If that's the case, then I'll be willful once, burst out with all my strength, and see how far I can go with these four."

Lu En's thoughts moved.

He raised the supremely fast knife, the blade was sharp and covered with a layer of indestructible armed armor, which made the blade even more sharp and sharp-edged.

He raised his head and looked at the flaming meteorite that fell from the sky.

Lu En moved.

In his hand, the supreme sword was wielded like a wise man.

The blade slipped, and the air was torn apart! 咻!! 咻!! 咻!! One after another fierce slash, flying all over the sky, straight to the sky.

The slash, hit these flaming meteorites that fell madly! Boom! Boom! The loud noise penetrated the sky, deafening! The terrifying sound lingered in the sea area dozens of kilometers away in all directions.

The sky over the entire island was covered by what seemed like rolling thunder.

Rumbling! The sky seemed to have been pierced, and the rolling thunder was buzzing in the ears of the people in the Quartet.

The flaming meteorite hit by the slash turned into dust and debris and fell from a high altitude, but it no longer possessed any lethality.

The wreckage smashed into the four corners, and occasionally there were some flames lingering around, and small flames rose above the soil.

With the sea breeze blowing, the flames went out in a blink of an eye.

one look.

above the sky.

Can no longer capture, any trace of the flame meteorite.


There are many pieces of debris left, and occasionally some faint flames can be seen, but they are quickly extinguished with the gentle blow of the breeze.

Such a wide-ranging offensive brewed by Akainu.

Never thought.

It was so simple and easy to resolve.

With just a few knives, Lu En easily defused the offensive of the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters. Moreover, it was the terror attack that Akainu had brewed for a long time! This scene.

Falling into Akainu's eyes made him briefly lost and stunned.


Akainu came back to his senses and stared at Lu En with an increasingly solemn expression.

The Meteor Volcano was actually dissolved.


It's still so easy! It's effortless! How is this possible! "The Meteor Volcano, which can burn the entire island, was directly dissolved, and it didn't cause any destructive power to this area until the end."

Akainu stiffened in place.

Meteor Volcano! This move is the strongest move that he can use to activate his Devil Fruit ability! The attack range is very wide! Generally speaking.

It's suitable for group attack! This time, in order to deal with Shabuyao Jianhao alone, Akainu directly launched the strongest move, which shows how much he attaches importance to Lu En.

But the result was far beyond Akainu's expectations.

"Everything is ineffective"

Akainu's lips trembled, and his head went blank for a while.

Easily blocked! The offense he finally brewed.

Not only... it doesn't matter if it doesn't pose any threat to Lu En, the most important thing is

That is, even the land below did not cause any damage.

In other words, this move was mercilessly annihilated from all sides! "Marshal."

Fujitora walked to Akainu's side, patted the latter's shoulder, with a deep understanding on his face, shook his head and sighed, as if he could very well understand Akainu's mood at the moment.

after all.

just now.

He slashed by Fujitora, but still did not leave any scars on Lu En's body, which was a great blow to Fujitora.

this time.

When he saw Akainu's Meteor Volcano, which was easily dispelled by Lu En, Fujitora seemed to have found a home, and his mood was no longer so depressed. Instead, he went to Akainu's side to comfort him.

"Having seen it, you won't be so shocked."

The Yellow Ape and the Green Bull couldn't help but speak.

Although it is said that they were deeply shocked that Akainu brewed such a wide range of tricks, it was resolved so easily and simply.

But when you think about it.

The one on the opposite side was the Sword Master of Destruction, and they were relieved.

fighting so far.

How could they not know how terrifying the strength of the Destruction Swordsman is! This move to dissolve Akainu can only be said to be a small scene.

Phew! Akainu exhaled heavily, forcibly calming himself down, his head began to recover, his eyes became heavier and heavier and he looked at the sword-wielding figure in front of him.

Four fights one! This time, it shouldn't be the stalemate as always, this time.

He wants to see the hope of victory, instead of continuing to stalemate with the opponent! "Prepare, attack!"

Akainu clenched his fists tightly, his fists turned into magma, and the terrifying temperature evaporated the little moisture remaining in the air, turning it into gray smoke rising.

Standing beside Akainu.

Fujitora, Kisaragi, and Green Bull all felt as if there was a scorching sun beside them, and that terrifying burning made their skins tingle.

"Ready to strike anytime!"

The yellow ape cheered up and got rid of the original salted fish posture, with a halo flashing all over his body, and it seemed that he could launch a fierce attack at any time.

Fujitora and Green Bull nodded one after another, being meticulous and silent.

The firepower is full! Entering the battle state in an all-round way! Led by Akainu, and standing beside him are three generals of the headquarters, all of them are in a state of battle, and they dare not relax at all, and they do not retain the flaming fighting spirit that spreads all over the body.

A light breeze blows.

The faint flames that swirled the soil beneath my feet.

The flames went out.

Lu En held the supreme sword and looked at the red dog in front of him with great interest.

After joining the battlefield from Akainu.

This battle is much more difficult for Lu En.

Akainu's strength is similar to that of a general, or even better than an ordinary general.

in short.

What Lu En needs to face is the combat power of the four admirals! "One against four, I haven't tried it yet"

"This battle, I think, should be much more difficult than the last time, dealing with Kaido, Yan Calamity, and Orochi."

"Again, it's a challenge!"

"An unprecedented challenge!"

"If I win, my strength will be even higher!"

"It doesn't matter if I lose, it's basically unrealistic that they want to keep me.

At least, with my current strength, I am confident that I can get out of my body."

"In this way, I have no worries."

"You can explode with full power, take a look at my strength limit"

Lu En's eyes flickered and he thought a lot.

Make up your mind! This battle will break out in an all-round way! There is no room left! With one enemy and four, what happened last time?

One against three! One Kaido, one Flame Calamity, and one Orochi, Lu En has never been timid.

This time, even against the fighting strength of the four generals, Lu En couldn't make him flinch.

"bring it on!"

Lu En slowly lifted the supremely fast knife in his hand, the blade was covered with a layer of armed armor, and his body exuded a monstrous edge, rising into the sky, covering the audience! "Kill!"

Akainu hummed in a deep voice.

He got started.

only see.

The red dog's fists turned into lava and aimed at Lu En, "The dog bites the red lotus!"

The magma turned into two dogs, with exposed fangs and a hideous appearance, madly attacking and killing Lu En.

"Eight-foot mirror!"

The yellow monkey turned into a ball of light, disappeared in place, and appeared beside Lu En in an instant.

Fujitora held a katana sword, and the blade slashed in an instant.

"Gravity Knife Tiger!"

The slash wrapped in terrifying gravity aimed at Lu En, and the ground cracked and collapsed wherever it passed.

The green bull's punches with armed colors slammed down on the ground.

Boom! Many shattered cracks spread all the way to the place where Lu En was in the distance.

In a radius of [-] meters, all directions were affected and disturbed by this terrifying force.

As a result, the earth collapsed, turned into countless fragments, and sank into the ground.

The place where Lu En was standing was shaken forcibly!

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