"Then go look at today's news and confirm the correct situation!"

The bearded five old star said in a low voice, his tone could not be rejected.

"……All right!"

After being silent for a while, Vegapunk said helplessly, although he is a scientist of the Navy headquarters, a scientist with five hundred years of wisdom that surpasses human beings, but in the strong, he is only a researcher, facing one of the highest powers in the world, Can only surrender.


"My God, this is a miracle, that guy survived and evolved into such a shape, it is the greatest miracle in the world!!!"

Not long after, the phone bug came with Vegapunk's undisguised shocking words, and the voice was full of shock and surprise.

"Hundred Beasts Kaido? That's right!"

"Vegapunk, is that Kaido really your experimental body!"

The Bearded Five Old Stars said excitedly, and even the other Five Old Stars turned their heads and looked at the Bearded Five Old Stars.

"That's right, it was a fusion of the genes of hundreds of the most powerful beasts. It took several years and tens of thousands of failures before the experiment succeeded!"

Vega Punk's tone was still excited.

"Is there any possibility of duplication?"



Wu Laoxing frowned and said in a dissatisfied tone.

0 Flowers 0 · ·

"Could it be that there is still something that the strongest scientist in the world, Vega Punk, who is five hundred years ahead of mankind, can't do?"

Vega Punk sighed and said helplessly.

"Your Excellency Five Old Stars, you don't need to irritate me. Kaido's birth is full of chance, and it is impossible for me to replicate this kind of miracle a second time!"

"What's more, Kaido was born because of the fusion of hundreds of beast genes, but more because of a drop of blood!"


"Yes, blood!"

Vegapunk said with a fanatical and shocking tone.

"That was obtained by accident in my early years, and it has unimaginable power!"

"I call it the blood of God!"

"Blood of God?"

"Yes, it is the blood of God. It not only possesses various terrifying characteristics, and no power can be used to deplete it. What is even more terrifying is that it can supplement itself by devouring all kinds of genes and various powers, whichever is superior. Infinite evolution possibilities!"


"And the birth of Kaido is that I used this drop of blood to fuse and devour hundreds of beast genes, and finally succeeded after countless failures!"

"He is a terrifying existence that can devour countless existences, constantly improve himself, and finally surpass everything!"

Vegapunk's tone was full of fanaticism, proud of himself for creating such a terrifying existence.

"He will be the god of the world!!"


The bearded five old star interrupted Vega Punk's words coldly, and asked with a gloomy face.

"Is there any way to deal with him?"

What he is most concerned about now is how to kill Kaido. After listening to Vega Punk's words, his fear of Kaido has reached the peak in history, and he can hardly wait to kill him.


Vegapunk was a little gloat about misfortune.

"He has no weaknesses, his body can automatically absorb substances that are harmful to him, and then quickly adapt to any environment!"

"And he can continue to evolve. Now, I am afraid that all the top powerhouses in the world will not be able to kill him!"

"Okay, Vegapunk, aren't you busy? Go about your business!"

Said coldly, the bearded Wu Laoxing hung up the phone directly, his face was gloomy and ugly, and he sat there speechless with the other Wu Laoxing, his expression extremely fearful.

ps: This is to explain the origin of Kaido! .

Chapter 8 G[-] branch, [-] meters high

At night, the brilliance of the full moon fell, and the gentle wind blew ripples on the calm sea.


A sharp eagle sounded, and a huge shadow quickly passed through the sky tens of thousands of meters high, galloping towards the G8 branch of the navy, and the speed was shocking.

"The G8 branch of the navy, the collapse of this branch must be enough to make the navy heartache!"

Kaido sat on the back of a huge eagle, looking at the dark sea in the distance, and said with a sneer.

The navy's bounty this time undoubtedly angered him. Although he didn't say it clearly, he called himself a "hundred beast", and the navy headquarters still used the title of "war king", which was obviously contempt for him and for Kaido. It is undoubtedly a face-to-face provocation, how could it not fight back.

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