In this battle on Paradise Island, we can get such a big harvest! Three golden cards! And the most terrifying thing is.

This is a one-time drop! Yes! Instead of accumulating multiple times, three golden cards are dropped at one time! "Today is my lucky day"

Lu En couldn't help but opened his mouth, his mood was still shaking and he couldn't calm down.

From participating in the battlefield to the present.

It was the first time he showed such a rude expression.

Nothing! It's just because what I've been through is really too unbelievable.

"Three Golden Cards"

"This shouldn't be a dream, right?"

Lu En's eyes rolled, looking for the place where the third golden card fell.

It's Kizaru! The third golden card, dropped from Kizaru's body.

That round of golden halo completely covered Lu En's vision.

Sort out a little.

The three golden cards were provided by Akainu, Fujitora, and Kizaru! The three of them were afraid that they could not have dreamed of it. Inadvertently, they helped Lu En in front of him a big favor! The three golden cards provided will create the most terrifying monster in this sea for nearly a hundred thousand years! An existence that is far above the four emperors and stands at a higher level! Feilu reminds you : Three things to read for collection, recommended

Chapter 887 Everyone, from now on, I am invincible!

It's not a dream! Everything happened! When he pinched his thigh again and felt the pain in his body, Lu En's mood became even more excited and excited. Looking at the eyes of the three of them, Akainu, Full of gratitude.

Thank you so much! If it weren't for you, I would be facing defeat in this battle! "I can stand at a higher level, and I have to rely on your help."

Lu En expressed his gratitude to the three 'good people' from the bottom of his heart.

If it weren't for them, how could I get three golden cards at once! Good people! These people in the Navy Headquarters are all good people! "One golden card is enough to give me the capital to defeat the four of them. ."

"Two golden chucks will give me a greater sublimation of strength, allowing me to transcend the realm I am currently in and the realm above the four emperors!"

"And three golden cards"

Speaking of which.

Lu En paused, raised his head and looked at the Akainu four in front of him with a smile.

If you have three golden cards, you will be completely invincible! "When you combine three golden cards, you will no longer be able to give me any pressure.

At that time, I am invincible, you can do whatever you want!"

Lu En's smile was extremely bright.

And at this moment.

Akainu, who were regarded as 'good people' by Lu En, were looking at Lu En's figure with strange expressions.

"what happened"

Akainu couldn't help but speak.

He has always wanted to ask.

The opposite swordsman, what the hell is going on, how can you give him a sense of sight that the opposite swordsman is going crazy! "Could it be that, knowing that we are going to lose, we started to play tricks and try to cause us certain problems. psychological burden, while keeping us tied up in fights"

Green Bull couldn't help but say something.

"Not quite like it!"

Fujitora frowned, "All in all, the strength of the Destruction Swordsman is obvious to all.

Could it be that he still has a backhand that he has never used!"

These words.

Makes Akainu four people 4 a little creepy.

You guys have hit it so hard.

The other party, and the backhand, this is too scary! They thought that the other party had done everything possible.

Otherwise, they would not have been oppressed by the four of them into such an embarrassed appearance.

Feelings! Good guy, there is still a period of success! "This, this, is true or false"

The yellow ape has some goose bumps rising.

If the other party really has a backer, they are really going to end this wave! Although it looks like they have the advantage and the upper hand.

But in fact, they are already at the end of the road, and they can only gamble and fight to the death.

It is for this reason.

They just reluctantly pressed Lu En's head, that's all.

But doesn't mean.

It's obviously not realistic that they can crush Lu En in all aspects! If the other party really has a backer, their battle will be much less fortunate.

It is their limit to be able to fight the current situation.

If the war situation changes too much, they can no longer control it.

"This is impossible!"

Akainu quickly rejected this speculation.

He was really worried that if he let these guys continue to fantasize, their mentality would have collapsed before the fight.

After the mentality collapsed, the combat power would be lost.

He must ensure that everyone's state is in their prime, to deal with the opposing swordsman, who is known as the strongest in the world in the past hundred years! This kind of terrifying existence cannot allow them to be careless.

"The old man just made a guess."

Fujitora also understands their current situation.

His words cannot shake the heart of the army! Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous! "Prepare to attack!"

Akainu's eyelids twitched wildly.

In his opinion, this is a very bad sign.

But he couldn't say why.

In general.

Akainu believes that the current situation seems to have been inadvertently interfered by some unknown factor.

And let the war situation, some changes have taken place.

But specifically, he couldn't say.

"In him, something seems to have changed."

The green cow stared at Lu En intently, and had a very keen insight into this.

"The old man noticed it too."

Fujitora's brows have been locked, never loosening...

The atmosphere became more and more depressing! A shadow shrouded the atrium of Akainu 4.

the other side.

Lu En's eyes widened, looking at the bright halo from the three golden cards, his mood and other aspects were beyond words to describe.

"Three Golden Cards"

"Pick all!"

Lu En was looking forward to it.

There are a total of three golden cards, what kind of abilities can you give yourself! The abilities of each golden card are absolutely extraordinary.

This point, after years of practical experience, allows Lu En to be [-]% sure.

No matter what kind of ability, for Lu Ener anyway, it will make his strength usher in a huge leap.

Just in Lu En's expectation.

The sound of the system is long overdue.

[Successful pickup, the golden card is an attack effect+.

, two-color domineering+.

, Does it absorb] The sound of the first golden card lingered in Lu En's ear.

It's just specific, Lu En couldn't judge who dropped the golden card.

Picked up three cards at one time, and the order has been disrupted! "Amplification of attack effect and two-color domineering"

"These three people are all capable people, and it is impossible to judge who dropped the golden card."

"It doesn't matter, I don't want to think about it so much anyway.

All in all, it improves my overall strength level and that's enough."

Lu En was very excited.

Strength, will usher in a huge leap! Then.

The second voice sounded in Lu En's ear again.

[Successfully picked up, the golden card is a comprehensive basic attribute +10, swordsmanship.



Swallow Return+.

, whether to absorb] this time.

Overall, it improves swordsmanship.


Lu En's preliminary judgment.

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