Including high-end combat power, it will not exceed [-] people.

But don’t forget, all the elites gathered here are the elites! Their losses can be said to be worth ten! The loss of ten 10 ordinary navies is worth one of their elite naval elites! In order to train them, the navy spends How many human and material resources are innumerable! But with today's battle.

The battle, which was originally a sure victory, finally showed them their defeat! It also showed them that the navy was about to perish! It was at stake.

No one can save the current situation of the Navy! This is also the thought of many elites in the Navy.

So they simply no longer have any extravagant hope of living.

All hope, as early as after the Karp Warring States was hit hard, turned into endless despair, ruling their bodies


Two powerful veterans were easily crippled.

What more can be said of hope Hope is long gone! Meanwhile.

in the battlefield.

Broken ground, many ruins collapsed.

Rumble! With the faint tremor of the ground, the ruins were broken open.

from the ruins.

Akainu crawled out with difficulty, his body was full of scars, blood spilled, and the clothes on his body were completely infected, blood red.

The pungent smell of blood wafted into the air.

"Cough cough!"

Akainu coughed violently, vomited blood, and spilled it under the soil.

He rested his hands on the ground, breathing rapidly, without rhythm, and his face was pale and bloodless.

After crawling out of the ruins.

Akainu seems to have exhausted all the strength of his body, and the hands supporting his body have also loosened with force..., his body is lying on the ground, and his figure is in a mess.

The dignified Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, never thought that such an embarrassing day would come.

Akainu's body had suffered too much damage, and he only felt that his bones were about to fall apart, and he could no longer support him to stand up.

It is of course impossible to continue fighting! Akainu can't even act like an ordinary person! His injury is too serious! Suddenly.

Akainu saw it.

The two figures covered in blood lying on the coast a thousand meters away.

"Karp, Sengoku"

"Are they here too?"

Akainu's pupils shrank, looking very shocked.

He didn't expect it.

These two veterans actually came to participate in this battle! But immediately, he let out a bitter sigh.

He could naturally see clearly that Garp and Sengoku were seriously injured.


It doesn't take much guesswork, Akainu understands.

Apart from the fact that the injuries on the two came from the monster that broke the sword, he couldn't think of the second possibility.

no doubt.

Even Garp and Sengoku lost.

This was not beyond Akainu's expectations.

Garp is indeed very strong, and Sengoku is also very strong! But it also depends on who the comparison is! Compared with these generals, Garp and Sengoku are incomparably strong! However, in front of Destruction Swordsman.

Even if it is as strong as Garp and Sengoku, it will still look fragile.

There is no reason for it.

The swordsman of destruction is really too strong! The kind that far exceeds the realm of everyone in this sea... tyrannical! The real world is the strongest! This moment.

Akainu also deeply realized how accurate the title of the strongest in the world is! "I lost this battle."

"We also lost, and we lost horribly!"

Akainu's tone was sad.

Naturally, he knew exactly what the consequences of defeat would be! Their navy is really going to be wiped out today.

Destroyed in the hands of one person! This is something Akainu didn't expect.

The opponent was only able to do it all by himself, and he overthrew tens of thousands of elites in their entire navy, plus a lot of high-end combat power.

All lost! Lost to one person! And this is the main reason for Akainu's frustration.

One man overturned them.

They are so rubbish! Such a huge group was finally overturned by one person! Thinking of this, Akainu couldn't help but vomit blood again, and the internal injury became more serious.

One person overturned their long-awaited battle! "I am a sinner!"

Akainu was lying on the ground with a look of hopelessness.

the other side.

Rumbling! There was also a faint tremor from a dilapidated ruin.

When the broken stones are scattered, they are dumped on both sides.

only see.

From the ruins, Fujitora walked out step by step.

He was covered in blood, his hands were clenching the samurai sword, his clothes were shattered, and there was a ferocious scar on his chest.

Blood stains completely soaked his body.

one look.

Fujitora's whole person is like a blood man.

This picture makes my scalp tingle! It is very rare for a dignified admiral of the navy to be beaten like this! Plop! Not long after walking out of the ruins, Fujitora was exhausted, his eyes turned white, and he fell to the ground beside him , lay down directly and fainted.

His injury was too serious.

With so many injuries accumulated in the body, even a monster as powerful as Fujitora could no longer support it, and lay on the ground and fell into a coma.

Not far from where Fujitora lay down.

The green cow was still lying on the spot, dying.

"Fujitora, also fell."

Green Bull looked in the direction of Fujitora with difficulty, shook his head like a gray face and sighed.

hundreds of meters apart.

The corpse of the yellow monkey has become: a piece of ice cold.

This battle, on the side of the Navy, was completely defeated! There is no suspense about this! It's up to now.

Anyone with eyes can see it.

Lu En, alone, completely controlled the trend of the battle, and completely dominated this huge battle of the world! Here, no one can stop Lu En! In short.

Whether the navy will face the fate of total annihilation here is only in Lu En's thoughts! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collection, recommendation

Chapter 899 The first existence that oppresses the navy to bow its head!

Despair! Deep despair dominated the minds and bodies of all the navy present, making them tremble with fear, and each stayed on the original deck of the warship, motionless.

They looked terrified and stared blankly at the battlefield on Paradise Island without blinking their eyes.

among the crowd.

The middle-aged person in charge 0, who was wearing a black suit, reacted from the shock, and the first thing that came to his mind was to escape this place of right and wrong as quickly as possible! "Everyone is dead."

"Die or die!"

"Kapp, Sengoku, Akainu and the others, without exception, were all easily crippled.

In this battle, we have already lost, a crushing defeat!"

The middle-aged's lips trembled, and his eyes stared in horror at Sengoku, where Garp and the others were lying.

He has deeply understood.

In this battle, they lost completely! They lost the unprecedented battle with the disparity in numbers! They lost to one person! The other party was alone and easily killed them! "Escape!"

"Must escape!"

"If I don't escape, I will die in the hands of this monster without any suspense like these rice buckets.

The strength of this monster, Destruction Swordsman, has far exceeded everyone's expectations."

"I believe that the adults above, they never dreamed of it.

The siege that was brewing in such a series of battles ended in failure!"

"This matter, in order to destroy the character of the swordsman, will never let it go.

Therefore, the adults above, they are also in a precarious situation."

"I think, even if I escaped from the battlefield, they would not be distracted to deliberately investigate the battle on Paradise Island today.

I will not be charged with desertion, nor will I be attacked and killed by those adults!"


"They have no time to take care of themselves.

A bigger trouble, will actively seek them out.

What they should be worried about is how to deal with this monster, Dasha Jianhao!"

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