"Kizuna has a glittering fruit, and his speed should be unmatched by no one.

But he was such a terrifying monster that he was killed!"

"Even we were completely unable to react.

I can only see clearly, the two corpses of the monster, the Japanese ape, lying on the ground."

At this moment.

Whether it was Fujitora or Green Bull, their mood was set off by a wave like a storm, and they were beaten after wave after wave, and they couldn't calm down.

What happened in front of them really impacted their cognitive concepts.

It's unbelievable! The dignified general, the yellow monkey with the glittering fruit, would be caught in a split second! The corpse was placed in front of them, in front of their eyes.

Of course they couldn't think that the yellow ape was still alive! Even if the body had been turned into two parts, even if there were no more terrifying means, they could not be resurrected! There is no doubt about this! The yellow ape is dead.

This is an indisputable fact! Although it is unacceptable, the fact that Kizaru has died is still clearly presented in everyone's eyes, making them unable to comfort themselves.

"Broken Swordsman"

"This monster!"

Akainu's face was full of horror, and he stared at the corpse of Kizaru with extreme fear, and then turned to look at the young figure standing next to the corpse of Kizaru, holding a blade.

He couldn't believe it.

It was this young man who killed Kizaru with a single knife! Kiwi is a general! As the highest ape of the navy headquarters, he was so easily beheaded! If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

How can Akainu accept all this! "A general, just died like this"

Fujitora was shocked.

It's terrifying! Of course, the strength of Kisurugi, Fujitora and the others, who are also generals, are clear.

It is precisely because they know too much about the strength of Kizaru that they are so shocked by what is happening in front of them.

The strength of the yellow ape is not inferior to any of them! Such a powerful yellow ape, their world view collapsed after such a death.

"Kizuna's strength is not inferior to this old man."

"If just now, it was the old man who took the initiative."

"This also means that the old man will also be instantly killed!"

Fujitora's tone was full of fear and palpitations.

If it were any of them, I'm afraid it would be impossible to escape this fate! It's just.

Kizaru was faster and played a striker for them, so that they would be killed in seconds.

Don't be careless! Kizuna will never be careless! It's just that the opponent is really too strong, so powerful that there is no room for Kizuna to fight back, so he will be killed instantly! "If we were to replace us with the situation of Kizuna just now, how will we"

Akainu couldn't help but speak.

Fujitora and the green cow were all terrified and shuddered.

They were silent.

But the result has been left unspoken.

Their fate, and Huang

Apes are like no other! They die too! And.

Just like Kizaru, they will be instantly killed! When two generals and a marshal panic in their hearts.

not far away.

The ten lieutenant generals on the deck of the warship, as well as tens of thousands of many elites in the navy, still fixed their gazes sluggishly in the center of the battlefield.

They saw it.

Kizaru's tragic death! It was split open by a knife! The dead can't die any longer! It is precisely because they saw the trend of the battle clearly that their mood became so shocking and terrifying.

"Huang, General Huang Yuan, he just died like this"

A terrified and shocking voice resounded from the crowd.

Just like a fuse, it ignited the scene, and everyone panicked.

"Me, my God!"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have imagined it.

An existence so powerful as a general will one day be instantly killed by someone!"

"This is Admiral Kizaru, the highest combat power of our navy headquarters.

He was actually killed so easily!"

"This, this is impossible!"

"No way!"

"I can't believe how the general could be wiped out so easily.

This must be fake, don't say it, I won't accept this!"

Some naval mentality is broken.

They held their heads tightly, their eyes were red and bloodshot.

Despite this, the deep fear on their faces is still difficult to eliminate! The development of things made them all unexpected.

Kizuna is dead! The dignified admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Kizuna actually died just like that.

As a naval admiral, Kizaru is still a senior, different from the rest of Fujitora and Green Bull.

As a general, the yellow monkey has been around for many years.

Compared with Fujitora, Midori, and Kizaru, the deterrent power to the navy is obviously much higher.

But it is such a powerful and terrifying general of the headquarters who was killed in seconds! Who can accept this result! As the elites of the navy who grew up under the protection of the generals, their goal is to become a general one day. A powerful presence of this level can deter one side of the sea.


Today today.

But they saw it.

Even the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters can be so vulnerable at times.

He was killed in one strike by someone! Is this really the general they admire? This is too weak! "No, it's not that the general is too weak."


"The monster that General Kizaru faced, Destruction Jianhao, is too powerful!"

"It's unscientific, do you still remember that the swordsman of destruction just now showed signs of defeat.

But why, in the blink of an eye, the battle was overturned!"

"This, this in the end"

Everyone can't understand.

They had clearly seen it just now.

The battle strength of the four generals has taken the advantage of the battle situation! Why?

It's only been a while.

This war has brought earth-shaking changes! This does not conform to common sense! "Is it impossible?"

"From the very beginning, the monster of Destruction Jianhao didn't show his true strength!"

This speculation has caused countless navies to be moved and deeply shocked.

If that's the case, then it can be explained.

But here comes the problem.

After the swordsman had used his true strength, how strong would he be! This question was deeply rooted in the minds of every navy, and they couldn't help but raise their heads and stare at the corpse of Kizaru on the battlefield.

Then they can draw conclusions.

This is the level of strength after Shattering Swordsman earnestly.

With one knife, you can instantly kill the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters! "My God!"

"In that case, how can the battle go on!"

"Aren't we lost!"

"Who can cure this monster, the Destruction Swordsman, even the generals were killed.

Next, there will be a huge reversal of the situation.”

"The combat power of the four generals was barely superior before.

But now, not to mention Destruction Swordsman has been serious.

Just talking about the death of General Kisaragi is enough to make a huge change in this battle!"

"Destruction Swordsman, it is too strong to be outrageous!"

A group of marines began to fall into an atmosphere of extreme panic.

Many lieutenant generals including Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan, etc., became a little panicky, their throats were dry, and they stared blankly at the battlefield, and it was always difficult to suppress the fear in their emotions.


No one could have imagined it.

This epic battle will actually lead to the death of the general! The general will fall on this day! This is the death of the navy! The combat power of any general in the navy headquarters is the most scarce resource of the navy.

Today, the death of Kizaru will undoubtedly cause unprecedented trauma to the Navy.

these years.

This is the first time that a general was killed on the battlefield! Even in the battle against the Whitebeard Pirates at the time, the general was never killed in action.

But just today.

In dealing with the world's strongest generals for nearly a hundred years, the phenomenon of death has finally appeared! The phenomenon of generals dying in action is like a terrible nightmare, and slowly began to erode the hearts of the naval personnel.

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