks of their respective warships, looking terrified and trembling.

Their eyes widened, full of horror and fear, staring at the sea beside each other.



There are still several warships.

But now.

Can't see it anymore! It's all gone! "Five, five warships, destroyed in an instant!"

"In the blink of an eye, I could only see clearly, a slash flashed past.

Then the five warships, including everyone on board, were gone."

"Just, just die!"

"This is too scary!"

Tens of thousands of navy elites looked terrified and froze in place.

They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Five warships! There are more than [-] naval elites in total, all of them are carefully selected elites.

They died like this, and they didn't even leave their bodies behind! It was so fast that they couldn't react.

As soon as they reacted, they could only see that the sea was empty.

The place where the five warships used to be has turned into an empty sea, and the warship can no longer be found.

Only occasionally caught, some wreckage left floating on the sea.

This made them feel even more frightened.

"It's all gone!"

"The five warships, along with all the navy elites on the warships, are dead."

"do you know"

"On those five warships, there are still two lieutenant generals of the headquarters, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider and Lieutenant General Dauberman.

They, too, were killed in an instant!"

"My God!"

"Who can explain to me what happened just now! Two lieutenant generals died, and five warships were destroyed at once!"

Countless navy shuddered and numb.

That slash was too fast! So.

All of them can only see that the slash is gone in a flash.


A loud noise lingered in their ears, buzzing.

When they turned their heads, all they could see was the wreckage of the destroyed warship.

Everyone on the warship has disappeared without a trace.

These people have naturally died under the annihilation of that terrifying power.

No one can survive! Faced with such a terrifying slash, no one can survive it.

There is no doubt about this! "It's too terrifying, the strength of this monster, the Destruction Swordsman, is really too strong!"

"Two lieutenant generals were accidentally hit by a slash, and they were instantly killed."

"Even if it's a general, I don't think it's possible to defeat a lieutenant so easily. However, destroying the monster like a swordsman can be done easily!"


"That's just a knife!"

"One knife cut down five warships, and both generals died under this knife."

Fear! A deep atmosphere of fear begins to spread and haunt this side.

Many navy elites panicked.

When Ori was killed, they didn't have such a profound visual impact.

But both lieutenants were killed.

this moment.

Only then can they deeply appreciate what a terrifying monster the Swordsman Destruction is! A lieutenant general is a powerful existence second only to a general! In the Navy Headquarters, being a lieutenant general, no one will be weak. But with such a powerful lieutenant general, who would have expected such a light

Loose was killed in seconds.

Think here.

The mood of many navies was still unable to calm down, they were deeply shocked, and their heads were blank.

The movement here.

Undoubtedly, Akainu had an insight.

for a moment.

Akainu's complexion became: gloomy, his eyes were full of anger and cold killing intent, and he was staring at the figure in front of him on Paradise Island... the figure with the knife.

Two lieutenant generals died! They were instantly killed! This result was something that Akainu never imagined.

"Shattering Swordsman, you are too presumptuous!"

Akainu clenched his fists tightly, anger rushing to his forehead.

At this time.

The middle-aged man who was wearing a suit and serving as Officer 0 walked up to Akainu with a sarcastic expression: "Akainu, it seems that your arrangement is nothing more than that.

The two lieutenant generals were actually killed."

"This time, your naval headquarters is also going to suffer heavy losses!"

Facing the ridicule of middle age.

Akainu's eyes were gloomy and cold: "If you don't care, you'll be bothered!"


The middle-aged snorted and did not provoke Akainu again.

He was really worried, once the mad dog Akainu got angry, even he would kill him here.

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