Chapter [-] The Navy's Actions (Three Updates Completed, Please Subscribe)

Marin Fando, the Marshal's office building.

"I understand!"

Gang Gukong's face was extremely gloomy, and with suppressed anger, he replied in a deep voice.


Putting down the phone bug, Steel Skeleton Kong slammed his big hand directly on the table, making a loud noise, but this time it didn't shatter directly. Obviously, the power was under control.

"I underestimate you, Kaido!_!!"

Biting out from his mouth almost word by word, Gang Gukong said bitterly, with a strong anger in his heart.

You must know that "Black Wrist" Zefa is his capable general. Like Warring States Karp and the others, he has won the trust of Gang Gukong. If Zefa was not attacked, he would have retired as a general early, and even qualified for the position of marshal. .

Now, one of the Optimus Primes of the Navy was actually defeated by Kaido and used it as a bargaining chip, which made Cyborg Kong a little furious.

"Marshal Kong, what's wrong? What happened to that Kaido?"

Frowning, Sengoku, who was sitting at the desk to review the documents, raised his head and asked Gang Gu Kong.

As a subordinate of Gang Gukong, Warring States knew the temper of his old boss, and it was not easy to make him so angry, especially in the past two years, the number of times he was angry has become less and less, almost to the point of none.

Only the last few times I have often been angry, all because of Kaido.

"Zefa was defeated by Kaido in the Seven Waters!"

Sighing, Gang Gu Kong said a little tiredly.

"And was captured by Kaido."


Warring States suddenly changed color, even Garp, who was bored sleeping beside him, was awakened, looking at Gang Gukong with some astonishment, and said in shock.

"Hey, Marshal Kong, you shouldn't be joking!"

Garp frowned rarely, even he was a little hard to believe that Zefa would be defeated. You must know that he is a general, the highest combat power of the navy. To keep a general who wants to leave.

That Kaido can actually defeat Zefa and capture him. This kind of combat power is no joke. Could it be that he is stronger than Whitebeard?

"I don't know the specific situation. Just now, the five old stars called and the other party asked the world government to prepare twenty animal type, ten superhuman type, as well as one natural type and one magical beast devil fruit in exchange."

With his hands on his chest, Gang Gukong tilted his head, his tone was extremely cold, and his face was extremely gloomy.

Obviously, he was also frightened by Kaido's request. If such a large number of Devil Fruits are given to the Navy headquarters, a large number of general-level officers and even lieutenant-level powerhouses can be born to make up for the successive losses of lieutenant generals. The Navy Headquarters, which is somewhat understaffed.

"Bastard, how dare a criminal in such a mere mere make such an arrogant request!"

The Warring States suddenly slapped the table and shouted angrily, the Warring States, who absolutely surrendered to the orders of the World Government, were extremely angry at Kaido's demands.

"Hahaha, that guy is not only exaggerated in strength, but also has a huge appetite!!"

Compared to the enraged Sengoku and Gang Gu Kong, the heartless Garp laughed instead, grabbed the senbei beside him and threw it into his mouth and bit it, his tone was full of amazement, obviously also frightened by Kaido's handwriting.

"Kapp, you bastard, you are still in the mood to laugh at this time, and you are still eating senbei!"

Hearing Garp's laughter, Sengoku immediately turned his head to Garp and said angrily, grabbed the senbei in Garp's hand with a big hand, poured it into his mouth, and ate it all in three or two.

"Hey, Warring States, you dare to eat my senbei, do you want to fight?"

"Come on! Who's afraid of who? Let's see if it's your iron fist or my shock wave!"

"Okay, it looks like you're going to have a few big bags on your head this time!"

Looking at the two people who were fighting together, Gang Gu Kong covered his face helplessly, sighed, feeling a little helpless in his heart, and felt helpless about these two living treasures.

"Marshal Kong, what decision did the World Government make regarding Kaido's issue!"

Fortunately, at this time, Lieutenant General Crane walked in from outside and said calmly.

Not long ago, she had come to the Marshal's office building, and the conversation between Cyborg Kong and Garp was naturally clear.

"Okay! You two, how old are you, you still look like children!"

After speaking, General Crane turned his head and scolded Garp and Sengoku who were fighting, and immediately let the two sit aside like good babies, and did not continue to fight.

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"Well, the five old stars have already made a decision. When the time comes, let me and the three of Karp and Sengoku be dispatched at the same time. We must suppress Kaido in one fell swoop, and save Zefa and the others no matter how bad it is."

Looking at the two with some amusing, Gang Gukong shook his head and said in a flat tone.

"It turns out that the Five Old Stars had this idea!"

Warring States is indeed a man with the title of wise general, he understood the plan of the Five Old Stars at once, and said with a sigh.

"If the three of us shoot at the same time, even if that Kaido really has the strength of Whitebeard, there is no possibility of escape."

Garp, who was on the side, also nodded, agreeing with the words of the Warring States, let alone the three of them joining forces, he and the two of them can directly suppress the Golden Lion, let alone three.


"What about Marin Vando's defense?"

Sitting on the sofa next to him, Lieutenant General Crane asked.

"The Five Old Stars have also thought about this issue. If there are top powerhouses attacking the Navy headquarters, they will send the powerhouses of the World Government over, and if necessary, they will also take action in person."

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