With one punch, the giant Buddha that came to be killed was blown away, Kaido suffered the attack of Cyborg Kong and Garp, and with a roar, an invisible repulsion swept out in an instant, knocking Garp, Cyborg Kong and others away. Fly directly.

"Ten times gravity!!"


In the next second, the atmosphere suddenly distorted, and the terrifying pressure appeared in an instant, suppressing the earth for dozens of meters around the body, crushing a large amount of broken ice, and the entire ice surface was also shaken, showing signs of collapse.


"How is this going!!"

The sudden gravitational field made Garp and the others' faces change greatly, their bodies smashed heavily on the ice, and the whole person was extremely embarrassed.

"Hahaha, I won't play with you anymore!!"

Laughing loudly, Kaido's huge body suddenly rushed up, stepping into the air directly into the air.

"Don't want to run!!!"

Cyborg Kong shouted angrily, his body stood up against the terrifying gravity, and he tried to chase Kaido through the atmosphere.

The three top powerhouses in the navy are all out, if he can't suppress a Kaido, then his face will really be lost.

"Hahaha, just worry about yourself!!"

Kaido stretched out a grab, and the tyrant's territory swept out. The Ice Continent, which was already on the verge of collapse, completely collapsed at this time, causing the complexion of Gang Gukong and others to change greatly, and hurriedly stepped on the moon in the air stagnant.


Laughing loudly, Kaido's body shrank rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it became a body of more than two meters. His body stepped on the atmosphere, and soon came to the goshawk at a height of [-] meters.


The goshawk let out a high-pitched cry, and the huge body instantly turned into a bolt of lightning, galloping away, leaving behind the blank-eyed Steel Skeleton Kong and others.

"Master Kaido, are you alright!"

On the back of the eagle, seeing Kaido's arrival, Zero hurried forward and asked worriedly, rubbing his hands on Kaido's body, trying to find out the injury.

"Well, just rely on them, but they can't hurt my body!"

Smiling, Kaido hugged Zero's slender waist, sat on the back of the eagle, and asked.

"How's it going?"

Kaido naturally asked the question about the photo, which is why he would stay to fight with the three of steel bones. Although there is a reason to test his ultimate combat power, it is more to collect "evidence".

"Okay, Lord Kaido, please take a look!"

Giving the camera in his hand to Kaido, Zero smiled.

"Well, it's a good shot!"

Casually browsing the camera in his hand, Kaido said with some surprise, although there are not many photos, but each one is extremely accurate, perfectly showing his heroic appearance against the three top powerhouses at the same time.

"Hahaha, it seems that this time the sea is going to shake like never before!"

Laughing happily, Kaido picked up the phone bug that had been placed on the eagle's back in advance, and dialed the number provided by Spandyne, the president of the World Economic News Agency, Morgans.

"Bolu Bolu..."

"Hey, is that President Morgans?"

Kaido chuckled lightly as the phone dialed . .


"damn it!!"

With an angry roar, Steel Skeleton stepped on the moon and stayed in the air, the whole person was extremely angry.

The three top powerhouses joined forces to attack, but they were still easily escaped by the opponent, and they couldn't even hurt the opponent. How could this make Gang Gukong not angry?

"What kind of weird ability does that bastard have!"

Roaring angrily, thinking of Kaido's previous strange attack, Cyborg Kong was a little annoyed and aggrieved.

If it weren't for those weird abilities, they wouldn't be able to suppress each other.

"That ability is very similar to Roger's Tyrant Territory!!"

Stepping on the moon step, Garp on the side said with some doubts.

"It's just obvious that Roger's tyrant's territory does not have all kinds of terrible abilities, but it can cause the sky and the earth to change color, and to a certain extent, call the wind and call the rain!"

Garp, who has fought with Roger many times, naturally knows Roger's tyrant's territory and is very impressed with him. Of course, it is much worse than Kaido.

Even if Garp wants to break his head, he can't think of Kaido's tyrant's territory because it is a system upgrade, and it is already a mutant tyrant's territory, with power that others do not have.

"Now, think about how to bear the wrath of the Five Old Stars!"

The body has returned to its original form, and the Warring States said with a bitter smile. The three top powerhouses could not keep each other, and even lost all the Devil Fruits. He could already imagine how angry the Five Old Stars were.


Hearing the words of the Warring States period, Gang Gukong's complexion suddenly darkened, Yin 2.5 sank to the extreme, and it was obvious that he had a headache for the attitude of the Five Old Stars.

"Forget it, the big deal is that I will resign as the marshal!"

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