This golden card, either from Kiabou or Fujitora, can rule out the possibility of Akainu.

well known.

Akainu is not good at using swords, and has never mastered swordsmanship.

!Only Fujitora and Kiabou are good at swordsmanship.

In this regard.

Dropped golden cards will generally carry on a certain ability of the person who dropped them.

Accurate conclusions are drawn over time.

"The second golden card, let my swordsmanship.

level, a very huge leap has been achieved.

In addition, my strength, speed, physical strength and other aspects will improve a lot."

"This is the second leap of strength!"

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly.

Two golden cards have revealed the final answer.

Each one will give Lu En a huge boost in strength! There is no doubt about this.

Just two golden cards are enough to make Lu En feel confident.

Next, he can easily beat the alliance of the four generals and monsters in front of him.

This is not too easy! And the next third golden card will be revealed soon! [Successful pickup, the golden card is swordsmanship.


, Navy Sixth Form+.

, Attribute point +20, whether to absorb] The result of the third golden card also made Lu En very precise.

Except for swordsmanship.

In addition, there is the upgrade of the Navy VI.

In addition, the most important thing is attribute points! At one time, I got twenty attribute points! This is enough for Lu En to improve a lot of skills! Phew! Exhaling heavily, Lu En suppressed his inner excitement.

The triple surprises were indeed huge surprises, and Lu En was not disappointed.

These three golden cards will be the biggest factor for Lu En to turn the tide of the battle! "I have to thank you three."

Lu En took a deep look at the direction of the three.


He thought to himself: "All absorbed!"

As soon as the thought moved, a warm current poured into my heart and washed the internal organs of the body.

It's getting stronger! Lu En can feel it very clearly.

The body is undergoing some kind of transformation, and the body becomes stronger and stronger! The strength has ushered in a huge sublimation! In all aspects, there has been a very obvious improvement.

"The taste of getting stronger is really intoxicating and infatuation!"

Lu En opened his eyes, clenched his fists, felt the explosive power of the fists, and his mood became: very excited and excited.

After the baptism of three golden cards.

The current Lu En cannot be compared with the previous moment! The level he is standing has improved a lot! No above the four emperors! It is higher and higher than the four emperors! "At this moment, I Once again ushered in the transformation!"

Lu En was emotional.

There are remaining attribute points that have not been used.

He never retained this character of attribute points.


Lu En decided to spend it all to improve his overall strength.

"System, use all attribute points to improve, the undead body of half-murlocs!"

This is Luen's decision.


Physical fitness is the most important thing! This is the truth that Lu En has always believed in.

As long as he has attribute points, of course he will not hesitate to use them all to improve his physique! Speaking of which.

In today's battle, Lu En has been able to persevere so far, and the biggest credit is still having the terrifying half-murloc undead body as the basis.

If not.

Lu En was crippled long ago by the Akainu 4 teaming up.

[Adding points successfully] [The level of the half-murloc undead body is increasing] [Upgrading success] [Current half-murloc undead body level:.

] [Total cost of attribute points: 20] "Body, also become stronger!"

"Defensive power, resilience, vitality and other aspects have become countless times stronger with the improvement of the half-murloc's undead body!"

Feeling the changes in his body, Lu En couldn't help showing a deep smile.

can be deeply felt.

The many injuries that were originally left in the body are recovering at an even more terrifying speed! "Call up the attribute panel!"

Lu En was looking forward to concentration.

【Host: Lu En】【Strength: 20+】【Speed: 20+】【Physical Strength: 20+】【Instinct Reaction: 19+】【Skill: Swordsmanship.

Master 1.


, armed color domineering 1

, seeing and hearing domineering 1.


, Half-Murloc Immortal 1.



Swallow returns 1.


, Navy VI Type 1

, Domineering and domineering 1.

Boxing 1.

][Attribute point: 0][Attack effect: Shock wave 1.


, burn 1.


】Almost, all aspects of improvement! Few have fallen! Every skill panel has ushered in a huge sublimation! This is the first time in Lu En's life that he has experienced such a huge change in strength! The strength of the previous moment , and the strength of the latter moment.

The two cannot be compared at all.

"It's a leap forward"

Lu En put the attribute panel deep in his eyes.

He caught it clearly.

Before 'Swordsmanship.

The master' became what it is today's swordsmanship.

Grandmaster'! Sure enough! Every.

The hierarchization of the class will usher in a qualitative leap! "The armed color also entered smoothly.

This huge threshold has reached a qualitative leap change.

Two extra levels!"

Lu En glanced clearly at the current attribute panel.

The strength has really become too much stronger! Even he himself can't tell.


What level does his own strength stand on?

Surpassing the Four Emperors is not that simple! If he just surpassed the Four Emperors, the former Lu En would have already done it! But now that he has gone through the baptism of three golden cards, his strength should be several times higher than the Four Emperors. A level! Words are not enough to describe the terrifying strength currently possessed by Lu En.

As for how to show it and how to measure it, the only way to measure the current level of strength is to use actual combat! Actual combat is the basis for measuring strength! So Lu En narrowed his eyes a little, raised his head, and stared at the four Akainu in front of him. In the direction of 4, the smile on his face is meaningful.

"I can only say sorry to you, I can only use you as a benchmark to measure my strength!"

So, Lu En took a step forward.

Carrying the Supreme Sword, he approached the place where the four Akainu stood.

Facing Lu En's approach.

Akainu's four people are dreadful, dignified and meticulous.


Lu En's pace stopped abruptly, and he was standing in the area less than 4 meters away from the four of Akainu.

Then he opened his mouth with a playful smile.

"Everyone, from now on, I'm invincible!"

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