Kaido was referring to Devil Fruits.

"Brought it!"

I didn't expect Kaido to be so simple and rude, Gang Gukong frowned, and the Warring States at the back said in a deep voice, and then at the signal of Warring States, the lieutenant general put the box on his shoulders on the ground, opened the lid, and put the inside. Devil fruit revealed.

Thirty-two devil fruits with various patterns and shapes were placed in the box.

"Not bad!"

Kaido's eyes lit up, and he said with admiration, although he knew that the world government had a profound background, but when he actually saw it, he was still amazed. There were thirty-two devil fruits, and he took them out all at once, among them more There are natural and phantom beasts.

"System, can you check if it's true or false!"

Although he knew that the world government was unlikely to deceive him, Kaido still asked the system in his heart just in case it happened in the past.

"Yes, you need to consume 500 extraordinary points!"

"Okay, check it out."

"Ding, I have detected a gust fruit of the natural type, a wolf fruit of the mythical beast species, a sweet fruit of the superhuman type, and a fruit of the animal type..."

But after a while, the system said all the fruits, not as Kaido expected, except for the natural type and phantom beast species, as well as a few good superhuman type, the other devil fruits are ordinary devil fruits. Although the value is still not 4.0 wrong, it is unlikely to cultivate top powerhouses.

It just surprised him that the sweet fruit in the original book actually fell into his hands. In this way, will the Empress not appear?Kaido frowned slightly.

"How? It can be exchanged!"

Looking at Kaido who was contemplating, Sengoku frowned, walked out, and asked in a deep voice.

"Okay, let's exchange!"

With Kaido's consent and Sengoku's signal, the lieutenant general walked to Kaido's side, picked up Zefa and the others, turned around and walked towards Sengoku and others.

"Well, very good, since the transaction is over, it's time to start!"

Standing up, Kaido picked up his right foot and lifted the box full of Devil Fruit directly into the air at an astonishing speed. Under the control of the tyrant's territory, he was swept up to a kilometer high by the invisible and invisible gust of wind, and was ridden by him. The zero on the goshawk carries. .

Chapter [-] Collision of Overlord

ps: Here I set Garp to be domineering and domineering. After all, Garp's son and Luffy will be domineering. Garp makes no sense. After all, he is also a lawless person. I set it up for the second time_(:з」∠)_

"Then you can die too!"

A sneer flashed, Kaido kicked his right foot violently, and a fiery slash slashed out, with astonishing power, making the Vice Admiral's face change greatly.

"you dare!!"

With an angry shout, Garp flashed, and instantly came before the slash, a big black hand swept across the sky, raised his hand and directly blocked the huge slash.


With a big hand, in Kaido's slightly surprised eyes, he directly crushed it, and turned into scattered strength to split many traces on the surrounding ice.

"Hahaha, as expected of a naval hero!!"

Laughing loudly, Kaido's body swelled wildly, and in an instant, he recovered to a huge body of more than [-] meters, with double horns on his head and a tyrannical look in his eyes, standing on the ice like a demon, exuding terrifying power.

"Pick me up!!"

The sturdy right hand clenched a fist, and the dark red lightning intertwined, with astonishing power, blasting through the atmosphere and slamming down.

"Hahaha, let me try 11 your strength!"

Laughing loudly, Garp took a step, his right fist was also covered with domineering, and a completely disproportionate fist slammed out, colliding with Kaido.


The terrifying collision, the surrounding ice surface completely collapsed, and the thick cracks spread to hundreds of meters away in an instant.

One big and one small slammed together disproportionately, fists collided, and time seemed to freeze.


Accompanied by an unparalleled deterrence, a terrifying air wave suddenly swept out.


Hundreds of meters of ice were trembling, and the air waves swept through, tearing apart countless ice surfaces, making people shocked and inexplicable.


Dark red lightning appeared abruptly, shining in the air, intertwined, dancing like dragons and snakes, covering the entire sky, two terrifying momentum collided with each other, which made people shocked.


The terrifying deterrence swept across thousands of meters in an instant, causing the Warring States and Steel Skeleton in front of him to change slightly, and the Vice Admiral who was walking on the moon in the distance shook violently, almost fainting from the shock and falling. On the ground, the whole person turned his head to look, and his face was shocked in an instant.

"Gulu, the sky and the sky are broken?!"

Eyes widened, the Vice Admiral looked at the huge void in the air in disbelief, and the whole person was shocked to the extreme.

"Is this the collision of overlord colors?"

As the two collided, a huge hole was broken in the air, and it appeared in the air like a scar in the sky, which shocked people to the extreme.

"Plop, plop, plop..."

Without exception, a large number of soldiers on the thousands of meters away from the warship, rolled their eyes, fell to the ground, and were stunned by the terrifying overlord color collision.

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