On the nearby sea, there were also large swaths of "dead fish" floating on the sea. Under the sunlight, the golden pieces were obviously shaken to death by the terrifying overlord color.


Thousands of meters in the sky, a huge goshawk hovered here. A tall and beautiful figure was standing on the back of the eagle. Under the violent wind, a slender and beautiful body stood firmly on the back of the eagle, with a silver head. The long hair fluttered, and it was zero.

At this time, Zero was holding a camera and was filming the battle of Kaido and others. This was Kaido's order. The purpose was to film all this and spread it.

It is conceivable that if even the three top powerhouses of Gangkukong, Karp, and Sengoku join forces, Kaido's matter cannot be kept. Once it spreads, it will have a huge impact on the navy, and Kaido will also become famous. , jumped to become a peak powerhouse comparable to Whitebeard, or even beyond.

"It's amazing! As expected of Lord Kaido!"

Zero grew up with a small cherry mouth, and stared at the huge void in the sky in shock. It was unbelievable, and she would sigh with this power.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The powerful force swept in, Karp's face changed, and he couldn't help but retreat from the terrifying force, stepping out of deep potholes on the ice surface, obviously falling into the wind completely.

"What a terrible power!!"

Garp was very shocked. He had an intuitive reflection of Kaido's power. He knew how powerful his own power was. Garp was absolutely clear in his heart. To project a cannonball that is far more powerful than a cannon, he once trained with eight mountains, and smashed the eight mountains directly.

From all kinds of deeds, we can see the horror of Garp's strength, but he is still at a disadvantage under the collision with Kaido.

"Marshal Empty!!!"

Warring States on the side came back to his senses, shouted loudly, and woke up the steel bone Kong, who was shocked by Kaido, and his whole body burst into a dazzling golden light. the Big Buddha.

"Suffer to death, criminal!!"

Warring States shouted loudly, and the huge Buddha's hand stretched out, like the palm of the Buddha, very sacred.

"The shock wave of the Buddha!"

A huge white shock wave slammed out, with astonishing power, like a white air column, slamming towards Kaido.

"Hahaha, is this the Warring States of the Buddha!!"

Kaido laughed tyrannically, his right hand clenched his fist, and the violent wind was wrapped around his fist under the control of the Tyrant's territory, spinning wildly, which was amazing.

"Let 767 me see the strength of another general!"

The huge fist was wrapped in a gust of wind, and the dark red lightning was intertwined in the fist, and it collided with the huge shock wave.


The frantic air waves swept out, the gust of wind fluttered and ripped apart the ice surface, and the huge white shock wave couldn't block the fist at all.


The giant Buddha shook, and a huge force swept in, almost without throwing the Warring States out of the sky, and the terrifying overlord color even made the Warring States feel dizzy.

"Little devil, don't be too proud!"

The muscles like steel stretched out in an instant, and the muscles became as hard as steel, and the hollow figure of the steel bone instantly appeared above Kaido, and the small pitch-black fist gave people a feeling like a mountain of steel descending from there, which was shocking. Incomparable.


With a cold snort, Kaido slammed out his left hand in an instant, and collided with Cyborg Kong.


An astonishing collision sounded, like two big mountains colliding, the violent sound spread far and wide, deafening and unbearable.

"Hahaha, although three fights one, a bit lost my identity, but the old man is a navy!"

Laughing loudly, Garp waved his fists, and his fists were blasted out by him, like a meteor shower.

"Bone Fist·Meteor Shower!".

Chapter [-]: The mighty Kaido, one enemy three (third more)

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Hundreds of thousands of fists slammed on Kaido frantically, with a violent force that was enough to shatter a mountain, and knocked Kaido's huge body to the point of retreating. The ice surface was shaken and kept collapsing. The ice cubes were shattered, and the air waves swept out, and a large number of ice cubes flew away.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The ice surface kept collapsing, and Kaido stepped out of the potholes. Rao Yi Kaido's terrifying body was slammed backwards, and there was even a faint pain in the whole body. Kaido's body felt a little.

Although it is far from damage, it still makes Kaido a little surprised. Now that his bloodline has awakened to [-]%, the defense of his physical body has surpassed Kaido in the original book, and he wants to leave scars on him. , is almost impossible, even if it is a general-level attack, it only makes him a little numb, far from pain, and only the use of the taboo move Ze Fa can make him feel pain.

Now Garp's attack has achieved what only Zefa who uses a forbidden move can do, which makes Kaido a little surprised. As expected of a man who can drive Gol D. Roger into a desperate situation several times, his combat power Compared with the four emperors, it is not bad at all.

"Big Buddha Shockwave!!"

The huge Buddha's body was dazzling with golden light, and the huge Buddha's palms opened, like a Buddha who had descended into the world, and a white shock wave erupted in an instant, hitting Kaido, who couldn't stop retreating.


The violent air waves swept across, and the ice surface of thousands of meters was trembling wildly. Thick cracks kept spreading out, as dense as spider webs. A huge pothole appeared directly, and the shock wave in the Warring States Period down, continuously expanding.

"Steel Fist·Steel Fall!"

Tall jumped into the air, Steel Skeleton Kong clenched his fists tightly, and the jet-black armed color wrapped his fists, like jet-black steel, flashing a cold light, making people a little stunned.


Two invisible huge fist marks crashed down and slammed directly on Kaido, who was suppressed by the shock wave, and a huge explosion sounded suddenly.

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