The right foot turned into an afterimage, kicked out violently, kicked Jack heavily, and smashed it on the other side of the boat, Kaido said flatly.

"Jack, how many times have I said, don't get too close to me!"

After ignoring Jack, Kaido threw away the newspaper in his hand, hugged 2b in his arms, and continued to enjoy the warm sunshine without saying anything.

"Yes, Boss Kaido!"

Rubbing his painful stomach, Jack stood up with a wry smile and said helplessly.

In his heart, he was praying for the navy, because he could feel that Kaido was in a bad mood at this time. Obviously, the navy's actions made Kaido very unhappy.

"It's decided, go to destroy a naval base tomorrow!"

Suddenly opening his eyes, Kaido said lightly.

"Master Kaido, will this be a little dangerous?"

2b in his arms raised his head at this time, and asked worriedly, although he knew Kaido's strength, but when he heard that he wanted to destroy a naval branch, he still subconsciously raised worry in his heart.

"It's alright, it's just a branch, you can destroy it by raising your hand!"

Softly comforting, Kaido swam around the girl with his hands, causing 2b to tremble a little.

"Navy, this is your own death. Since you are unwilling to change, then I will kill you to change!"

"One can't make two, two can't make three, I believe you will change it!"

Looking at the sea in the distance, Kaido's mouth raised a sneer. .

Chapter [-] The origin of Kaido, the infinitely evolved monster

Time goes back a day.


When the phone bug was put down, the exquisite vase was directly smashed out, smashing heavily on the wall, the precious and gorgeous bottle was directly shattered, and the bearded five old star stood up, roaring wildly.

"Damn Kaido, how dare you do such a thing!!-"

A seemingly kind-hearted face is extremely ferocious, with a terrifying evil spirit, which makes people shudder.

"Now is not the time to be angry, let's think about how to remedy it!"

Although the sword-wielding five old stars on the side were also extremely angry, they remained calm and said in a low voice.

"Yes, now is really not the time to be angry. Find a way to appease the navy that is a little shaken inside, and then try to restore the prestige of the World Government."

This incident was spread, not only shaking the major reforms, but also causing shocks within the Navy.

The destruction of the Demon Slaughtering Order, the defeat of "Black Wrist" Zefa, and the defeat of Cyborg Kong made many soldiers doubt the strength of the navy, which made Cyborg Kong and the others a little distressed.

"At this time, we can only make Garp and Zefa the generals as soon as possible, fill the positions of the three generals, and go out to sea to suppress the pirates."

The bald-headed five old star said calmly, and then he added another sentence.

"In this way, we can try our best to restore prestige and show the strength of the navy, so that the turbulent navy can be stabilized!"

"Well, yes, that's all it can do now!"

Flat hat five old star nodded in response.

"What I care about more is the origin of this Kaido!"

He stared at the newspaper on the table with burning eyes, on which was printed Kaido's terrifying real body like the devil, and the five old stars with golden hair said faintly.

"A few years ago, the Vegapunk guy seemed to have carried out the biosynthesis experiment of the world's strongest combat weapon, trying to fuse the genes of countless beasts to create the strongest weapon that surpassed the three ancient weapons, so it cost the world government a lot of money. resources, and in the end it was because the experiment went out of control that the experimental body ran away and destroyed it."

The bald-headed five old stars said with some uncertainty.

"Could it be that Kaido is the experiment?"

The voice was full of vibration and a touch of excitement. If Kaido is really an experiment, doesn't it mean that the world government has the possibility of copying?Even if it's less than one-tenth of Kaido's, it's an extremely terrifying individual combat weapon!

"It's very possible that Kaido's monster-like physique is not something that living creatures can have. Even lava and lasers can't hurt each other. It's really terrifying!"

The Bearded Five Old Stars also agreed and said that although it was unbelievable in fact, they still learned about Kaido's terrifying physique from the narratives of Sakaski and others.

"Call Vegapunk to confirm!"

The sword-wielding five old star pushed down his glasses and said plainly.

"Well, I'll call him now!"

The bearded five old star nodded, picked up the phone bug on the side, and made a call to Vega Punk.

"Bolu Bolu..."

"Your Excellency Five Old Stars, what's the matter?"

A flat voice came from the phone bug.

"Vega Punk, have you read today's news?"

No nonsense, the bearded five old star asked directly, what he wants to know more now is whether Kaido is an experimental body and whether there is a possibility of copying.

"News? I don't have time to watch this stuff, my time is precious!"

Vega Punk was stunned, and then said with some dissatisfaction.

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