"It is normal for Lieutenant General Garp and Marshal of the Warring States Period to be severely injured by a knife that is separated by a thousand meters."

When hope was shattered, countless navies lay on the deck with their ashen faces, motionless.

They no longer return any hope.

"Wait to die!"

"It's just weird, we provoked monsters that shouldn't be provoked."

"This monster is an existence that our navy cannot provoke."

The lieutenants sighed in their hearts.

Under the support of Lieutenant General Crane, Sengoku was sent to the beach of Paradise Island, wounded and wounded.

Garp, who was walking on a moon, was also lying on the shore, breathing short and without a sense of rhythm.

Both of them were hit hard in succession.

Although not dead on the spot.

But at least, they are no longer qualified to continue fighting! "The whole army was wiped out"

Warring States smiled bitterly and lay on the shore.

Even they were planted.

How can the rest of the navy escape? This is the most tragic loss the navy has suffered in a hundred years! On the other side.

Lu En, who was holding the supremely sharp sword, slowly put away the blade, his eyes narrowed slightly, and looked at Garp and Warring States on the edge of the coast, with a slightly strange expression.

He was surprised.

Obviously it is only a knife of [-]% of the power. "After all, they are still old."

Lu En can only understand so.

A knife with [-]% of its power, even though it was thousands of meters apart, it still severely damaged Sengoku and Garp.

This gave Lu En a deeper understanding of his current strength.

"To be honest, I've really drained the water."

"But I didn't expect that even if I release the water, I can still hit you hard.

If I stab with all my strength, the two of you may already be dead."

Lu En lowered his voice.

Even after the water was released, I still didn't expect that these two veterans would still be so embarrassed! With just a single blow of [-]% of their power, these two veterans were easily hit hard.

This result really surprised Lu En himself.

But after a short time, he quickly accepted the fact.

After the improvement of the three golden cards, his own strength has long been different from the previous moment.

A knife with [-]% of the power, easily hitting two veterans, is not a major event worthy of further investigation.

after all.

Whether Garp or Warring States, they are already old and no longer as strong as they were at their peak.

Although the strength of the two is still not inferior to the generals, but after all, it is much inferior to the previous peak period.

But even if the two were at their peak, Lu En was confident that he could easily hit them hard.

"When you're old, you should be obedient and support yourself. Why should you come out and be brave and let yourself suffer from a lot of root causes and dark wounds? Why bother?"

"Retirees should look like they're retired!"

"Instead of running around and making a fuss, and taking the initiative to get involved in my affairs."

"After the lesson just now, you must have a deep self-knowledge.

Yourselves, you are no longer young."

"If you want to save the navy's current desperate situation, you can tell the truth, just relying on the two of you is far from qualified!"

With a smile on Lu En's face, he took a deep look at Garp and Sengoku lying on the coast.

Chapter 898 Whether the navy has been wiped out is just a thought!

Fear! Deep fear haunts the hearts of all navies.

Standing on the deck of a warship.

Tens of thousands of navy elites stared in horror at the direction of the coast of Paradise Island.

Then they saw the embarrassed figures of Garp and Sengoku.

Garp's arms were ripped apart, looking extremely miserable! In the Warring States Period, a savage crack was split open in his chest, and blood spilled out, infecting his clothes.

It's too tragic! The former Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, plus the hero of the navy Garp.

The two of them never thought they would fall into such a situation.

"We're fucked!"

"All hope has been destroyed!"

"Destroying the monster Jianhao puts an end to all the fantasies and extravagant hopes in our hearts.

Now that hope is gone, Lieutenant General Garp is as strong as he is, and he is easily hit hard."

All navies are desperate.

They don't see any hope.

The rest is a dead end, a dead end! The total high-end combat power.

Three generals, one dead and two disabled! The former marshal was hit hard! The hero Garp was hit hard! The current marshal was hit hard! This is the result of the loss of their high-end combat power.

In addition to high-end combat power, they can't imagine how many people can be used to fill the vacancy with this monster.

The number of people can't fill the gap with this monster! This is not the key to victory or defeat that can be caused by the number of people.

In front of this terrifying monster, no matter how many people there are, it will not help, it is just to die.


current them.

What's the point of their tens of thousands of navy elites? Except for the fate of being crushed, they can't even touch Lu En's shirt! "We lost too much in this battle."

"This is definitely the first time in over a hundred years that our Navy has suffered such a tragic defeat.

Moreover, this defeat is likely to completely ruin the future of our navy."

Everyone can imagine.

If everyone here is dead today.

Then! The navy, how can it continue to develop, it is bound to become a force eliminated by this sea.

Today's loss is too tragic.

So many elites are gathered in this side of the sea.

There are also generals, marshals, etc.


Those in the navy who have a certain right to speak are all dispatched here and participate in the battlefield.

can be expected.

When all the people participating in the battlefield today are dead, the navy will also fall into an unprecedented state of vacancy.

As a result, the Navy will eventually collapse.

Without a high-level commander, how can the Navy continue to develop is basically impossible! Therefore.

Many people can deduce that if they are really dead.

The navy will truly exist in name only, and although it may still exist, it is not far from extinction.

"Even the Warring States Marshal, Lieutenant General Garp, and Lieutenant General Crane are here."

"If we are truly wiped out, what a terrifying impact it will have on this sea!"

They can't imagine this.

But at least that's for sure.

If they are really wiped out, it will be the beginning of the turmoil in this sea! Without the constraints of the navy.

God knows, how crazy the pirates will become! I thought the victory was in my hands.

Now they see it clearly.

They will be completely wiped out! Now, no one can stop the pace of destroying the swordsman! The general will die, the disabled will be disabled!

Even the aftermath can kill the lieutenant in seconds. How can it be difficult for the lieutenant to deal with this monster! "From today onwards"

"Perhaps, the Navy will cease to exist!"

"Because of one person, the true navy was completely ruined."

Countless navies were terrified and sad in their hearts.

Unbelievable to dream.

The huge navy will go to the road of destruction because of the existence of one person! If you hadn't witnessed it with your own eyes, who would have dared to imagine such a horrifying thing as the entire navy, such a huge power group! Compared with the four emperors, it is more terrifying Several times the terrifying group! But it was destroyed because of one person! This is too scary! It is unheard of!" If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would have believed that "We are a dignified navy, a terrorist force with millions.

Looking at this sea, the only organization that can deter pirates!"

"It's the last"

"It will destroy someone!"

Some navy said bitterly.

It's unbelievable! One person, subverting a behemoth of a million people! Of course.

At present, the navy is gathered here, but more than [-] people.

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