Gang Gukong's tone was amazed, and it was a little inconceivable for Wu Lao Xing's decision.

It is undoubtedly unbelievable that the dignified five old stars have to take action in person, even if the probability of taking action is very small.

"They actually want to do it themselves?"

Even Sengoku and Garp said in surprise, extremely incredible.

"Okay, don't worry about this matter. Now the most important thing is to prepare everything. That bastard Kaido didn't give us too much time."

Without any plans to talk deeply, Gang Gu Kong directly changed the subject, then waved his hand and said to the Warring States.

"Warring States, you need to prepare a large warship. You don't need too many troops. You only need some necessary crew members. This time the three of us shot at the same time. Once we fight, we are not sure that we can protect other seamen."

"Yes, Marshal Kong!"

The Warring States immediately responded solemnly.

"This time the three of us act together, no matter how strong the other party is, we must suppress it."

Looking out the window, Steel Skeleton said in a faint tone. .

Chapter [-]: Warring States, Garp, Cyborg Kong (First Update)

ps: Today is the fourth update, ask for a wave of subscriptions! ! !

I made a mistake in the title of chapter 72. It was originally chapter 71, but I typed it into chapter 72. I'm sorry.

The action of the World Government was very fast. In less than half a month, they directly collected twenty animal and nine superhuman devil fruits, and even quietly withheld the ones that were to be handed over to the Tianlong people. One phantom beast, one natural type, and one superhuman type devil fruit, collected all the [-] devil fruits needed.

After handing over the Devil Fruit to Gang Kukong and others, a large warship led by a lieutenant general, carrying the three Gang Kukong, quietly left the naval headquarters without disturbing anyone.

After all, the Admiral of the Navy suddenly left the naval headquarters, and he was still acting with Garp in the Warring States Period. If it was accidentally spread, it would definitely be a big event that shook the sea.

In this way, it is very likely that the slaughtering order that was previously concealed by the Navy will be destroyed, and the disappearance of the former general who was defeated by "Zero Zero Three" will spread, which will have a great impact on the reputation of the Navy Headquarters.

Therefore, covert action is necessary.


On the sea, the waves are up and down, the waves are wave after wave, and the waves are surging. A huge large warship is advancing at high speed on the sea. On the deck, three figures are standing straight like javelins, their eyes are looking into the distance. With a terrifying aura.

On the side, the Vice Admiral on this trip stood respectfully behind them, daring not to disturb each other.


A month later, on the sea not far from the Seven Waters, the sea surface with a radius of [-] meters was frozen, forming an endless ice continent. Kaido let Zero use the ice dragon fruit to freeze it alive. , for use in the following battlefields.

"Well, haven't you come yet?"

At this time, in the center of the Ice Continent, Kaido was sitting on an ice chair a little bored, supporting his chin with one hand, looking into the distance. Jack and the others had already driven a boat and waited for Kaido in the sea ahead.

And next to Kaido, Zefa, Sakaski, Kuzan, and even Spandyne, who were tied up, had sobered up, but had no ability to move.

The reason why they are tied up is also to confuse the navy and the world government. After all, to break them into the world government and the navy, the necessary work is still required.

Therefore, under Kaido's signal, several people stared at Kaido with angry eyes, as if they were about to breathe out fire, which fully reflected what a movie king is.

I don't know how long it took, when Kaido was a little impatient, a huge warship appeared looming on the distant sea, and Kaido's eyes lit up and a playful smile appeared.


The sea was surging, and the large warship was approaching at a high speed. At this time, the lookout on the observation deck was suddenly shocked.

"Marshal Kong, General Sengoku, Lieutenant General Garp, suddenly there is a continent of ice with tens of thousands of meters in front!!"

The voice was full of shock, the tone was even trembling, and the expression was full of incredible.

"The ability to freeze the sea like this is only possessed by Kuzan, but wasn't Kuzan caught by the opponent? How could he have the ability to freeze such a vast ice surface?"

"It doesn't necessarily belong to that kid Kuzan. After all, devil fruits are all kinds of strange, and they may not have the ability to have similar frozen fruits!"

With the eyesight of the Warring States and others, the distance of only a thousand meters can naturally be easily seen, so the two of them looked at each other a little, and they didn't understand what was going on.

"Well, maybe it was the opponent's partner who shot, but it doesn't matter, I wait for the three to join forces, and with such a large ice surface as support, we are not afraid of everything."

With his arms on his chest, Steel Skeleton said indifferently, it seems that there is such a large ice surface so that they can make full shots without having to worry too much. After all, the Warring States period is a capable person, the sea is his nemesis, and the two of them Although he can walk on the moon, in the air, his combat power cannot be fully utilized.


The sea surging, the warship slowly docked on the edge of the ice, and the huge hull almost leaned against the ice.

"Come on, let's see how scary that young man is!"

Gang Gukong said lightly, and stepped off the warship first, followed by Garp and Sengoku. The lieutenant general, the nominal owner of the warship, followed with a large box full of devil fruits. In the back, there was no humiliation in his expression, only a strong excitement.

Admiral Gang Kong, Admiral Buddha of the Warring States Period, Marine Hero Iron Fist Karp, and the three major legends of the Navy joined forces at the same time. This is unprecedented. To be able to witness this scene as a lieutenant general is enough to make him proud for a lifetime. .

Time was passing slowly, and the distance of several thousand meters was crossed by a few people in a short period of time, and came to Kaido.


Looking at the young man in front of him, and seeing Zefa and the others who were tied up, Gang Gu Kong said expressionlessly, his expression did not fluctuate at all, but his muscles were tense in the dark, ready to launch a thunderous offensive at any time. . .

"Well, here you are!"

Some indifferently clasped his fingers, Kaido said lightly, without even raising his head, his attitude was extremely contemptuous, making the lieutenant general behind him extremely angry.

"Did you bring something?"

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