Down to the elite of the navy, up to the vice admiral, and even the generals and marshals, they will be completely affected by the death of the general, and interfere with their fighting spirit and mentality, etc.

The will to fight in their hearts, with the death of General Kizaru, was consumed infinitely! Generals as powerful as the highest combat power died.

They were killed in seconds! It is self-evident what would happen if they met!

Chapter 890 Invincible pose!One person overpowers the audience!

A pair of eyes stared blankly at the corpse of Kizaru.


The eyes of many navies moved one after another, and finally, they settled on Lu En's body, his face became more and more frightened, his lips trembled, and his hands and feet became cold.

If they hadn't seen the corpse of the yellow monkey, of course they couldn't accept it.

The dignified Admiral Kizaru of the Navy Headquarters will be killed in seconds! But the corpse is placed here, and they cannot tolerate the slightest doubt.

Yellow Ape is really dead.

Dignified Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, as the highest combat power of the Navy, he was instantly killed by the opposing Swordsman.

No one can dispute this, it is an indisputable fact.

The corpse was right in front of their eyes.

They can no longer make any second explanation! "General Yellow Monkey, really dead"

Lieutenant Generals such as Flying Squirrel and Huoshaoshan stood there blankly.

Kizaru! This is Kizaru! Admiral of the Navy's headquarters! "General, he's really dead!"

The rest of the lieutenant generals opened their mouths one after another, fear pierced into their hearts and filled their bodies.

Although the lieutenant general and the general are only one level apart.

But in fact, the strength gap between the two sides excludes a very individual lieutenant general.

Compared with the generals, the rest of the lieutenant generals are almost like the world! Now even the generals have been beaten.

What they can do they can imagine.

If they intervene in the battlefield, they are afraid that they will be killed by the aftermath at any time! Tens of thousands of naval elites are shocked by the death of Kiabou.

This can be said for decades.

appeared for the first time.

An example of the death of a strong man of this rank.

Never before! Look at the sea.

Even Zefa of the old era was never killed when he was a general! However.

This time, the first example has appeared! Kizaru, when he was serving as a general, was killed! He was instantly killed! Kizaru has no ability to resist at all, otherwise he would not be killed! "Today's battle , No matter what the result is, it will definitely detonate this sea!"

Some lieutenants were very worried.

How it turned out they suddenly bottomed out! At first.

When they saw the fighting strength of the four generals oppressing the opposing swordsmen, they thought in their hearts that they would win this battle beautifully!

The situation of the war has naturally undergone tremendous changes since then! No one could have imagined it.

The dignified general of the headquarters, Kizaru, would be so unbearably killed in an instant! Yes! No matter Akainu, Fujitora, Green Bull and the others, none of them could have imagined it.

Such a cautious guy, who is greedy for life and fear of death, will be smashed! It is really shocking! After the slaughter of Kizuna.

Everyone can see how much the battle situation will change! The generals are all beaten up! Then! Who can stop the monster on the opposite side, Destruction Swordsman is unstoppable! The four generals can only be reluctantly suppressed. .

But now, Destruction Swordsman is serious, and directly kills a yellow monkey, showing his true strength.


The death of Kizaru also resulted in the loss of one of the four generals in combat power.

The situation that has been maintained for a long time will be completely changed! "This time, it's over!"

Countless navies were completely panicked.

Except for the movement on the navy side.

Not far from the coast.

A small sailboat floated inconspicuously on this side of the sea.

Standing on the deck of a sailboat.

The twenty or so crew members from the Red-haired Pirates stationed on Paradise Island were dumbfounded, watching the changes on the battlefield with horror and horror on their faces.

They were stunned.

Never dreamed of it.

Kizaru, Kizaru Polsalino, the general of the dignified headquarters, is actually dead! He was killed by the adults with one knife! "Huang, Kizaru, he is dead!"

A voice full of disbelief spread through the crowd.

Their eyes have been fixed on the corpse of the yellow monkey, and it is difficult to move.

Kizaru is really dead! Such a corpse is placed in front of all of them.

This will never be fake! A general was really given a second by their adults! "My God!"

"The strength of the adults seems to be a bit terrifying!"

"Being besieged by four generals, and even in the end, he was able to kill a general in seconds, thus completely breaking the balance of the current battle situation!"

"It's terrifying, the means of the adults, let me wait in the dust!"

"One slash, just one slash, and it kills Kizaru! Other than adults, who can do such a feat when looking at this sea!"


"Only an adult can do this astonishing feat!"

They were shocked.

Excited emotions poured into their hearts, and it was difficult to control! The dignified yellow monkey was killed in seconds! This incident really shook their hearts and could not calm them down.

They can imagine when this news spreads to this sea.

Presumably, countless people in this sea will be detonated by this shocking news! That is the navy's highest combat power, the Japanese ape! It's been seconds! If you hadn't witnessed it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe.

"My lord's strength is much stronger than before!"

Someone has a keen insight into this.

"felt it."

"Now the adults, the momentum is more powerful.

Moreover, after you have noticed that there is no Kizaru dead, the three men from the navy on the opposite side don't dare to act rashly."

"I see it, it does!"

"There is no doubt that the adults have seconded Kizaru, which has brought endless pressure to the three of them.

so that let the three of them

3 Don't dare to act rashly!"

"Whoever dares to act rashly and who wants to die can kill Kizaru, can't he kill the rest of the generals?"

"Unexpectedly, the lord actually turned the tide of the battle with his own strength.

One person will oppress the entire field and tens of thousands of navies!"

The crowd was excited and excited.

in the battlefield.

The corpse of the yellow monkey was placed on the ground, no one cared about it, and it became: cold.

Bloodstains spilled from his body, infecting the soil below.


The bloodstains dried up.

The corpse of Huang Yuan also turned pale! It was directly split open by Lu En with a knife! This death is really too tragic.

At any rate, the general of the dignified headquarters, Kizaru, could never have imagined it himself.

In the end, he would die under Lu En's blade in this way.

Killed by a single knife! This is really insulting to the majesty of the general! The navy's highest combat power can't even stop Lu En's knife. If it spreads out, the might of the navy will be truly discredited.

"that's it"

Lu En, holding the supremely sharp knife, stood beside the corpse of the yellow monkey with a strange expression.

General Huang Yuan seems to be too weak! Compared with before, he is weaker than before! Even Lu En didn't expect that this knife would kill Huang Yuan directly! "My strength has become too much stronger. !"

Lu En was emotional.

Of course, he knew that the reason why he was able to defeat the... general of Kizaru was because of the blessings of the three golden cards he had obtained before.

If it weren't for the three golden cards, now Lu En would still be suppressed by the fighting power of the four generals.

As for how difficult it is to turn the tide of the battle! Fortunately, Lu En got three golden cards, and his own strength has ushered in three huge sublimations and leaps compared to before.

That's how the current situation came about, and Lu En got rid of the matter of the yellow monkey in one second.

"Three golden cards have given me a huge increase in strength!"

"General Kizaru is already weak and vulnerable in front of me"

Lu En quietly looked at the corpse under his feet and whispered in his heart.

Thinking of this.

He couldn't help laughing.

If not today.

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