Even if it is far away from the previously collapsed ice surface and comes to a brand-new battlefield, it will collapse very quickly. The few people who Gein fought are well-deserved supreme powerhouses, and there are very few who can compete with them in the entire sea.


The raging gust of wind howled, and the continuous gushes of air smashed everything around it. Large pieces of ice were cracked, and the terrifying vibration resounded for thousands of meters, like thunder, without a single stop.


Chapter [-] The Continued Battle

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Crack...crack...bang, bang, bang..."

On the wide ice surface, two huge figures were stunned, fists and palms banged, shaking the weather, and the terrifying sound shook the entire battlefield. Thousands of kilometers of ice cracked countless cracks, which were already broken. , almost collapsed,

"Clang clang..."

The violent fists continued to blast out, making a sound of gold and iron, and the Sengoku couldn't help but go backwards. His hands were shaking.

"Bone Fist Extreme Collapse!!"

Just when Kaido was about to pursue his victory, a violent figure rushed over, and Kap's pitch-black fist crashed down, breaking the atmosphere.

"Extreme repulsion!!"

Kaido roared, and the majestic repulsion swept away in an instant, shaking Garp's figure to a slight pause, but it was not affected too much, but continued to smash.

Obviously, as an absolute top powerhouse, after a period of fighting, he has long been used to it. Although it is still unavoidable, it is not as embarrassing as before.

After all, the territory of the tyrants is not invincible, and for such top powerhouses, it is only a support.


But this pause was enough, Kaido's right fist slammed out instantly, collided with Garp, and a terrifying wave erupted.

"Steel Fist · Meteor Kill!"

Almost at the same time, Steel Skeleton came from the air, and his steel fist slammed into Kaido's head.


The left hand turned into the sky in an instant, and directly caught the terrible fist. The violent and terrible force pressed Kaido's left hand to bend. After all, the strength of the steel bone was only weaker than Kaido, and he was still facing the attack of Karp. , naturally falls into the downwind.

"Big Buddha Shockwave!!!"

The big Buddha stepped forward, and the huge golden body shone with bright golden light. The whole body was cast in gold, and it was sacred and dazzling. When he raised his hand, it blasted out a terrible shock wave.


With a roar, the terrifying tyrant's arrogance instantly formed the tyrant's territory, compressed within one meter of the body, and dark red lightning intertwined around the body, forming a terrifying absolute domain.


In the slightly changed look of the Warring States Period, the shock wave collapsed in an instant, unable to blast into the territory of the tyrant like the absolute field.

"I don't believe it can't be broken!!"

The Warring States roared, and the terrifying shock wave soared again, and the terrifying force oppressed the territory of the tyrant, making it almost shattered.

"Absolute repulsion!!"

Kaido roared, and the invisible and terrifying repulsion repulsed all around, knocking Konggu Kong, Garp, Sengoku and the others backwards.


The body rushed out, surpassing the speed of sound in an instant, and appeared in front of the Warring States in less than a tenth of a second, and the violent fist slammed into the huge Jin in an instant.


In the flash of light and flint, the giant palm of the Warring States Period stood in front of him, blocking this terrifying punch, and the violent force knocked him backwards.

"Don't try to succeed!!"

Just as Kaido danced with his fists and continued to smash past him, two figures instantly appeared beside him, and the violent fists slammed on Kaido, knocking him backwards.

Although he was not injured, Kaido still felt pain.

"Are you tickling me!!"

Kaido roared, the huge body turned, and the terrifying fist collided with the two, followed by a fierce collision.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The huge Buddha body was in the air, and the Warring States rushed up, joined forces with Garp and others to fight with Kaido, and the terrifying air waves continued to erupt.


"Master Kaido!!"

At an altitude of more than [-] meters, Zero held a camera in his hand that had been strengthened by the system, and could accurately capture a camera that was thousands of meters away. He looked at Kaido, who was clearly at a disadvantage, with a worried expression.

Although he knew that Kaido's defense was invincible, and no one in the world could break it, he was still worried when he saw that Kaido, who had always been invincible, was besieged by three terrifying powerhouses and was at a disadvantage.


The terrifying sound shook the entire ice surface, the sky and the earth had already changed color, the dark clouds were all over the sky, the lightning was intertwined, the wind was raging, and the dazzling light was extremely dazzling, illuminating the entire battlefield.

"My God!!"

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