When the huge body completely appeared, it completely terrified all the marines. It was a monster more than [-] meters high, like a demon, and a pair of tyrannical eyes looked down at the ant-like marines that only reached the calf.

"Ah!! Jumping from a height of tens of thousands of meters is really a novel experience, much more enjoyable than the one in O'Hara!"

Turning his head, Kaido ignored the navy and said to himself.

"It's a pity that I don't feel it at all. It's not as hard as Garp's fist!"

There was a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone, as if he was disgusting.


A hysterical cry sounded, followed by a burst of gunfire, as if opening a Pandora's box, all the navy had to frantically pull the trigger and blast the guns in their hands on the 0.7 monster in front of them without reservation. .

"Bang bang bang... Boom, boom, boom..."

With the violent gunshots and gunshots, countless bullets were vented wildly on Kaido, violent explosions sounded one after another, and a thick white smoke covered Kaido.

"Successful, successful?"

"Should be dead!"

When the ammunition in their hands was used up, the navy, who had calmed down, looked at each other in dismay, looking at Kaido, who had not seen the smoke yet, and said in surprise.

"Are you tickling me?"

The thick smoke dissipated, and what appeared in front of the navy was Kaido, who was unscathed, like a demon, staring at them calmly with tyrannical eyes.

"No, not even a tickling!"

After speaking, Kaido reached out and clenched his fist, and then punched out. .

Chapter 8 Destroy the g[-] branch, the unscrupulous Kaido


As if the sky was torn apart, the terrifying hurricane swept out and swept across thousands of meters. All the navies were crushed to pieces in an instant, and large buildings kept collapsing. mouth.


Kaido roared, the terrifying air wave shattered the earth around him, and then the huge body walked to the side of the warship, lifted the huge warship with one hand, and the terrifying force smashed the ground, making him terrified.

"God, gosh!!!"

"What kind of monster is this!!"

"He even raised the warship with one hand!!!"

A large number of navy officers rushed over from the fortress, as well as many meticulous officers at the lieutenant level one after another, their mouths widened, they stared in stunned eyes, cold sweat broke out, and they were extremely terrified.

I saw that in the shattered port, huge monsters like demons, holding the incomparably huge warship with one hand, and looking down at them indifferently with tyrannical eyes, such a terrifying scene made everyone tremble.


Saying that, Kaido's huge body rushed out, and he used the huge warship side as a weapon, smashing at many navies!


But in an instant, the huge warship with terrifying power smashed down in a straight line, making an earth-shattering loud noise, and the entire navy could not even respond, and was smashed to pieces.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

In the vast and strict g8 fortress, a monster like a demon holding a large warship is ruthlessly raging. Every time it is waved, the terrorist force will smash large buildings and crush a large navy. Large buildings are like pieces of paper. It was easily blown away, and scarlet blood splattered the ground. In just half a minute, the entire g8 fortress was destroyed by half, and the entire navy died.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The monsters trampled, the huge and shattered warships swept across, and the terrifying air waves swept out, severing large buildings in half, and crashing to the ground, shaking the entire naval branch to tremble.

"Kai, Kaido?!!"

Not far away, a figure was staring dumbfounded at the huge figure raging. His body was trembling and his face was extremely horrified. It was the new lieutenant general and commander of the g8 branch - Jonathan!

"Damn, why is he here??"

As a vice-admiral, Jonathan naturally knew how terrifying the monster in front of him was. He couldn't even take down the three of them together, including Cyborg Kong, Karp, and Sengoku, and easily crushed his friend, Sakas. Ji's terrifying monster, if you go up, it is estimated that you will be shot to death!

"You, hurry up and call Marshal Steel Skeleton Kong and tell him the situation here!!"

Jonathan reached out and grabbed beside him, a soldier with a face full of fear, and roared angrily.

"Yes, yes, Lieutenant General Jonathan!"

Although the navy soldier was extremely frightened, he still responded, and then quickly ran to the office.


Reaching out his hand and pulling out the knife at his waist, Jonathan took courage, stared at the huge figure, and roared.

"I'm a Vice Admiral!!"

Roaring, Jonathan rushed out violently, waving the long knife in his hand frantically, slashing out one after another incomparably flaming slashes, piercing the atmosphere, and slashing towards the terrifying figure.

"That, that's Lieutenant General Jonathan!!"

"We are saved!!"

"Lieutenant General Jonathan, please hurry up and defeat this monster!!"

Some sailors who fled wildly under Kaido's ravages saw Jonathan rushing over and shouted in surprise. Now only Jonathan, the lieutenant general of the headquarters, can give them a sense of security.

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