"what is that?!"

"Gulu, it's too scary!!"

At this time, the capital of seven waters had already gathered a large number of residents. At this time, they all stared at the scene of the collapse of the earth that day, swallowed hard, and was extremely horrified.


The waves rolled, and the terrifying shock rippled through the entire Ice Continent, causing the warships docked on the edge to shake violently, and a large amount of seawater spewed out from time to time.

"Gulu, it's so scary!"

· Ask for flowers

"What a terrible fight!!"

"Is that the battle of the marshal and the others? It's terrible!"

Many navies stood on the violently shaking warships, looking at the scene of the cracking of the earth that day, they were all stunned and shocked, even the lieutenant general, his face was extremely shocked.

Compared with other weak navy, as a lieutenant general, he can clearly understand what kind of battle it is, and it is a battlefield that only a monster can set foot on.

And for a lieutenant general like him, once he tried to set foot, any aftermath could kill him. This was a completely different battle at two levels.


The golden giant palm slammed into the sky, blasting a terrifying shock wave, but it was directly smashed by the violent fist. At the same time, an iron fist attacked from the side and killed Kaido.

. ....


The big hand was in the air, and it was directly stopped, and the terrifying power was endured.


The steel fist attacked in an instant, with a fierce and incomparable momentum, breaking the atmosphere.


The huge right foot kicked out in an instant, slamming against the terrifying fist, and it made a sound of gold and iron, which made people a little surprised.


The violent air wave swept out, and the large ice surface collapsed, and countless ice cubes were smashed into particles invisible to the naked eye by the terrible aftermath.


Cyborg Kong roared, his fists kept blasting out, violently towards Kaido.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!!"

The giant fists slammed out, colliding with the steel bones one by one, and the terrifying vibration was like thunder, and it was continuous.

"The Great Buddha Conquers the Demon!!"

The dazzling golden light shone, and a huge Buddha palm was pressed down, like a Buddha palm holding the sky, with the terrifying power to suppress all demons.


The terrifying Buddha's palm slammed into Kaido's back without reservation, and the terrifying force directly blew him away.

"Bone Fist Extreme Collapse!"

Karp rushed in, and the iron fist crashed down, hitting Kaido who had no time to dodge, and the terrifying force smashed into pieces of ice.


The terrifying power swept through and directly lifted Garp into the air. Kaido's huge demon-like body stood up without a trace of scars on his body. His red eyes were full of tyranny and looked at Garp and the others before rushing out.

"Are you tickling me? Give me more force!".

Chapter [-] Leave calmly

"Boom, boom, boom..."


"Bang, bang, bang..."

The terrifying war is still going on, it has lasted for three full hours, and there is no sign of any decline, and there are even signs of intensification.

The Ice Continent with an area of ​​tens of thousands of meters is on the verge of collapse. There are terrible cracks everywhere, and the sea water is constantly surging, submerging many places.

"Bang, bang, bang!!"

The fist slammed frantically, directly blasting the body in front of him, and Kai took great strides and fought fiercely with the three. Even if he fell into the disadvantage, even after three hours, there was still no sign of rest.

This is the horror of monsters. As long as they are not severely injured, with their physical strength, there is no problem even for three days and three nights, and they can even continue.

Of course, in the face of the joint efforts of Gang Gukong and others, although Kaido relied on the invincible "[-]" defensive power, he still fell into a disadvantage, and could only rely on his invincible body and the territory of the tyrant to support him. Not lost.

After all, Kaido's combat power is only comparable to that of Whitebeard. Although Kaido's combat power is even stronger than Whitebeard's, it is far from invincible.

Garp alone is not much weaker than Whitebeard, and Cyborg Kong is not weaker than Garp at all, even Sengoku, even if he can't compare to Garp and others, is a top general, no worse than the Four Emperors. .

It can be said that the current Kaido is under the siege of three top-level powerhouses comparable to the four emperors.

If it is replaced with Whitebeard, I am afraid that it will not be able to support even an hour, and it will be directly suppressed. From this, it can also be seen that Kaido is against the sky.

"Absolute repulsion!!"

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