Akainu whispered to himself.


Fujitora frowned.

"I regret dispatching so much naval power to deal with this monster.

I thought that this time I had settled on this monster.

But I didn't expect that in the end, it would ruin the power of so many of our navies!"

"I'm too careless."

Akainu sighed helplessly.

It was very rare for Green Bull to capture a deep sense of guilt from Akainu's face! This Akainu also felt guilty in Green Bull's mind. He always thought that Akainu was a very stiff one. People, even if they know they've done something wrong, can never back down...

Never thought.

People with the character of Akainu will also feel guilty! This is because the mood of knowing that the green cow will die is getting heavier and heavier.

For the first time, he felt that the position of this general was sitting very tight! "In this battle, even if I am as strong as myself, I may die.

Just like Kizaru, he was killed with no power to fight back."

"You must know that Huang Yuan has the ability to shine fruit, and at his speed, he can't dodge Lu En's knife.

If it were me, how could there be an exception?"

The green bull clenched his fists.

The more he thought about it, the heavier and depressed his mood became! "Kill!"

Fujitora made his move.

He waved the samurai sword in his hand.

"Gravity meteorites fall!"

Playing with gravity, Fujitora's forehead swelled, blood tumbling in his body.

He forcibly activated the Devil Fruit ability, and broke out the most terrifying move! So.

next second.

Above the sky, a terrifying meteorite wrapped in flames suddenly landed in the direction of Lu En.

The sky suddenly became dark.

Meteorite! This is a real meteorite! It can be called a meteorite that covers the sky, falling from the edge of the sky and smashing down extremely fast.

The attack range is terrifying! Lu En's area of ​​thousands of meters is covered by this 1 terrifying meteorite.

This scene.

Falling into the eyes of the tens of thousands of navy elites in the surrounding waters, as well as ten lieutenant generals, their expressions became: very frightening and shocking.

"Meteorite, Meteorite!"

"Admiral Fujitora, summoned a meteor to land!"

"My God, this is

Can man do it?"

Many navies were shocked and shivered.

It's all unbelievable! The meteorite fell from the sky.

smashed with terrifying speed.

The space seemed to be torn apart by this meteorite.

With endless coercion, sweeping and releasing.

The navies who were thousands of meters away could also feel the terrifying oppression that the meteorite had brought to them, even if they were thousands of meters apart.

In the battlefield, "I can't hide it anymore."

When witnessing Fujitora releasing the meteorite, Akainu no longer hides.

His arms turned into lava, and his fists were pointed upwards.

"Meteor Volcano!"

A group of objects similar to meteorite fragments, formed in the shape of a fist, wrapped in magma, and fell overwhelmingly from the sky.

Like, it's pouring rain! The temperature is skyrocketing! It's scorching hot, sweeping in all directions.

This move is Akainu's trump card! The large-scale attack has enveloped Lu En's place.

At the scene, only the green cow stood on the spot, concentrated and full of energy, with bloodshot eyes, always keeping an eye on Lu En's behavior.

Only Akainu and Fujitora understood.

The green bull is ready, one hit will kill you! Only when you look for Dao Luen's weakness, the green bull will be dispatched! If this blow is unsuccessful, it will be a benevolence! And this.

It is also their greatest hope right now.

Can't go wrong! Otherwise.

They, will lose! "I only have one chance!"

"If I can't get a shot, I'm very likely to be killed!"

The green cow's forehead was filled with sweat stains, and the back was already wet with sweat.

The pressure is too great! One chance! If he can't succeed, he thinks that he may be killed in an instant like Kiabou! But how difficult it is to kill the swordsman with one blow! The monster on the opposite side, But it can stop the existence of Kizaru! Although his green bull's strength is not bad, but if he wants to kill with one blow, the difficulty factor is not generally high.

Even the green cow doesn't have any confidence in his heart at this moment.

But he can only do it as hard as he can! At the same time.

Huge meteorites, covering the sky and the sun, impacted below.

Lu En held the supreme sword, and his footsteps stopped abruptly, pausing for a moment.


He raised his head and looked at the huge meteorite high in the sky, as well as the meteorite fragments wrapped in many magma, his expression was calm, and there was not much emotional fluctuation.

The terrifying airflow generated by the meteorite's landing had already been oppressed from hundreds of meters away, covering Lu En's body.

Rumbling! The ground collapsed! Squeezed by this terrifying airflow, the soil on this side collapsed and fell directly.

It's like, the end is coming!" I can just give it a try, the swordsmanship I just improved.

! "

The supremely sharp knife in Lu En's hand slashed directly at the sky.


Yan back!"

咻!! A terrifying slash, in the form of a purple, semi-circular arc, rushes to the edge of the sky, aiming at this gigantic terrifying meteorite.

Slash, cut through the sky.

Rip space! In an instant.

Boom! A loud bang resounded through the sky, deafening.

Visible to the naked eye.

The meteorite was torn apart by Lu En's knife! One knife, two halves! The meteorite was split into two halves! The huge meteorite turned into two pieces and scattered on both sides of the island.

Boom! When the huge meteorite fell, countless places and buildings on the entire island were bombarded and collapsed.

Along with the entire island, it keeps collapsing.

Boom! Boom! The meteorite bombarded the island, and the island was riddled with holes. As the meteorite landed, it smashed out a bottomless pit.

The ferocious cracks that have cracked open spread all over the place, causing the soil to collapse and the ground to collapse.

After destroying this 1 giant meteorite, Akainu's Meteor Volcano has also smashed down crazily.

Hot magma splashed down from the sky.

Lu En raised the supreme sword in his hand, without any reservation, and waved the blade.

咻!! 咻!! 咻!! One after another sharp slashes, soaring into the sky.

Boom! Boom! The many rocks on the horizon that were wrapped with magma were all slashed and smashed into dust.

Just for a moment.

The Meteor Volcano brewed by Akainu was all destroyed by Lu En's slash! A little magma fell and eroded the soft and cracked soil under his feet.

"This is the moment!"

The green cow was heartbroken.

He kicked his feet, and a huge force exploded under his feet.

Boom! The ground I stepped on was smashed open by a huge impact.

Then the green cow's body disappeared from the spot in an instant, approaching Luen's direction at a terrifying speed of supersonic speed.

The sound of breaking through the air is piercing.

In an instant! The green bull was already standing beside Lu En, his fists condensed armed armor, and slammed into Lu En's chest without reservation.

This punch, coupled with the sprint effect, will increase the power a lot.

Boom! Fist, hit Lu En's chest.


The green cow's eyes flashed, and his face was full of excitement.

He thought he had succeeded.

But when the fist hit Lu En's body.

The green cow's smile stopped abruptly and became: extraordinarily stiff.

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