Jika still shook her head in despair, and fell into a deep autistic state.

The psychological shadow left by Yuting Fanzhong is too heavy! So far, it has been unforgettable for him.

As for Lu En's strength in general.

Gika still believes that no matter how strong Lu En is, it will be difficult to fight against the Yuting Fanzhong! When the news spreads! Lu En can clearly capture the two people outside the door who exude a breath of life.

Not surprisingly.

These two are members of the so-called Yuting Fanzhong.

"The breath of life is not weak."

"But then again"

"Since your boss, Black Charcoal Orochi, has already issued a warrant for me.

Obviously, he has learned about my threatening power from Kaido's mouth."

"As an ally of Kaido, there is no need for Kaido to hide information about me from the Black Charcoal Orochi.

It can be concluded that Kaido should have fully informed the Black Charcoal Orochi of all the information about me."


"Under the circumstance of knowing my threatening power, he will send two of your mere members of the Royal Court to come to attack me"

"You guys, are you kidding me?"

Lu En felt that this was very dramatic.

Knowing his threatening power, Black Charcoal Orochi dared to send only two people to deal with him. It should be said.

Is it because the Black Charcoal Orochi has great confidence in the Yuting Fanzhong under his command, or is it that the Black Charcoal Orochi is too arrogant to know.

two days ago.

I just got a draw with Charlotte Lingling! Right now.

To be treated with such contempt! "Looks like, I seem to be underestimated by you!"

Lu En's smile was a little playful.

fair enough.

It saves a lot of people, and makes more noise! ​​It's okay to have two Yuting Fanzhong.

At least you can appreciate them from the two of them.

In what way is this so-called Yuting Fanzhong's ninjutsu performed?

This made Lu En look at the door very curiously.

"As the saying goes, the visitor is the guest."

"The two of the royal court, please come in."


With a soft sound.

Crunch! The door was pushed open.

As one of the members of the Royal Court Fan Congregation, the big black and the tumbler, the two of them acted very peacefully, not too violent.

He never destroyed many objects on the scene, and seemed to take steps politely and entered the room smoothly.

The moment you step into the room.

They moved their eyes as fast as they could.

Finally, it was fixed on Lu En's body, and his eyes were locked.

No doubt! First look.

They are enough to judge.

Lu En was the main target of their rush to the winery this time!

Chapter 781 The tumbler's worldview collapsed on the spot!

Following the two members of the Royal Court Fanzhong, they officially set foot in the room.

The atmosphere here has also been completely changed.

It became depressing! There was not even the slightest sound of silence.

at the same time.

A chilling aura emerged spontaneously and slowly flowed through the room.

The terrifying coercion from the two members of the Imperial Court swept all directions.

It's just Yu Wei, but it still makes Jika tremble and it's hard to let go.

"Close the door."

Da Hei looked at the tumbler.

The tumbler nodded and closed the door.

Everything seems to be peaceful.

"It's over, it's over!"

Jika's lips trembled, and she stared blankly at the big black and the tumbler.

Of course he recognized it.

These two are one of the members from the Yuting Fanzhong.


Especially the big black, who can be said to be among the best among the royal court fans! I didn't expect to be dispatched this time, but it was a guy of this level! It's a jerk! Jika shrank into a ball in despair. , his eyes were full of fear, and he looked at the big black, tumbler, and almost hid his body in the corner.

He couldn't help, looking at Lu En who was still calm, his throat was dry and he was speechless for a moment.

he thinks.

The reason why Lu En can maintain such a plain attitude is because he has not deeply understood the horror of the royal court.

If not so.

He can predict.

I'm afraid Lu En can't be as calm as he is now.

"The horror of the Royal Court Fans, later, you will be clear, sir."

"This hundred million Berry has directly hurt me!"

Gika was desperate.

In the current situation, in his opinion, there is no life after ten deaths! With his understanding of the black charcoal snake.

Anyone who is involved will definitely be wiped out on the spot! Even his Gika, who was once a subordinate of the Black Charcoal Orochi, is no exception.

Even! He will suffer even more cruel treatment by the black charcoal serpent.

Dignified subordinates tried to collude with criminals! There is no doubt! This is directly enough for Jika to be executed! For Jika who is in a state of fear.

The two members of the Royal Court Fanzhong, Daikoku and Tumbler, didn't care too much.

Their main target is not Gika, but Lu En in front of them! The rest of the personnel are dispensable in their eyes.

The order from the black charcoal serpent, just let them capture or kill the main target.

As for people other than the target, if they deal with them arbitrarily, no one will bother too much.

"You two, please take a seat.

It just so happens that I still have some places that I need you to explain to me."

With a smile on his face, Lu En quietly watched the two guests from the royal court.

There is no tension! These emotions are completely unable to capture the slightest from Lu En's face.

"it is good!"

Da Hei and Tumbler nodded and sat down:.

Their style is resolute and resolute, and they did not directly attack Lu En in front of them.

from their perspective.

Lu En is already a turtle in a urn! As long as they want, they can arrest them at any time.

"I am curious about ninjutsu, can you let the two of you show me what ninjutsu is?"

When Lu En lifted the table, he took a sip and asked with a smile.


The big black, tumbler raised his brows, his face was cold, and he had no emotional fluctuations.

Very wrong! Based on their years of experience, they have a subconscious feeling in their hearts that something is wrong! They have killed countless people over the years! But every time.

When they show their identities as Yuting Fanzhong, the other party should feel panic.

Of course, there are not some people who pretend to be calm, but they can still capture the fear hidden deep in each other's eyes.


this moment.

However, they were unable to capture any fear in the eyes of the target person in front of them, but instead revealed indifference and calmness everywhere.

This is not a pretense! If this is not a pretense, it means that the other party has "his confidence, is it his strength?" General Orochi once said that the risk factor of a sinner is very high.

It seems that this person's strength is extraordinary.

However, our royal court fans are not vegetarian! Tumbler doesn't think so.

He regards Lu En as having never seen the kind of stunned young people who are terrifying in their royal court! So in the face of them, he can still maintain such a calm attitude, in the final analysis, it can only mean that the other party has too little knowledge. Never understood the horror of their Royal Court Fans.

"No need to talk nonsense."

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