Da Hei was carrying a big sword, he was imposing, and his eyes were sharp and straight to Lu En, "We are here, you must be clear about our purpose.

So, you took the initiative to follow us to see General Orochi."


"Let us do it ourselves and escort you to General Orochi."

"In other words, if you want to defy the will of the Yuting Fanzhong, let us kill you on the spot and send your head to General Orochi!"

There is no room for this word.

Directly showing his domineering as a member of the Royal Court! "If possible, I would really like to meet this... General Orochi."

Lu En smiled.

"Then please."

Big black, the tumbler is ready to stand up.

They thought Lu En confessed.

"No, no, I think you misunderstood me.

Just because I want to see him doesn't mean I want to see him in person.

So, I want you to bring a message and let him come and see me in person!"

Lu En smiled brightly.

The words fall.

The atmosphere is getting quieter and

Depressed! "Boy, you are courting the death of the Orochi General, and you can see it if you want to see it.

Moreover, you even uttered wild words, wanting to let General Orochi come to meet you in person, who do you think you are?"

The tumbler cursed in exasperation.


Da Hei slowly took out the big knife from his back: "You don't have to tell him too much.

Judging by his appearance, I don't think he would obey our wishes and leave with us."

"In that case"

"Then we have to do it, and let him die as much as possible to see General Orochi.

If you have to, behead it on the spot, and present the head to General Orochi.”

A big sword, held in Dahei's hand.

From his body, a terrifying edge emanated, and the fierce aura spread rapidly and swept the audience.


The tumbler also took out two short daggers, similar to shuriken, his eyes flickered with cold light, and he saw that Lu En didn't move, and the icy chill filled the air.

"Yes, it's about to fight."

Jika just felt like she was in a very dangerous place.

This terrifying aura made him goosebumps and horrified.

"This... Mr. Lu En, can you stop it?"

"Do not!"

"What the hell am I thinking!"

Jika grabbed her forehead frantically, "I'm actually thinking: It's true that Lord Lu En can overthrow the two members of the Yuting Fanzhong, I must be crazy!"

Yuting Fanzhong left a deep impression on him.

So far, it is indelible! At this time.

Facing the two members of Yuting Fanzhong drawing their swords one after another, Lu En was still sitting in place.

Looked up.

Lu En looked at the two members of the Yuting Fan group who were staring at him with great interest: "Okay, let me see how your so-called ninjutsu is performed, I can't wait. already."

With Lu En's remarks, it can be regarded as completely angering the big black and the tumbler.

They have been members of the Royal Court for many years, and they have performed many missions and assassinated many targets.

But there has never been a target that can make them angry like Lu En.

"Haha, as a member of the Royal Court, it is rare for us to be underestimated.

Da Hei, don't hold back for a while, let this kid feel it."

"The reason why we, Yuting Fanzhong, can be famous in Wano Country is because of what strength is! It is a means!"

The tumbler sneered, his words fluctuating with murderous intent.

The temperature of the entire room seemed to plummet, becoming: icy cold.

As a bystander, Jika was even more trembling, her hands and feet were cold, and her face was pale and bloodless.

"It's over, it's over!"

Jika's head was blank, and deep fear haunted her heart.

right under his gaze.

The battle broke out after all! As members of the Imperial Court, Daikoku and Tumbler are all masters who are proficient in ninjutsu.

Just for a moment.

They disappeared in place, completely disappeared from the room! Murder, came from the dark! They were in the same place.

Lu En's eyes flashed, and he stared at the two people who had suddenly disappeared in amazement.

It's not the six-style shave! But it can still be done, and it disappears instantly.

This ninjutsu seems to have a lot of merit.

"It's not disappearing in place, although it's not the shaving of the six styles, but it is also similar to its ability.

With the speed of an instant explosion, it gives people a sense of sight that disappears in place."

"But the truth"

"It's just too fast!"

"As for teleportation, it's a joke!"

"Even I can't teleport, let alone your so-called ninjutsu!"


Lu En suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the direction on his right.

in the dark.

An object was directly pinched by Lu En! Immediately after.

A figure gradually emerged from the darkness, revealing its true body.

At this moment, the figure caught by Lu En was staring wide and round, his face full of shock and horror, his whole head was like the monstrous ocean waves, beating one after another, it was difficult to calm down.

He can't figure it out! What the hell is this?! Ninjutsu has been broken! How is this possible! The one who was caught was the tumbler who was one of the members of the Royal Court! A relatively thin middle-aged man, already Lu En grabbed the latter's head with his right hand and locked it firmly in the palm of his hand, making the latter unable to move.


"There must be something wrong, my ninjutsu has been broken!"

The tumbler is in a state of extreme confusion.

He was bewildered.

I thought.

About to kill Lu En.

Unexpected anyway.

His ninjutsu was broken in an instant! And.

His head was also directly grabbed, pulled out of the body from the darkness, and re-exposed to the air.

This kind of bizarre experience is the first time that Tumbler has experienced! His proud ninjutsu is as fragile as white paper, and it is torn to shreds without reservation! "No!"

"Will not!"

"It's not that my ninjutsu is too weak, it must be that there was a problem when I used ninjutsu just now."

The tumbler becomes articulate: unfavorable.

He was about to doubt his life.

these years.

He is proud of his ninjutsu, which makes him invincible.

But never thought.

Today today.

In this small brewery, his so-called ninjutsu was completely meaningless and was destroyed in an instant! This made the long-established world view of the tumbler ushered in the fate of collapse on the spot.

Chapter 782 Yuting Fanzhong was stunned for a split second!

The tumbler is crazy.

He was dumbfounded, stiff in place, and could only feel the bone-piercing pain from his head, spreading over his body, making his face and facial features become: distorted.

Pain! Sting! The feeling of being caught on the head is unbearable! "This guy"

The tumbler looked at Lu En's profile from the corner of his eyes, his lips trembled, and his expression became: terrified and horrified.

Just for a moment.

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