Only in this way can they be given the will to continue fighting.

"that's right!"

Fujitora exhaled heavily and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "This old man is too alarmist.

Maybe it's all just speculation on our part."

"Until there is no battle, any speculation cannot be verified."

The words fall.

Green Bull and Yellow Ape nodded.

Only by fighting can they see clearly.

How big is the gap between them and Lu En in front of them! "Kill!"

Akainu's tone was full of sternness and murderous intent.

He took the lead.

at the same time.

Fujitora and Green Bull have been dispatched one after another! But if you want to say who can make the move the fastest, of course, it is Kizaru! "Eight-foot mirror!"

Kizaru turned into a golden halo, and disappeared in place in an instant.

when it reappears.

Huang Yuan was already standing beside Lu En [-] meters away.

There was a golden halo, and it could be seen that the tiny particles were continuously healing and condensed into a relatively huge golden light group.


The figure of the yellow monkey just appeared out of thin air.

Holding the Tiancong Cloud Sword, he tried to chop off Lu En's head.

Before the Tiancong Cloud Sword was split.

Lu En raised his head suddenly.


Kizaru's pupils shrank, looking at Lu En's eyes.

The two looked at each other! From Lu En's eyes, Kizaru caught the playful mood swings.

"Not great!"

Kizaru wants to retreat.


It's too late! Lu En's speed is unprecedented! It's so fast that it surpasses the yellow monkey and makes the yellow monkey completely unable to react! "Shaved!"

Lu En's figure disappeared in place.

Kiabou's attack did not fall before.

When Lu En appeared again, he was already standing behind the yellow monkey.

Feel the chills down your spine "When!"

The yellow monkey's pupils shrank, and his lips moved slightly.

Immediately after.

He tried to force the Devil Fruit ability into elementalization! A sense of crisis! A strong sense of crisis enveloped Kizaru's body.

This sense of crisis is unprecedented! This is the first time Kizaru feels that he is in such a strong crisis.

"It's a pity to want to element, it's still too slow."

"Why don't you take my word to heart? I said it, from now on, I'm invincible!"

Lu En shook his head gently.

The supremely sharp knife in his hand, covered with a layer of armed armor, aimed at Kizaru's body.

With one knife, he slashed down without hesitation! Facing Lu En's knife.

The yellow monkey couldn't escape.

His eyes widened, his face full of horror.

"This knife"

"I may, will die!"

The yellow ape has already smelled it.

The breath of death has never been so close! This knife can't be avoided! Kizaru gritted his teeth and pushed the devil fruit with all his strength, and his body was almost half-elemental.

But helpless.

Lu En's knife is really too fast.

I didn't wait for the yellow monkey to completely elementalize the body.

The supremely sharp knife in Lu En's hand had already slashed at the back of the yellow monkey.

"Do not!"

Kizaru's eyes widened, bloodshot all over, and a hysterical roar roared in his heart.

Pfft! The blade cuts through the sky.

Passed through the body of the yellow monkey, so.

A cloud of fresh blood burst out in an instant! Blood stains flew all over the sky! Blood stained the sky! The pungent smell of blood lingered in the air, spreading in all directions.

When the bloodstain fell to the soil, it soon melted into the soil and disappeared without a trace.

Only the pungent smell is left, which is creepy.

The scene is very strange! There is no sound! Plop! A louder voice spreads.

Everyone can see it clearly.

The general, the yellow monkey, fell just like that.

The dignified Admiral of the Navy Headquarters is actually cut in half! Yes! The Yellow Monkey was cut in half from the back! He is the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters! The highest combat power of the Navy! It can be expected that as a general Kizaru, his end will be so miserable! It's too tragic! This is the first time that this kind of death has appeared on the body of a general! And what is even more terrifying is that the general Kizaru is still being killed. Killed in an instant! Blood spurted desperately from the body of the yellow monkey, overflowing and slipping, soaking in all directions, forming a small blood lake in this area, infecting the soil of one side.

This knife from Lu En beat the general Huang Yuan on the spot! Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter 889 The Death of the Navy!The general falls!

The pungent bloody smell flows slowly and spreads in all directions.


The two corpses, grim and dazzling, appeared incomparably eye-catching in the eyes of everyone around them.

Bloodstains, along the scars of the corpse, spilled out and merged into the soil below.

The smell of blood blends with the air, wafting into every corner.

Silence! The scene,,, the atmosphere became: extraordinarily strange.

Not a single sound was heard.

Quiet, as if one could hear the faint sound of people's heart beating.

All eyes were gathered in one place at the same time, unable to move, their eyes widened, their expressions dull and horrified.

The two corpses lying quietly on the ground became the object of everyone's attention, attracting the attention of tens of thousands of navy elites.


Including Akainu, Fujitora, and Midori.

There were also the ten lieutenant generals and tens of thousands of naval elites, all of them, without exception, were attracted by the two corpses in front of them, dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

when they see clearly.

The two corpses lying on the ground, their mood became even more horrified, shocked and frightened.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The corpses on the ground appeared dazzlingly in everyone's eyes.

It also caused the mood of everyone present to be set off by waves of turbulent waves, which were difficult to calm down.

It's so terrifying! It's really hard for them to believe what happened in front of them.

Is this possible! It stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible! The things that subverted their cognitions happened in front of their eyes, and it is conceivable how violently their moods would fluctuate, how shocking and horrifying they would be.

Huang Yuan actually died! Yes! The dignified general of the Navy Headquarters, as a general with the highest combat power in the navy, was cut open by someone with a knife, and died on the spot! People can kill them in seconds! Who can imagine this! He is a general! What is the concept of a general? In this chaotic sea, the general can suppress one party, otherwise it will never become the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters.

But it is such a terrifying general who was killed in seconds. No one could have expected it, and no one could accept it.

All of this is too sensational! Not to mention that the tens of thousands of naval elites are unbelievable, even the generals Fujitora, Green Bull, and even the Admiral Akainu of the Navy Headquarters are in a state of horror, and it is difficult for them to slow down. calm.

"Dead, dead!"

Fujitora's lips trembled and he couldn't help but speak.

Although he can't see it.

But don't forget, his sight has always been very terrifying! Under the shroud of sight, of course, he can see that there is a vigorous vital sign that disappears without a trace.

no doubt.

Someone died.

And the person who died was not the Swordsman Destruction! It was the one between them, a certain general! "Yes, it's Kizaru!"

Lu Niu's throat was dry, and he blurted out with a horrified expression, "Admiral of the dignified naval headquarters, this fellow Kizaru, he, he has been beaten like this!"

"It's unbelievable!"

"how can that be!"

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