"Fortress g8, let your disappearance be regarded as my warning to the navy!"

The faint words flowed "four nines seven" in the air, Kaido's eyes were extremely sharp, staring at the huge fortress that loomed thousands of meters away!

One of the naval divisions, g8 fortress!

In the distance, a huge fortress is located on the sea, brightly lit, and the patrol lights are patrolling the surrounding sea. Huge warships are docked at the port, and teams of navies are patrolling from time to time, and the security is extremely strict.

"G8 Fortress!"

At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, goshawks flew around, and the terrifying gust of wind raged mercilessly. The terrifying gust of wind that was enough to blow the two of them easily had no effect on Kaido. His long black hair fluttered, Kaido was cold. Looking down at this huge naval fortress coldly, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he jumped and jumped straight down.


On the way to the fall, Kaido's body swelled wildly, and it turned into a prototype in an instant, and a violent wind whistled past his ears, blowing Kaido's hair.

Passing through the layers of dark clouds, the huge body was violently rubbing against the atmosphere, making a violent sound, with an impact strong enough to tear ordinary people apart, Kaido's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the fortress that was already in front of him, and then crashed into the port.


The incomparably huge vibration resounded through the entire fortress in an instant, and the majestic air waves swept out, shaking several warships in the port violently, the waves surging, and the entire fortress shook in an instant.

"Wow ah ah ah!!"

"what's up!!"

"What's the matter with this explosion?!"

A large piece of the navy at the port happened to be affected by the air waves, and dozens of them were lifted up by the majestic air waves in an instant, and several were even lifted into the air, screaming in a panic.


At this moment, a violent and harsh alarm sounded, resounding through the entire fortress.

"Enemy attack!!"

"Someone attacked the fortress, hurry up and gather!!"


Soon, under the sound of the alarm, a large number of navy gathered quickly and set off in the direction of the vibration.

"What's going on? How can there be such a huge vibration!"

Jonathan, the new lieutenant admiral and commander of the naval g8 fortress, was standing in the office at this time, frowning uncomfortably, looking at the port that was shaking violently.

"Want to go have a look?"

Next to him is a beautiful woman with blond hair and a chef's uniform, which is Jonathan's wife Jessica.

"Well, I'm always a little uneasy, I'll go take a look!"

His face was a little ugly, and Jonathan, who was a little uneasy in his heart, said to his wife, and then quickly ran in the direction of the vibration.

"Be careful!"

Behind him, Jessica said worriedly.


Running, Jonathan turned around with a smile, pretending not to care.

"I am a lieutenant general, and this is a g8 fortress with tens of thousands of marines, how could it be dangerous!"


"Quick, quick, surround this place!"

"What's the matter with this huge pothole? What did it come out of?"

"Falled from the sky?"

A large swathe of the navy surrounded the pothole that Kaido had smashed with guns and guns, and they all said in surprise.

"Gulu, this shape looks like a humanoid!"

Suddenly, a navy soldier swallowed, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he said tremblingly.

"How is that possible!! Such a big shape, only the giants have it!"

"And if you want to smash a deep pit of this level, you have to be at an altitude of thousands of meters!"

A group of sailors laughed, not believing the soldier's words at all.

"But, but..."


Just when the sailor wanted to defend himself, a big hand stretched out from the pothole and pressed it directly on the edge, making a vibrating sound.

This hand is really too big. If it is opened, it is not much worse than a sailor, and it looks full of shock.

"what is this?!"

"Strange, strange, monster!!"

In the horrified eyes of the sea soldiers, a huge body like a demon crawled out of the hole, a pair of sharp and ferocious horns, full of tyrannical and cruel eyes, looking at them indifferently, as if being stared at by a peerless beast. In a similar way, all the sea soldiers felt cold all over their bodies, their bodies trembled, and their fears reached the extreme.


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