Have you ever thought about it.

The dignified Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the highest combat power of the navy, is actually so fragile.

He was easily stabbed, and it was a second! In the past.

The general, like an unattainable mountain, stood in front of Lu En.


The general is just a stepping stone for Lu En, and he is not even qualified to block his way! The death of Huang Yuan did not affect Lu En's great emotional fluctuations. He just felt something in his heart, and his mood happened after the incident of Huang Yuan. Just some minor changes.


Lu En raised the supremely sharp knife and aimed the blade at the three Akainu in front of him.

He showed an intriguing smile: "I have said it before, from now on, I am invincible.

But you guys don't seem to care at all."

"Now, the yellow monkey is dead.

Then, it's your turn."

At this moment, Lu En is full of invincibility! After a second of Kizaru.

Luen confessed.

Look to the sea.

Now, with your own strength, you can walk sideways wherever you go! Even if you are facing the battle strength of three generals, but what about the generals, it is not that they have never killed! And some temperature.

For Luen.

The current general no longer has any threatening power! And the opposite.

The three people of Akainu, who were aimed at by Lu En's blade, had goosebumps all over their bodies and shuddered.

Not good! Very bad! The taste of being stared at by a monster is definitely not good! "This monster"

"Maybe it's exactly what he said.

Now he is really invincible!"

Akainu gritted his teeth and said with a heavy face.

Now they are completely unable to stop Lu En in front of them.

This is an indisputable fact! There is still a chance that the yellow monkey is not dead, but now the yellow monkey has been killed.

How can their remaining combat power be able to deal with such a terrifying monster that can kill Kizaru with one knife! "Is the current swordsman of destruction the real swordsman of destruction?"

"The old man has seen it."

"Why, the strongest in the world!"

Fujitora was touched and couldn't help but say a few words.

"Don't sigh, Huang Yuan is dead, it's our turn next.

If he can kill Kizaru in one shot, he can kill any of us in one shot!"

Cold sweat broke out on the green cow's forehead.

A dignified general of the headquarters, but in the face of such a severe situation at present.

In the heart of the green cow, it was very unsatisfactory and timid! "What should I do?"

Green Bull looked in the direction of Akainu.

Isn't that the Admiral? In the face of the current predicament, what's the plan! "There's nothing you can do!"

Akainu spit out four words with a heavy heart.

"Now, it's over!"

With a 'boom' in the green cow's head, it suddenly became: blank.

The atmosphere is quiet! Depressed! The three Akainu 3, stiff in place, dare not act rashly.

Tens of thousands of navies carrying warships, docked in the waters thousands of meters away, did not dare to move rashly, and could only stare blankly at the changes in the battlefield with their terrified eyes.

Don't dare to take any measures against Lu En! They were so frightened by the power displayed by Lu En that their fighting spirit was completely wiped out! Lu En, only one person, was coercing the audience! Fei Lu reminds you: read Three things collection, recommended

Chapter 891 With one punch, the general Green Bull was crippled on the spot!

The corpse of the yellow monkey was randomly placed on the ground.

The blood has dried up.

The dignified admiral of the Navy Headquarters died in a very tragic way! Beside the corpse of Kizaru.

Lu En held the supremely sharp knife, and looked at the three Akainu three in front of him with playful eyes, and the expression on his face was particularly intriguing.

He didn't move.

But standing here, plus the corpse of the yellow monkey lying beside him.

All of this was enough to give Akainu and the three of them an endless sense of oppression.


Lu En couldn't help laughing when he noticed the expressions of the three Akainu three.

Just now, he was still in high spirits! At this moment, he accepted his fate so quickly, which shows that.

After Huang Yuan was killed, how much was the blow to them! As a general, Huang Yuan couldn't resist Lu En's attack.

They, of course, have nothing to do! "In this case, things will be very boring."

Lu En took a step.

Step by step, approaching the position of Akainu three people in front.

Akainu's spirit became tense, clenching his fists, his arms turned into lava, and the fiery temperature rose, lingering in all directions.

Fujitora held a samurai sword, armed with colored armor, covering the blade, exuding an ominous and fierce aura, he did not dare to relax and be careless.


The green bull took a half step back, but still held his scalp, his fists were covered in armed color, and he gritted his teeth without making any gesture of retreating.

There is no escape! At least.

Green Bull doesn't think that he can escape the attack range of this monster! If he escapes, the impact will be too great.

The dignified admiral of the navy's headquarters actually fled the news, but it really made the navy lose face.


Green Bull knew very well that if he escaped, it would surely shake the minds of Akainu and Fujitora, which would make the three-way lineup collapsed.

Originally, in a four-on-one situation, they only suppressed the opposing swordsman.

Now Kizaru is dead, there are three people left.

The three-on-one situation doesn't put too much pressure on them.

If he tries to escape the battlefield.

The other two naturally did not dare to stay any longer.

Once dispersed! It will naturally give the opponent a chance to defeat them one by one! Based on the above analysis.

The Green Bull decided that he must not escape, and could not be a deserter.

Because of this, not only... can't let him escape from this ghost place alive, and it is very likely that they will end their lives sooner.

But on second thought.

The green bull smiled bitterly.

The yellow ape also died.

Do they really have a chance of winning here?

The remarks he asked Akainu just now.

Akainu's answer is that there is nothing he can do! This is Akainu's answer! Even Akainu, who is the commander-in-chief of the navy, has nothing to do. What way can they think of to reverse the current war situation? Can't think of a reasonable plan! "It's just a desperate fight."

Fujitora held a samurai sword and said in a heavy tone, "Don't think too much, although we can't defeat it.

But at least, we can do everything we can to fight to the end!"

"The old man is in the vanguard, fighting with the swordsman of destruction for his life!"

"You two, what's your choice?"


Fujitora took the initiative to take a step forward and stepped forward.

Even if he understands the enemy in front of him, it is unprecedentedly terrifying! He can easily crush his life.

But he still has no turning back, and has no idea of ​​backing down.

As an Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, a navy with justice, Fujitora will never back down, this is a tribute to him as a swordsman.

An insult! In any case, even if you know you will die in battle, you will never back down! This is the swordsman.

The way! It's also the way Fujitora has always believed in! "I'm getting more and more timid as I live."

Akainu suddenly laughed out loud and took the initiative to stand up and stand side by side with Fujitora.

He recalled.

As a lieutenant general, he did not reach the days before the general.

At that time, how high-spirited he was when dealing with those pirates! Even in the face of strong enemies, he never flinched.

At that time, he was the real navy! "Then fight to the death!"

The green bull gritted his teeth, and the three of them walked on the same line, staring at Lu En who was approaching with dignified faces.

Lu En, who holds the supreme sword, is young and thin, but he endows Akainu and the three of them with monstrous coercion.

"I regret"

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