
The huge vibration seemed like the sky was falling apart, and super thick cracks spread. In the blink of an eye, the ice surface of hundreds of meters collapsed in an instant, and the ice surface with a thickness of more than [-] meters completely collapsed.


A large amount of sea water kept coming up, filling the huge void in a blink of an eye, forming an ice lake, which was extremely shocking, and it was hard to imagine that it would be caused by manpower.

"Marshal Kong, how is the other party?"

The huge Buddha's body shrank to an ordinary human state in an instant, and Zhan Guo walked to the steel bone Kong side with a moon step, and said with some uncertainty.

With Sengoku's knowledge, one can clearly perceive Kaido's aura, and there is no drop at all, which naturally makes Sengoku unbelievable, which means that their attack is completely ineffective.

This made him a little unacceptable. You must know that even if the general was attacked by the three of them together, even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured.

"Be careful!"

Gang Gukong said solemnly, under his perception, a terrifying momentum was rapidly rising.


The huge body soared into the sky and slammed into the two people in the air like a cannonball.

"Steel Fist · Meteor Kill!"

Cyborg Kong's expression remained unchanged, his fists slammed out again, and the violent fist marks carried terrifying power.

"Big Buddha Shockwave!!"

The body suddenly soared, dazzling golden light shone up, and a huge Buddha appeared in the air, like a Buddha descending into the world, and then raised his hand and blasted out a white shock wave.


Invisible huge fist marks and white shock waves bombarded, making people discolored.


In response, Kaido roared, and a huge sound wave swept out, turning into a shock wave visible to the naked eye, colliding with each other outrageously.

"Meteorite Collapse!!"

The majestic sound wave was destroyed in an instant, Kaido's expression remained unchanged, his fists were intertwined with dark red lightning, and he rushed out directly.


Huge sound waves swept out in the air, a ring-shaped air wave formed in the air, violent winds raged in the air, three terrifying attacks stalemate in the air, and the three distinct forces formed a tug-of-war.


The violent wind raged, causing the huge lake below to be blown into a frenzy, and a large number of ice blocks were blown up and smashed all around, which was shocking.

"Bone Fist Extreme Collapse!"

The tall body jumped behind Kaido, and Garp clenched his fists, and his pitch-black fists slammed out, with enough power to blast a mountain, and slammed towards Kaido.

"...Shen Luo Tianzheng!!"

Kaido's face was calm, the territory of the tyrant swept out in an instant, and in an instant he controlled everything in a radius of several kilometers, and a terrifying repulsion swept out in an instant, and the rushing Karp and the deadlocked Warring States and Steel Bone shook the air. go out.

"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

Garp's face changed slightly, his body was blown away by the huge repulsive force, and the whole person kept retreating in a bit of embarrassment. Although he did not suffer any damage, his plan to attack Kaido was useless.


On the other side, Steel Skeleton Kong and Warring States were shaken, and were blown away by the repulsive force of the five shapes. Fortunately, Steel Skeleton Kong was a little embarrassed, while Warring States was a little unlucky. The huge Buddha body flew upside down for hundreds of meters, heavy hit the ice.


Without the support of Cyborg Kong and Sengoku, the two forces that were deadlocked with Kaido were blasted in an instant, and the frantic air waves swept in all directions, forming a hurricane visible to the naked eye, raging in the air.

"How is this going?"

 (Good Zhao) Walking on the moon, Gang Gu Kong looked at Kaido with some doubts, wondering how this repulsive force appeared.

"Could it be that the other party is a devil fruit person? Impossible!"

Cyborg Hollow guessed in his heart, and then shook his head and rejected it, knowing that Polsalino and others blasted Kaido into the sea in the Chambord Islands, and the other party did not show the characteristics of a landlubber.

Even if Kaido ate the Devil Fruit later, or even turned into a giant, it could be said to be the ability of the Devil Fruit, but Gang Gu Kong knew that he and others had blasted the other party into the bottom of the sea just now, but the other party was still fine.

Although devil fruit people have all kinds of terrifying abilities, they all have one characteristic, that is, they are cursed by the sea and become landlubbers. As long as they touch the sea water, they will be powerless, and they will not have the strength to resist even if they are drowned. No matter how strong it is, even if it is Whitebeard, once it falls into the sea, it will only end up being drowned. .

Chapter [-] The Frightful Battle

"I underestimate you!!"

With the huge body standing in the air, Kaido looked at the three of them coldly and said calmly.

Before, because he underestimated them too much, he was directly blasted into the sea, which made Kaido a little annoyed. Even though the three of them were extremely terrifying together, they were not bad.

"The Territory of Tyrants!!"

Said coldly, the invisible tyrant's territory instantly mastered several kilometers of heaven and earth, and an invisible stalwart force was gathering, but after a while, a large number of dark clouds began to gather, and soon the whole sky was dark, dark clouds were densely covered, densely packed. The lightning was intertwined, and the thunder exploded constantly, which was extremely terrifying.

"Ice Dragon!"

Grabbing it with a big hand, the ice surface of thousands of meters suddenly surged like sea water, compressed wildly, and then formed dozens of ice dragons of [-] meters in size. The ice dragon in the vast ice continent is full of visual shock.

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