As for the yellow monkey, he held the Tiancong Yunjian, the Tiancong Yunjian made of a golden halo, which he held in his hand, looked exceptionally brilliant.


There are already many cracks on the Tiancong Yunjian! "An incredible monster!"

Kizaru looked at Lu En with a solemn expression.

The three generals joined forces, but encountered unprecedented obstacles and difficulties! Lu En's physique is too strong! Under the punch of Green Bull, he couldn't make any scars!

Such a terrifying physique, how to fight! "I can only fight!"

The green cow gritted his teeth and drank.

"This old man, this old bone, is going to die here too."

Fujitora raised his samurai sword and faced Lu En's direction.

"Go ahead!"

The yellow ape turned into a golden halo.

Eight-foot mirror! The halo flickers.

In an instant! The golden particles, condensed continuously, condensed into the shape of a yellow ape, appeared beside Lu En, kicked down suddenly with an armed and domineering kick.

next second.

Lu En's figure disappeared in place.

The yellow monkey hit the air with one kick.

"A horrible sight!"

Kizaru raised his brows, only to feel a cold wind blowing from behind.

Without the slightest hesitation, he lifted the Tiancong Cloud Sword and slashed towards the rear.

Bang! Lu En's figure appeared abruptly on the back of the yellow monkey, and he was holding the supreme sword, blocking the Tiancong cloud sword of the yellow monkey very easily.

"You're not bad either."

Lu En smiled.

The arm exerted force! Boom! Kizaru was forced back by the giant force, passed the body from the Tiancong Yunjian, flew upside down dozens of meters, and rolled several times on the ground before stopping.

Luen never responded.

Fujitora's Gravity Sword has attacked.

With a wave of his hand, the supreme sword fell from Lu En's hand.

Huh!! A sharp slash, piercing the sky.

Fujitora stepped aside.

Boom! Slash, pierce the earth.

Tore open a hideous and huge gap.

at the same time.

Fujitora's gravity knife has also arrived in front of Lu En.

only see.

Lu En made a very bold move, he stood there, motionless, his eyes full of interest, waiting for this slash wrapped in terrifying gravity.

Boom! Finally.

Lu En's body was covered by the slash.

The terrifying power frantically wrapped around the surface of the body, trying to tear Lu En's defense apart.

Boom! The land on which Lu En was standing was disturbed by this terrifying force, the soil was shattered, crushed into pieces, and the ground collapsed and sunk.

The smoke rose and rolled around.

"He, he's crazy!"

Fujitora's face was full of horror.

He couldn't figure it out! The other party was so daring to stand on the spot and bear his attack and kill forcibly! "This monster! Crazy!"

The yellow monkey and the green cow were also dumbfounded.

While they were deeply puzzled by Lu En's actions, their mood became more and more terrifying and shocking.

As the smoke dissipated.

The three of them gathered in the same area, staring at the front in horror.

The smoke dissipated.

And Lu En, standing under the sunken and collapsed ground.

one look.

There were many scars on his body, and his clothes were tattered, looking a little embarrassed.

But if you look closely, you can see that, in fact, there is no blood on his body.

Yes! It's just a lot of scratches, leaving some more obvious traces on the skin that is more like steel. That's all, but they still haven't broken through the defense! Admiral Fujitora of the dignified naval headquarters smiled, and he still urged him. A knife with the power of a devil fruit can't break Lu En's defense! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.

Who dares to imagine! "It hurts!"

Lu En twisted his arm, jumped up from the sunken pit, and landed smoothly on the side next to him.

Holding the supremely sharp knife, he looked at the three admirals of the Navy Headquarters in front of him with a playful expression.

The power of this knife is also quite good! However, in terms of power, it still lacks a lot.

Lu En patted the dust on his body a little, stretched his arms, and there was a crackling sound from the bones all over his body, which spread in all directions.

From Luen.

The three generals can't see any traces of blood spilling out! No injuries! This knife is actually ineffective! "No scars!"

The yellow ape and the green cow shrank their pupils and blurted out.

With this knife, even the entire ground was torn apart by such a hideous gap.

The strength can be said to be quite terrifying! But when the swordsman was hit, he didn't leave any scars on the opponent! Fujitora is an admiral of the navy headquarters! The navy's top combat power is similar to their strength! did not break the opponent's defense! Even.

There is still no damage to the epidermis! How is this possible! "None, nullified"

Fujitora was dumbfounded.

His Gravity Knife was tyrannized and carried down with pure physicality! It's true, darling! There are such monsters in this sea! Of course, he knows that his Gravity Knife has a lot of power and destructive power. powerful.

It is because of too much understanding.

That's why Fujitora's mood fluctuated so violently at the moment.

"Even his defenses have never been broken."

Fujitora's throat was dry and he couldn't speak for a while.

Although this sword was not the strongest sword he could unleash, he still dared not imagine that he would not even be able to break through the opponent's defense with this sword.

It can be seen from this.

How terrifying is the physique of the other party! It can be said that after Fujitora became a general, the confidence was shaken so violently for the first time! Feilu reminds you: [-] things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter 879 Akainu is dispatched!One against four!

The atmosphere was weird! There was no sound! Then a loud shout broke the silence.

"Meteor Volcano!"

The red dog has come.

He released the extremely terrifying Devil Fruit ability, brewed into streaks of flaming meteorites, smashed them all down, and aimed at the place where Lu En was standing in front of him.

The scorching temperature rises! There is a burning sensation in the air! "Retreat!"

Fujitora came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and stared at Lu En's back with fear and solemnity.

Although he was indeed shocked by Lu En's terrifying physique.

But as an admiral of the dignified naval headquarters, he will not lose the courage to continue fighting.

"Akainu is also dispatched."

The yellow monkey and the green cow quickly retreated, leaving the open and spacious area in front of them.


At the edge of the sky, one after another flaming meteorite, with extremely terrifying burning and destructive power, aimed at the position of Lu En below, and slammed down frantically.

The attack never arrived, but the temperature was already burning and boiling.

Lu En held the supreme knife and stood there, raised his head slightly, glanced at the many flaming meteorites that descended from the sky, and was unmoved.

The meteorites were wrapped in flames, like fists, countless meteorites smashed down, almost swept the area of ​​several hundred meters around Lu En.

There is no escape! In other words, Lu En couldn't escape from such a large-scale attack.

"It's surprising that you, who is already a marshal, have also taken action."

Lu En looked at the red dog rushing over with surprise.

Really unexpected.

This guy, Akainu, actually made his move.

The marshal of the dignified naval headquarters also needs to take action personally, which Lu En really did not expect.

But since the red dog shot.

This also means that Lu En needs to fight against four monsters with one enemy and four!

This is a challenge! For Lu En, it is an unprecedented challenge! "One hit three is okay, one hit four, can I handle it?"

"No matter how bad it is, it can be easily done to return the whole body.

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